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It's a feeling we always chase - Printable Version

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RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Maea - 03-18-2020

He played with her body, toyed with her breasts and tasted them, one after the other, calloused hands rough yet gentle, firm without being harmful. It felt so good, Maea leaned in to fill his palms with all of them, the tightness in her belly pooling, deepening, heightening the pleasure to a new level.

She was too hot for games now, though. Too senseless to want anything but closeness and contact, to come as near that illusion of perfect unity as she could... it was only a mirage, a hopeless fantasy, but Maea wanted it all the same. To hide from the world in the eyes of another being, to relinquish all control over herself to hands that wanted nothing more than to hold her. And maybe he wasn't that, maybe she wasn't strong enough to hold all of him either, but damn, if this wasn't good enough, close enough.

When he gave her back the control over herself, all Maea did was stretch out to cover him with her body again. Knees inching back, with his length fully sheathed inside her, her small, lithe frame fitted perfectly against his big, sturdy body. Her chin lifted, full lips seeking his mouth to beg for another kiss, her movements resuming that slow, luxurious grinding where all her skin seemed to tingle with electrical impulses, to feel him beneath her. Pleasuring herself with him, and him with her, she was so close to the edge now, teetering, toppling..

[say]"Will you hold me?"[/say] she whispered, a plea that said she craved more than just his body. Something warmer, closer, more intimate than this burning lust. Something only he could give her... because Maea loved him. Him, and no one else.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Sunjata - 03-18-2020

He gives her control again, feeling her knees inch back, her body fitting against his. And he lifts his hands, then, to brush through her hair. Her head tilts back, seeks his lips and he tilts his head down toward her, to capture hers with his own in his own gentle caress. Not quite the heat and power of before, but something softer, something sweeter, more gentle as the kiss breaks and she whispers a plea for his ears, heard loudly with the earring in his ear.

A quiet hum of response, breathlessly given to her, arms trailing from her hair to wrap around her, to hold her close against him – feeling the sweat between both of them stick with the warmth that exudes from their bodies. His hips continue to help with the slow grind she gives, taking the time to explore every bit of her as she pleasures herself with him, pulling him closer to that edge as well – wanting nothing more than to feel her shudder and clench, ignite and burn with him.

He seeks her face, pressing softer kisses to her cheek, to her jaw, to her ear, nipping lightly at the skin there – arms still tight around her and feeling the way she moves with and against his cock in a way that has that string so taut he thinks he might break at any moment. But still, he holds off the best he can, waiting for her in trembling, shuddering tremors.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Maea - 03-18-2020

His arms around her felt like home. The way he kissed her was the color of sunshine, of a river singing sweet lullabies as water soothed the stinging burn on too-pale shoulders. For a moment she caught his gaze, and the look in them was the flickering embers of a dying fire, of red light dancing over cavern walls as the scent of sea and sand surrounded her. And somehow it all brought to mind a lot of laughter; together with friends in a tavern full of people, alone spread out on a training room floor, dancing beneath the lights of a midsummer festival.

Sunjata was shuddering beneath her, his muscles taught and clenched, waiting for her, holding back until she got there, until she let herself fall. And her mouth was soft against his, tender and sweet, hungry and generous, happily accepting what he offered, giving what she could back of gentle caresses, her hands soft on his face, on his cheeks and neck as she kept moving, relaxing into the only true home she had left.

He was right, she really shouldn't build a future on him, on anyone but herself... but she had anyway. Foolishly optimistic, recklessly daring to dream of something to live for beyond herself... and maybe it was selfish, but she wanted to keep holding on to that dream. Even if it was only for herself. Only for a moment like this, stolen bliss - a play pretend of peace and happiness in a world of suffering - before he went back to chasing ghosts and goddesses without her.

