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[SE] if god's the game that you're playing - Printable Version

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RE: [SE] if god's the game that you're playing - Sohalia - 04-18-2023

Unfortunately for Soh's curiosity, it seemed that Melita was not a storyteller - or perhaps she just didn't want to tell Soh. Either way, the young woman had to swallow her disappointment and simply imagine what had happened. The only problem was, she was not a particularly violence-minded individual, and conjuring anything other than a pile of bones tossed to the winds was a bit beyond her reach at present. With a mental shrug, she let it go. It wasn't really that important, after all, although the young woman did have to wonder if there were more bone monsters there. Maybe she really should skip over visiting such a place.

But Melita was describing her favorite places, and Soh listened with interest as the other woman rattled off a list. She was unfamiliar with Torchline, having only made a brief stop there on her way to the Oerwoud. Of course, she wanted to see more of the warm and beachy area, but she'd wanted to see the Oerwoud first. Perhaps she would travel to Torchline after the Flowerbirth Ball was over. [say]"I'll have to keep those places in mind,"[/say] she mused, vaguely disappointed that they hadn't any favorite places in common. Of course, Soh hadn't been to nearly as many as it sounded like Melita had. [say]"I think my favorite so far was the Leap of Faith."[/say] The Mistbanks at their foot, however, she could do without.

RE: [SE] if god's the game that you're playing - Melita - 04-19-2023

Mulling the notions over, Melita recalled the way of the falls, the mist and fog rising towards visages and facades, clifftops to meander and wander, until the dampened and soused rocks were too risky for even her frolicking. [say]“Oh yeah, that place is nice.”[/say] And though she’d never launched or jumped down into the depths below the water’s rampage, it always seemed tempting. [say]“There are some areas I haven’t been to at all, like the Draig.”[/say] She wrinkled her nose at the notions, but based on the stories of a world surrounded and crawling with life-size dragons (Sila was enough, thanks) eager and ready to maul, she was all set. [say]“There’s some parts of the Climb that are interesting too, like the hot springs called Frey’s Breath.”[/say] Sidling her bag higher on her shoulder, she tilted her head vaguely, lost in thought. [say]“The water saved a bunch of people when a sickness came through.”[/say]

RE: [SE] if god's the game that you're playing - Sohalia - 04-20-2023

Sohalia remembered what it had been like to leap from the top of the falls and smiled at the memory. She suddenly felt that she understood Melita's lack of storytelling; there were some stories that simply could not be described. As the young woman thought of the wind in her hair and the mist of the falls on her face as she simply let go and fell - well, there was simply nothing else like it.

As Melita talked, Soh took a step closer to the little shrine, removing her jeweled pin from her bag. She knelt before the pedestal. [say]"It sounds like you've been to a lot of places,"[/say] she said over her shoulder, her tone a little envious. She placed the pin on the pedestal, trying very hard not to disturb Melita's canteen. She shifted her little pin to and fro, until she was happy with how the light shone on the gems, then stood up, dusting off her skirts. [say]"I hope I get to travel that much, one day."[/say]

RE: [SE] if god's the game that you're playing - Melita - 04-20-2023

More comfortable now as they conversed and chatted, the youth scratched at Sila’s head as the dragon’s nose poked out from behind her hair. [say]“Yeah,”[/say] she murmured, because she had explored a vast amount – usually out of nosiness, curiosity, inquiry, and essential wandering. It’d led her down many different pathways and experiences; some good, some spooky, some life-altering and shaping, others less vivid and strong.

As for the other notions, the Honeybee snorted.[say] “Well, with all the skyports these days, that makes it easier to get to the big lands.”[/say] She didn’t mention the Ark, because Sohalia seemed the type to not be swayed by Jack’s corruption, or she’d be completely wrecked of all innocence. [say]“I haven’t seen a lot of Stormbreak.”[/say] Probably because of the inherent racism, and all the trials, tribulations, her family had meandered through there.

RE: [SE] if god's the game that you're playing - Sohalia - 04-20-2023

Soh eyed the dragon hiding behind Melita with interest, deeply wishing it would come out to say hello. She was a friendly sort, and to be unable to express a greeting or grant affection to a new creature was physically painful for the young woman. But the dragon stayed tangled in its mistress's hair, and Soh's curiosity remained unsated.

Melita mentioned the skyports, and Soh smiled. [say]"They certainly do make it easier to get around,"[/say] she agreed. [say]"And there are always wagons. Plenty of ways for us to travel."[/say] She thought about her own journeys, which had thus far been primarily by air - whether by skyship or by her own wings. She preferred the latter, although the former was easier now that Tal had helped her get over her fear of skyships.

[say]"Oh, I was planning to visit Stormbreak next,"[/say] Soh said, and then, as though it were the most natural thing in the world: [say]"You're welcome to join me, if you'd like!"[/say]

RE: [SE] if god's the game that you're playing - Melita - 04-21-2023

Melita had never traveled by wagon a day in her life, so she blinked owlishly at the thought, then let it slide away, back into the ethers. But as Sohalia permitted the other range of notions to scramble along, the youth still couldn’t help that range of distaste in her mouth at any mention of Stormbreak. While she’d certainly aided in retrieving a relic there, from a cliffside that was actually a giant, movement and moments also highlighted it as an area of ruin for her family – where Nate had met one of his ends, where Sunjata still persisted in trying to save the Ascended…

[say]“Maybe another time,”[/say] she managed, in a tight smile. [say]“The Ark is headed to the Grounds next, so I have to make sure I’m ready for that.”[/say] A worthwhile excuse, maybe, if she gave a fuck about Jack’s opinions, or about the Grounds. She wasn’t sure which memories were worse.

RE: [SE] if god's the game that you're playing - Sohalia - 04-24-2023

Soh was unaware of any uneasiness in the other woman regarding Stormbreak and, having limited experience with the world herself, couldn't have thought of any reason for it, regardless. It was just another area - a large area, to be sure, but just an area - to be explored. She wanted to see all she could see, to learn all that she could learn, and the only way she could think to do that was through experience. So she would go to Stormbreak, and everywhere else she could reach, too, just to see what it was like.

Melita declined her offer, which didn't bother Soh in the least - she simply smiled and nodded. [say]"I understand,"[/say] she said. [say]"Perhaps we'll run into each other elsewhere."[/say] It was possible. Caido was big, but she'd already seen Tal a few times, and she was going to see Lena again soon, and she had an open invitation from Sunjata to visit King's End. And there was always the Flowerbirth Ball. Perhaps she'd run into Melita there.

RE: [SE] if god's the game that you're playing - Melita - 04-24-2023

Some things were more than just areas; but Melita wasn’t going to be the type of person to educate Sohalia on that. There were eaves that were haunting, others that were miserable, and some that simply unfurled a majority to their core – and nothing more than that. So she nodded, hoisting her bag further up her shoulder, along with all her other weaponry. [say]“Sure. I’ll probably see you somewhere else.”[/say]

After all, the Honeybee wandered, sometimes without a purpose at all.

With a ridiculous wave thereafter, she snagged at her companions too, and continued onward, from whence they came. [say]“Good luck on your travels!”[/say] thundered from cupped hands, before they disappeared around a bend altogether.