Court of the Fallen
[Training] I still remember the sun, always warm on my back - Printable Version

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RE: I still remember the sun, always warm on my back - Chulane - 08-15-2020

The leopard was frustrated - at himself, and he held the emotion close, not letting it seep into the bond. The leopard wanted to keep hunting, to keep searching, refusing to admit defeat. It was the human who recognised a hopeless cause, who knew when to stop pouring energy into a hopeless cause. The sheep's scent was everywhere, her tracks annoyingly subtle and misleading, and she was successfully quiet enough to escape his hearing too. And while her face and legs were black, shadows and snow allowed her to blend in well to the terrain.

The frustration abated when the laughing note pierced the bond, his own amusement rising as he spun on the spot to look towards where she was indeed hiding. He was proud of her, even if he was frustrated at his own skills this round. [say]'Well done,'[/say] he purred as his friend bounded up to him, leaning into the headbutt she offered with his own boxy head, an affectionate gesture akin to a pat on the back.

[say]'We probably shouldn't push our luck with the weather,'[/say] he looked to the skies above, the sparse cloud cover and otherwise bright blues promising deceivingly calm and mild weather. But Flowerbirth was a season of change, and while the nice days were more common than the stormy days, the weather was prone to shift between the two on its whim. [say]'Come on,'[/say] he tilted his head in the direction that would get them home. [say]'I'll walk with you.'[/say] As much as he liked to take wing, to fly, he also wanted to spend more time with his friend - and besides, if needed, he could shift and take flight easily anyway.


Fin <33