And it was bliss. As she let herself go, entrusted herself to him, falling, shuddering as she felt the pleasure peak and break over her, as her body tensed and clenched around him and she came. Hard, sweet, safe and warm and wrapped in his arms, rocking against him and urging him to let go, to fall with her with the soft, melodic ring of her voice so close to his ear, breath hot against his neck.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Sunjata - 03-18-2020

He feels her begin to relax, feels the soft tender strokes to his face and neck of those smooth pale hands. And he hums beneath them, shivering and trembling, rocking with her as she rides him further – dragging along him in precise strokes that have him unable to stop the hitches of his breath, arms tight to keep her close as he can, burning with her. Pulling his head back a small amount to watch her move along him, to see the way she stretches out over him and moves close, watching her let go in a series of shudders.

A flood of warmth comes across him, and he feels her tense and clench and he groans against the feeling, rocking with her and picking up a small amount of speed to get her through her rebounding tremors. And he burns, feeling that string slip and break with the soft moans against his ear, an unleashing and an undoing as a small sharp thrust up into her. He breaks then, shattering with her as he came too, rocking with sharp throaty exhales of breath, arms around her pulling her down onto him to take all of him that she could.

He shifts his head then, nose brushing and bumping against her cheek as he searches for her lips, breathing heavily through his nose – trying to get the feeling to last forever. Momentary bliss in a world with so much destruction and heartache, the little bit of reprieve he can get, rocking out their orgasms with one another, something more intimate with the way he holds her close and near.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Maea - 03-19-2020

He shuddered and broke under her, and Maea loved the way his movements sharpened, how his arms tightened, how everything about him just grew that much more intense as pleasure overtook his senses. In the midst of her own release, she felt it keenly. Loved it, relished it, and all the more because of how tenderly he held her, how his mouth searched for hers. Noses touching, something so loving in the way he nuzzled his way to her lips; it made it all that sweeter to rock with him, to close her mouth to his and share this moment with him.

What a fool she was. Did anything really matter beyond this? That he loved her, wanted her, that she loved and wanted him? What did it change, if others came and went through his life when she wasn't around? Everything, nothing... this would stay the same.


Maea kept rocking her hips as long as she had strength left in her, dragging every last bit of pleasure out of him until he was spent, and she was too. Only then did she slow in his arms, growing still, her breath staggered and uneven. But she kissed him again, and again, small, light presses of her lips to his, loving and affectionate. Calming, soothing.

[say]"I love you."[/say] If everything else changed around them, between them... at least that would always remain true. And right now? She wasn't thinking of anything at all. Just lost with him, in the candle-lit room, happy to pretend the night would never end.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Sunjata - 03-19-2020

The minute the feeling fades, the exhaustion begins to settle in – and while he keeps her close, rocking slowly until eventually they both still, his breath still remains shaky and fast. But he spends a few moments, ignoring it in favor for the kisses she gives him, again and again and again – light and soothing and calm. Only then does he break away, reading his head back against the headboard again, horns clinking against the wood with a small thud sound as he looks at her when she speaks.

He takes a few moments to take slow, long inhales to try and recover his breath – offering her a small ghost of a smirk within the softer smile that blossoms along his face. “[say]I love you too.[/say]” He says quietly, hoarsely, only for her to hear – reaching up to brush the hair that’s become wild and tangled, slipping his hands along the top of her head to run his fingers through the silky strands, untangling them the best he can.

And when he’s satisfied, he shifts a small amount, aiming to try and pull her off of him, a soft kiss pressed to her neck – a quiet, unsaid word about getting cleaned up. Already, the absence of her warm body in his arms feels like the snows of Halo in comparison – and so he tries to make it quick before he’s ready to return and blow out the candles on the side of the bed.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Maea - 03-19-2020

More than one person had and would question whether this man truly loved her. Because he left, because he kept looking back, because of the way he kept from looking too far forward. But Maea didn't doubt him. She knew what it cost him every time he said those words, and knew he wouldn't say them if he didn't mean it. And perhaps it wasn't the earthshattering, all devouring kind of love that she felt for him, but she believed that he still loved her with everything he had left to give. Reluctantly, confusedly, uncertainly... Ah, but it was there.

