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[PQ] sledgehammer fun time - Printable Version

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RE: sledgehammer fun time - Cameron - 08-26-2021

[say]"Aaaa -- "[/say] Cam's cry was cut off as they hit the ground, knocking the wind out of them. It took them a moment to recover and respond. [say]"Well, shit. That was ... I'm OK, actually."[/say]

They were a bit beat up, sure, but they didn't feel any pain, so they didn't really mind the damage. Except that the scratches were oozing a bit of pearly fluid. Poking at one -- illogically surprised to find that it still didn't hurt even when they did -- they said, [say]"Well, I might need some Band-Aids. But that's about it."[/say]

Picking themself up, Cam looked around for the jobs that needed doing. Was there something they could accomplish without climbing up to the rotted flooring above? [say]"I'll do some more chiseling down here."[/say]

Cam recovers from their fall (mostly), and will stay downstairs to finish off chiseling the walls apart.

RE: sledgehammer fun time - Wessex - 08-30-2021

It seems like the fall hasn’t hurt Cameron too much, so with their confirmation that they’re okay, Wessex watches from above while they pick themselves up and starts again on the walls below. She shrugs.[say] “Okay - wait, what are Band-Aids?”[/say] She’d be happy to get some, if only she knew what they were.

Varus is successful, mostly in part to his ability to withstand the stings of the wasps, who aren’t so thrilled at being moved, even as gentle as he is. Most of them swarm out and around the metal parts, though a few do dare to venture higher, where their stingers find purchase in flesh, but it is to no avail. He’s more or less impervious to the stings (though Isla might have something to say about the welts later).

With a savage couple of kicks, Wessex removes the last of the remaining second story walls. Between what they’d gathered here and the debris rubble from earlier, they should have enough to rebuild the Barracks. Only the wooden beams for the roof and bits for her office and room remain, and those she could collect on her own.

[say] “Alright,”[/say] she says finally, calling out to Varus and Cam.[say] “Let’s just load this last bit up and then I think we can call it a night.”[/say]

And then it's only the building of the think to do... later if they both survive the KQ.
