Court of the Fallen
[PQ] [SE] don't die or whatever, part one - Printable Version

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RE: [SE] don't die or whatever, part one - Maeve - 06-07-2022

Maeve isn't bossy. Anyone who says otherwise is just plain wrong. She's a leader and she knows how to building things. The Nightshade has put together plans for her fair share of buildings. Many of which were much more complicated than this. Her jaw feathers, but she keeps from snapping in response, even managing a slight smile at his joke. [say]"We do have singing stones, though. Just not in the jungle."[/say] They were in various places around Caido, but the Oerwoud wasn't one of them.

Following Darkeye's lead, Maeve gathers straw to place between the walls as he slowly begins to build them up, at least agreeing with him on this.

Maeve helps with the walls!

RE: [SE] don't die or whatever, part one - Chaele - 06-13-2022

The bird’s head tilts a few times at Remi, one eye and then the other examining him with careful contempt. But the last of its quick movements is a dip of the beak that resembles a bow, after which it flutters off and leaves him to his excavation. It seems the ants have favored the head, which is still salvageable unless he does decide to leave it; the iconic wings are all but untouched, and likely the best part to put on display anyway. A flock of treeflits bickers in the distance, tempting him to explore further, though it might also be a good idea to turn back.

Back at the camp, Darkeye and Maeve make quick work of the insulated walls. Chaele abandons any notion of building them out of wood, instead making sure that a wooden shelf table is secured inside and that there is room for a wooden door and window. (Lacking glass, the window will simply be a wooden board that can be opened and closed like a door.) [say] “We will now need one of you to put the bed together, and the other to help me with the roof,”[/say] Chaele suggests, already putting together a sloped frame on which to tie the straw.

Zamara finds the opening to the Undergrove soon enough, a sliver of shadow that might be easy to fall into if it were not marked carefully. Nearby, she notices a bush of brightly colored flowers and berries that she might recognize as blushberries. Stopping to pick some might be a bit precarious because they are so close to the descent, but they might be worth the delay to bring back another specimen for the display.

RE: [SE] don't die or whatever, part one - Darkeye - 06-13-2022

I think I will help you with the roof. He needed distance from Maeve, he didn't know how to deal with this woman. On the roof, he could do his work and concentrate on himself. He grabbed his tools and grabbed a couple of crossbeams to set. After that he would cover the whole thing with straw and earth as well as moss, it would be a good issalation. It should also be stable enough that no rain could get through. As well as the foliage falling on it should be able to withstand it. He set to work with a hum and showed Chaele what he had in mind. Everything had already been done on paper.


Darkeye would start on the roof.

RE: [SE] don't die or whatever, part one - Zamara - 06-15-2022

The day was pleasant enough for a slow pace, so Zamara takes her time. She makes small steps that allow for her to swivel her head this way and that and smiles a cheery smile at most of what she sees. Occasionally she stops to stoop and scoop up anything she finds interesting be it flowers, herbs, or anything in between.

After fixating the final stickman to the tree and ensuring that it was pointing in the correct direction, the young dancer spots blushberries out of the corner of her eye. Recalling Chaele's lessons upon them, she decides to take the opportunity and make use of her natural agility to try and reach for the things from a place of safety.


Zamara finishes placing stickmen and attempts to harvest the blushberries.

RE: [SE] don't die or whatever, part one - Remi - 06-15-2022

Pinning the bird with a stare until it decides how it would like the encounter to go, Remi exhales his approval as the creature opts to leave with its life. Using his claws which are by far his most dexterous and careful cutting tools, the alchemist extracts the wings of the dead bird trying to keep the remaining muscle fibres and tissues intact that the appendages might be displayed as one piece rather than two.

Having a soft spot for skulls, Remi first blows and then shifts his fingers into feathers to try and brush away the ants who are determinately cleaning the last scraps of meat from bone.

Remi removes the wings and grabs the skull as well!

RE: [SE] don't die or whatever, part one - Maeve - 06-17-2022

With that task done and the next doled out, Maeve is too happy to shift her attention and work by herself, leaving the other two to the roof. Building a bed wasn't the same as a crib. In some ways it was easier. Not as many parts, but Maeve still takes her time to sketch it out. She examines the pieces and finally makes a move to start putting it together. As always, she starts with the frame, slotting the pieces into place and then securing them with a hammer and nails.

Once the frame is done and everything is in place, Maeve fills the mattress with straw and whatever else creates a soft surface, taking the time to make it with one of the blankets that she brought too.

Maeve builds the bed.