Tired, light-headed and a little sore, she gazed at him, staying still so he could adjust the tangles of her hair to his satisfaction. She savored the feeling of his gentle touch, a small, affectionate smile lingering on her lips. Only when he moved to set her down did she stir, to do as he and clean herself up.

He wouldn't have to be without her for long though. As soon as she was done, Maea slipped back into the bed, blew out her own candles and held her arms out for him, in wordless offer to come sleep on her shoulder. Or just be close. Or whatever he wanted.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Sunjata - 03-19-2020

Once the candles are out, he finds his way back into the blankets, keeping them mostly low for now with the heat of his body still a raging furnace of warmth. It likely would be for awhile, but at least the exhaustion that line his face and body is something that distracts him enough. As do her arms when she outstretches them to him, and he considers it for a moment.

Somehow, it feels almost vulnerable. He was always the one to hold and keep close, to be the shoulder people slept on. And to be given the option to sleep on her own sparks something different within him — his own uncertainty. So he considers it for a moment, deciding on what it is he wants to do. And after? Well, she knows everything about him — the good and the bad. What else was there that he wanted to hide or keep away?

He finds nothing, so he takes the offering she gives — sliding down in the bed a small amount, draping an arm along her rib cage to keep her close to him, resting his head along her shoulder and chest as he ensures that the horns have disappeared once more. The only thing that remains are the fangs. He doesn’t know what to say, his mind hardly thinking of anything aside from the echoes of her and the way his body doesn’t hurt anymore to be laying on his side. And what small miracles those were.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Maea - 03-19-2020

She waited patiently while he pondered her offer. Didn't know why he hesitated, but gave him the time to think and decide for himself what he wanted to do. Maea had no words either, only a sweet, tight ache of deep affection swelling in her chest, and it only grew warmer when he came to her, settling down on her shoulder with an arm around her.

Maea put her arms around him, and nestled her cheek against the top of his head. Her hand brushed along his arm and shoulder with long, soothing strokes, touch gentle and affectionate. Tried to extend all the loving warmth she felt to him, so that he might feel it too, just for tonight. She might not be able to give him anything else, so... at least let her do this. Hold him close. Care for him.

Perhaps for the night, they could pretend it was enough. That none of them needed anything else.

A soft sigh eased contentedly from her, and without really thinking about it, Maea began to hum. A quiet tune, a lullaby that was sweet and soothing, and possibly familiar to him by now. It was often on her lips, especially when she was happy, like now.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Sunjata - 03-19-2020

Her cheek nestles against the top of his head, and he exhales softly while resting his head along her shoulder. He can feel the way her hands trace over his shoulder, along his neck, to his back — goosebumps rising in the surface and spiraling out from where her hand rests. So he holds her tighter, closer together as he can, nestling his head against her skin.

Her lullaby is soft, recognizable, and he smiles faintly against her skin in some amusement toward what she’s doing. “[say]Do you want me asleep so soon?[/say]” He rumbles quietly to her, hoarse voice and filled with exhaustion and a certain softness. But he knows by the tune alone that she’s happy, and somewhere that’s really all he needs to know.

He’s happy too, for the little moment in time he can get for it, these little moments of bliss.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Maea - 03-19-2020

The question drew a smile to her lips, and the song faded off into a hummed smile. He sounded like he was about to drop off at any moment - she hardly had to sing him to sleep. A few moments more of silence would see to that, no doubt. [say]"Not necessarily... but you seemed so tired. You can sleep if you want."[/say]

There would be plenty of time to talk tomorrow. A roof still needed to be mended, breakfast eaten, and perhaps this time he might actually walk her back to the portal, when time came for Maea to leave. Like things were supposed to have been, had they not been drunk and agitated, asking too many questions and answering them too honestly.

