Court of the Fallen
Solace in Strange Arms - Printable Version

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RE: Solace in Strange Arms - Harper - 09-16-2023

Harper admittedly wonders if Jameson is the man's real name, or if the workers have 'stage names' to say the least, like the sex workers and exotic dancers of Harper's home world. Either way, it's a fitting name - smooth but burning like the alcohol. Balanced comfortably on Sunjata's shoulder until the moment they have privacy once more, Harper hops off in a smooth glide of dark wings and shifts back silently. The nerves must be apparent on his face, because Sunjata's hands return to his person almost immediately. A smart thing really, because it works like a charm given Harper's predisposition to physical contact.

If he's trying to get Harper in the mood, he's unfortunately great at it. Harper can frankly see why the man runs the place, even if he isn't on the 'menu' per se. Though unaware of the magical reason for it, the closeness in the hallway means Harper gets repeated lungfuls of the best mixture of scents he could ever imagine, and though the flush only worsens along his neck and ears the nerves settle bit by bit as Sunjata sets him to rights. [say]"I don't think so. Thank you, Sunjata."[/say] Whether it's the remaining buzz in his blood or his general heart-on-sleeve mentality, the intense sincerity is readily available through the bond as Harper takes in a deep breath to try and banish the lingering nerves.

He has a rather unconventional date to get to.

- Fin!