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make them hear you - Printable Version

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RE: make them hear you - Wessex - 05-01-2020

Wessex offers a thin smile at being called unreasonable, feeling both pleased and superior about the adjective.[say] “Perhaps it’s because you still haven’t actually articulated how we’re a ‘potential’ threat.”[/say] The Wraith knows very well what Morgan’s actual problem is, but the Captain is either going to need to say it, or walk away without providing a solid ‘reason.’

[say] “We aren’t being violent, we don’t take from your food stores - if anything, I’ve fed half a dozen families. We don’t have a heavy presence here, and we aren’t converting. So what exactly is the problem?”[/say] Crossing her arms over her chest, the demigod looks down at Morgan with a mild expression. Everything the woman has thrown at her has been hearsay. When will she deliver something of substance?

RE: make them hear you - Morgan - 05-02-2020

[say]"It seems that you don't know what the word potential means. You may well not be a threat, but I have been in my line of work long enough to know how to be suspicious. I need to interrogate all aspects of this before I can assess it to be harmless. Your defensive reaction to all of this is not helping the cause."[/say] Wessex almost seemed to be over-compensating to Morgan, clearly wasn't willing to delve into the harder questions surrounding her Goddess or 'family'.

Sighing, she pinched the bridge of her nose as she lowered her head. [say]"This conversation is going nowhere, so I think it would be best to end it here."[/say]

RE: make them hear you - Wessex - 05-03-2020

[say] “First you call us a cult, then you say that we’re a threat - or a potential threat, which was some nice backpedaling once you couldn’t articulate any specifics. Everything you offer is hearsay and accusations requiring defense, rather than asking for an explanation. But my answers - or any Ascended’s were never going to convince you anyway, were they?”[/say] She chuckles dryly, because it had been more than a little obvious that Morgan had already made up her mind. She tilts her head with a sad sort of smile. It was a pity the conversation had gone this way - almost.

[say] “On the contrary. I learned a lot, Captain. See you in Whitebrim.”[/say] And with a little finger wave to the other woman, Wessex disappears.
