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Troublesome Reverie - Printable Version

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RE: Troublesome Reverie - Noah - 11-13-2023

Noah let a warm, eye-wrinkling smile take over his face as Talyson talked. Even if the courier didn't like the question, the ask, Noah couldn't help a little fondness for the way he stumbled over working through the situation. It reminded him of his brother in the smallest way, and also of Korbin. Neither of them wanted to disappoint anyone, either, and because of that didn't want to take on too big of responsibilities.

Noah wouldn't push him. While he knew Talyson would protect Halo (because he had done so in the war), he also knew in this moment he couldn't ask him to take a seat at his family table and share the same expectations of loyalty, dedication, and a fierce protectiveness that would pervade them above all else. "Delia would like that. Your sisters make good company."

Lifting his eyes to the alley before them as the same metallic smell hit Noah's nose, the Forsaken cocked his head to the side slightly. Beneath his hair and his hood, his ears shifted internally to the structure of his bear shift, in case there was anything there to pick up on. He answered Tal despite his eyes being on the dark alley. "I am here to better the region." Not a lie, but not all of the information.

Because Talyson didn't sit at the table.

RE: Troublesome Reverie - Talyson - 11-13-2023

He might never know how much Noah had been offering, or how much he chose to keep back, but Tal felt only relief when the Sentinel smiled at him and accepted what he felt like he could do without overpromising or letting anyone down. The courier relaxed a little, nodding in pleasure at the compliment to his annoying, wonderful big sisters. "Yeah, they're pretty all right," he agreed with a grin that held a hint of the teasing dynamics between the four Seawright siblings.

The blood smell was light enough that the dragon was only mildly curious, but when Noah's attention turned there as well the courier followed suit, peering through his Goggles to pierce the inky darkness of the alley.

He had learned the hard way that there was such a thing as wanting too much and too fiercely, and the pain that came of not measuring up. Of losing a seat that he had thought he'd earned at someone else's table. He'd learned not to be so greedy. To be content (or at least, to tell himself that he was) with what kindnesses his heroes would give him in the moment and not to ask for more than that. When Noah answered in a vague, broad stroke the courier took it at face value, not thinking to look deeper. It was enough that he'd been invited to help at all. "Well, a courier station should count for somethin' like that," he opined, though his grin was fading to a concerned scowl as Boreal padded forward and blocked his view. "Hey!" He shifted to pull her back and then froze, nose wrinkling further as he saw the source of the blood.

"Fuck, that's big." The ROUS had clearly lost the fight for its life, but whatever had killed it hadn't stuck around to meet the pair now standing at the alley's entrance.

RE: Troublesome Reverie - Noah - 11-13-2023

Noah didn't have the ability of Talyson's goggles, but he could illuminate the area in his own way. From his side, Noah's spirit stag formed and stalked slowly forward. It's body, created of pure sunlight and celestial energy, lit the alley with brilliant light. Tal's acknowledgement of the creature's size made Noah's brows lift. "We should head back up to the ground level." the hunter said simply.

Whatever killed the very large rat was even larger.

Turning, Noah waved for Boreal and Tal to come with him. He headed back towards where they had come. Remembering the grumpy shop keeper, however, Noah ducked around a different turn until they came to a narrow stairway that would lead them out of The Last Whisper.

"Do you need me to help gather or secure any materials for your project?" Noah asked conversationally as they made their way.

RE: Troublesome Reverie - Talyson - 11-14-2023

The Last Whisper hadn't exactly felt safe since Tal had squeezed his way down the entrance, but seeing the big, blind rat sent a shudder through the courier and he hurried to pull Boreal away so she didn't get too close to it. "Yeah," he agreed fervently with Noah's suggestion, and was quick to back up and fall in beside the Sentinel.

He didn't know what could have killed the ROUS; the claw marks looked uncannily large for anything in the Grounds, but he didn't know the local fauna very well. The scowl fell back over Tal's face as he contemplated the turn of events and the shiver of unease that ran down his spine.

The offer brought a much-needed distraction and Tal tried to shake off the heeby-jeebies. "Actually... yeah!" He perked up at the thought of everything he needed, but most of all... "While you're walkin' around, could you keep an eye out for a building that'll work? Somethin' near th'skyport, even if it's a bit o' a fixer-upper. A place for storin' packages with room for slingin' my hammock when I need to stay overnight."

RE: Troublesome Reverie - Noah - 11-15-2023

The big, blind rat seemed to have unnerved the courier, prompting a swift retreat with Boreal in tow. He shared in the unease, recognizing that whatever had taken down the creature wasn't to be underestimated. Falling into step alongside Tal as they distanced themselves from the unsettling sight, Noah rolled his shoulders back as they emerged to crisp Deepfrost air.

Noah paused, a thoughtful look crossing his features. "Fixer-upper won't be hard to find around here. I'll keep an eye out for you," he promised. As they navigated the labyrinthine alleys and parted ways, Noah's senses remained alert, both for potential threats and the elusive prospect of a suitable building for Tal's storage needs.