But still. She would not say no to spending as many waking moments with him as possible. Whatever fears and anxieties she'd carried earlier this evening, they weree gone now. Driven away for the moment by food and drink, by the heat of his breath on her skin and the comfortable, familiar scent of his hair. She buried her nose deeper into it, sighing contentedly at how tightly he held her.

[say]"Anything you want to talk about?"[/say] she mumbled, drowsy and warm, but not nearly as tired as he was. And curious too, now that he said things like that.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Sunjata - 03-20-2020

He snuggles in closer to her, tilting his head down a small amount and keeping his eyes closed as he listens to her. “[say]Yes but I want to spend some time with you.[/say]” When things were calm, good, fine in comparison. Not the awkward tension of before, the tension of dinner and the curiosity of whether pairing whiskey with it was a good idea or not. At least it was something to lessen the feeling, to make room for this.

He can feel her bury her face into his hair, the way it sticks up randomly from the way she’d raked her hands through it. The thought of what he wants to talk about, mumbled against him has him mulling it over. For a while, it seems like, as it might seem like he’s already fallen asleep. But he dips his head a small amount more against her skin and raises his shoulder in a small half shrug.

“[say]I’m not sure I can think about anything right now.[/say]” He offers with a somewhat small smile, tilting his head up to look at her through lighter steel eyes hazy with exhaustion. “[say]Just you.[/say]” He rumbles, perhaps mumbles, warm and content, shifting a small amount and resting his hand along her side along her ribs, thumb stroking idly.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Maea - 03-20-2020

Her laughter was soft and warm, a breathless hum of amusement. Frankly, this was adorable. He was so tired, and yet almost clingy, and Maea absolutely did not mind it at all. She had never been the mothering type, or very dominant in her ways - as far as she knew - but there was something different about holding her lover like this. Like she was finally allowed to take care of him a bit, for once, when it so often was the other way around.

Reaching up a hand, she combed her fingers through his mussed curls, brushing it away from his face. When he tilted his head up to look at her, Maea leaned in and pressed her lips to his forehead in a soft kiss. [say]"You can think about me all you want,"[/say] she murmured to him, teasing and sounding rather smug about this state he was in. [say]"I'm thinking about you too, so it's all good."[/say] Nice and fair, very evenly distributed. She approved.

Stroking his shoulders and back still, she mulled over the things she'd wanted to talk to him about. Tried to decide whether to bring them up, or wait. Most of them were ordinary things, like times for training, matters of the bar, when he would get to Halo... but one was slightly more pressing than the others. More personal.

[say]"Do you... have any plans to celebrate your birthday?"[/say] she asked him quietly, after a while. Rather reluctant to ask, since she'd wanted to keep her plans a secret... But Melita had been right, asking was probably better than springing an unwanted surprise on him.

RE: It's a feeling we always chase - Sunjata - 03-20-2020

She kisses his forehead lightly, and he leans into the touch a small amount before settling and relaxing a bit more into the crook of her arm. He offers his own quiet hum of a chuckle to leave his lips at her comment, the way she seems like a cat sprawled out and content with the answer she’d received. “[say]Likewise.[/say]” He offers with a small smirk, until she continues to stoke along his shoulders and back, over crescent scars and an additional mark on the side that faces toward her from where Deimos had clawed him, pink and healed but still quite fresh.

Her voice reaches him again and he nestles in, closing his eyes once more when he finds them to heavy to try and keep open, when he can’t quite focus on the world around with the darkness and the scent of her overpowering his senses. “[say]I thought about going to see if Amalia might make me a blackberry pie.[/say]” He muses thoughtfully, drowsily, perhaps something close to what his mother had made for him to celebrate his birthday in secret. “[say]That’s it.[/say]” He doesn’t typically make plans for his birthdays. They hadn’t really been things to celebrate until he’d turned seventeen, and after that year they became pointless again.

He’s never had one of those traditional birthdays, where friends and family get together to celebrate it. Wouldn’t really know what to do with one, too used to just one on ones for it. A clap on the back of ‘congrats, you made it another year some-fucking-how.’