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[se] that's not how tea works - Printable Version

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RE: [se] that's not how tea works - Libbs - 01-31-2020

"Sure!" Libbs nodded, looking to Sascha with a chirpy smile.

"So, how the myth works, is that essentially, the fae believe that the sun can be 'captured' or held in place long enough to make summer last longer. They do this by makin' baskets, and 'capturing' the sun. In a way, I'm capturing the sun, by putting it in my tea you see..?" she offered with a playful wink."And they sing to Safrin who apparently controls the sun. Or tell her stories. Or play games. I ain't worried. There's supposed to be a midnight party at the end of it, but I dunno.." she paused.

"That being said; apparently the really big deal behind it this year is that there was somethin' called a LongNight which really wrecked the place. So the longer the sun stays up, the happier people would be.." she thoughtfully pondered outloud.

RE: [se] that's not how tea works - Sascha - 02-03-2020

Sascha listened to her intrigued as the mere thought of LongNight being delayed was a good thing if you asked him. LongNight had been horrible for everybody involved and for him as well. Being plagued by the blight on top of it as well it hadn't been a very nice time for him. Maybe that was why he had survived? Being to ill to go investigating all the beckoning voices. Would he be so lucky again come LongNight or would he perish like so many others before him? How could he protect himself from it? So many questions to answer so the thought of making the sun last longer sounded like a terrific idea!

[say]"Ah yeas.. LongNight is never a pleasant experience and i feel like the only reason i survived it last time was that i had gotten ill. So the thought of fighting the LongNight makes me happy. So many people lost their lives last year so if there is even the smallest chance of fighting back i would do it without doubt!"[/say] He stated as they left the boundried of the town and headed in towards the forest area.

RE: [se] that's not how tea works - Libbs - 02-03-2020

"Wait, people DIED!?" Libbs paused.

"Like, how? Did it get too cold? Did a tornado hit? How did people die during LongNight?!" Libbs exclaimed, stopping and turning to face Sascha.

For you see, no one had actually told her about the horrors that the poor settlement had experienced before. She had heard of Fiat Lux. She had not heard about some horrible time of the year that was responsible for killing people! The notion set a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

This actually had her stand still in the forest, looking Sascha with a deeply concerned look, her brows furrowed, frowns curling at her cheeks. This felt like some useful information someone should have told her. Perhaps it would make sense then why everyone was so damn sad.

RE: [se] that's not how tea works - Sascha - 02-06-2020

Sascha wasn't aware that Libbs didn't know about the horrors of LongNight which made him feel incredibly guilty from accidentally breaking it to hear in such a way. She really didn't know? Ngh he suddenly felt like a horrible human being and made a mental note to try and be more careful from now on. He looked saddened over how he had acted and stopped in his steps to look at his new friend. How would he explain it to her? Was it best just to be as honest as he could? Yes that was indeed the way to go even though it might hurt her.. She needed to be prepared after all.

He took a soft hold of her wrist to walk over to a fallen tree and sit them down there, looking a bit sadly at her. The gathering could wait til this all was explained. [say]"Well.. it's no good way of saying it so i'm just going to say it. At LongNight you will be locked away in groups to try and keep as safe as possible.. You see during LongNight real monsters emerge and does whatever they can to lure you towards them which lead to them killing you. And trust me; they can be very crafty. Making them sound like a family member, a friend or things like it either calling for help, sobbing or whatever else they can think about to get you. And many fall for their attempts since it seams like they have no boundries.. And well.. that is the reason to so many perishing each LongNight.."[/say]