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[SE] petrichor - Printable Version

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RE: [SE] petrichor - Fox - 11-05-2023

[say]"I'm very glad to hear you say that,"[/say] Fox says without any hint of amusement, grinning and accepting his coffee back as Kia goes to fetch it. He's just taken a grateful sip of it when she reaches for his cheek, and Fox melts into the cradle of her fingers as if it's the first time anyone has ever touched him. Their lips meet and he's suddenly warm all over, despite his numb toes and heavy clothes.

[say]"We absolutely do deserve it,"[/say] he agrees, the words murmured sweetly against her lips, and Fox parts from her just enough to lead them back into the cottage. He's able to shed his coat and boots, hanging up the former and standing the latter on a rack to dry, before padding into the kitchen with rain dripping from his dark hair, clothes sodden and muddy even with the extra layer he'd been wearing.

[say]"I'm not going back out today,"[/say] he decides, already fumbling to unbutton his shirt before giving up and peeling it over his head instead.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Kiada - 11-05-2023

She parts from the kiss with a tender smile on her lips, unable to keep her hand from touching him as they slip back into the cottage. She sheds her outer layers just the same as he does, ensuring that the dripping wet coat is hung in a place it could dry off, while also trying to make doubly sure that she slips out of her boots and such to keep from tracking too much mud in. Obviously, some of it is inevitable, as she sees when she comes up behind him into the kitchen.

His shirt sticks to him as he tries to unbutton it, deciding instead to peel it off – something she approaches with to help him unstick it from his skin to get it off. “[say]Why would you?[/say]” She teases him lightly, hands lingering at his sides before withdrawing to herself as she starts to pull at her shirt to unstick it and slip it off herself, struggling with how damp and soaked it is as the streams of water drip down her arms to her chest and the rest of her torso. “[say]Next time we’ll take umbrellas.[/say]” She mutters, muffled from the shirt around her face.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Fox - 11-05-2023

[say]"Nn, thanks,"[/say] Fox says through a grumble as Kiada comes to help him out of his shirt, and soon enough he's just as damp and uncomfortable, but stripped to the waist - so halfway there. And as he turns to see Kiada struggling just as hard, the hunter can't help but scoff out a laugh, reaching forward to assist. [say]"Oh, you know how it is. Maybe there's a mud monster, maybe some other beastie shows up, and I have to head out to fight it."[/say]

Such is the way of a monster hunter.

For now, the only thing he needs to fight is Kia's shirt, and he nods his agreement at her suggestion. [say]"We absolutely will. Hopefully this is the only Flowerbirth where it's like this, though."[/say] And hopefully it fucking stops soon.

Still, once he's freed his fellow Ancient from her clothes (top half, at least), he offers out a hand to lead her up to the shower.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Kiada - 11-05-2023

“[say]Anytime.[/say]” She chirps – meaning it down to the bone. If it meant undressing him more often, she’d be all over it. But as it stands, soon enough she’s stuck in her own mess of clinging, soaking clothes, and visibly relaxes the second that his warm hands help her remove it. “[say]Well, hopefully they don’t show up until tomorrow. I have plans for you.[/say]” She says, half muffled before his help finally allows her to pop her head out of the wet, soaking mess, able to finish her playful tone without being blocked.

Of course, she imagines it ruins the sexiness of it. But it’s fine. “[say]I’ll be happy to not see rain for a long, long time.[/say]” She admits with a soft little grumble, more than happy to entwine her hand with his to let him lead her up to the shower, covering their connected hands with her free one, all in an effort to remain close and touchy.

It only breaks the second they reach the shower and she lets him go so that he can start the shower and she can collect the towels they’ll need after, folding them up to set them on the countertop of the bathroom, she starts to pluck at the rest of her sticking clothes with a soft frown. “[say]Ugh, it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't cling so much.[/say]” She whines.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Fox - 11-06-2023

[say]"Oh?"[/say] It doesn't matter how sexy Kia does or doesn't manage to make it sound - Fox is still blushing as her head pops out of her soaking shirt and they head up to the shower. [say]"At least I can count on you to keep me busy,"[/say] he supposes. [say]"I'll make sure to let everyone know my diary is full for the foreseeable future. You might have to pay me, though."[/say] He vaguely wonders if the payment will be included in her plans for him - only one way to find out.

Starting the shower and unbuttoning his pants, Fox finds it easier to peel himself out of them at least, grinning over his shoulder at her and tilting his head. [say]"Here,"[/say] he says, stepping over and dropping to one knee to help roll down the wet fabric. And as the pale flesh of her thighs and calves is revealed, Fox chases the reveal with the soft press of his lips.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Kiada - 11-06-2023

“[say]Of course you can.[/say]” Kiada chimes with a playful grin now that she’s free of the prison of her wet shirt. She keeps her hand in his, following him up the stairs toward the shower as a chimed laugh leaves her at the mention of payment. “[say]I can think of a few ways.[/say]” But no, she won’t tell him of course. It would ruin the surprise if he knew what to expect.

Either way, Fox starts the shower and Kiada’s retrieving the towels, returning to see just how easily he got his own pants off – a part of her wanting to comment something along the lines of how he’s lucky it didn’t try to become a second skin. But it dies on her tongue as he returns to her, a grin on his handsome face as he knees before her and helps slip the pants off. It clings to her, but he pulls it away as if it’s nothing, replacing the cold wet fabric with the warmth of his lips. There’s a soft sound of surprise that slips from her, her hands immediately diving into his damp dark hair to card through it, a look of clear adoration and approval sparking in her iceberg gaze. “[say]Thank you, Fox.[/say]” She murmurs, flashing him a small smirk that twists on her face.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Fox - 11-11-2023

Humming a note of pleasure as her fingers work through his damp hair, Fox smiles against her inner thigh and glances up with hazel eyes made darker by the size of his pupils. [say]"You're very welcome, Kiada,"[/say] he murmurs, pressing one last kiss against her chilly flesh before rising back to his feet, her pants and underwear successfully removed. Reaching out to check the shower and already feeling better as the heat from it surges through his fingers, he draws her flush against him before stepping under the jet of water.

The steam is already beginning to fill the bathroom, not that Fox notices - his eyes have slipped shut as he leans forward to kiss Kia properly, his arms slipping around her. The hot water brings him to life in more ways than one, firing up his blood and causing his kisses to become more passionate and hungry. [say]"I want you,"[/say] he whispers against her lips, like it's an admission for her ears only.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Kiada - 11-12-2023

The softness of his lips on her cold thighs and the way her name on his tongue drips off with an underlying rumble has her nearly shivering with anticipation. Her fingers thread through his damp hair again, even as he raises after she’s stepped out of the rest of her clothes, has her easily looping her arms around his neck to press her body against his the second after he’s tested the water.

She doesn’t notice the steam either, not as her fingertips smooth down the back of his neck and top of his shoulders as far as she can reach, diving into the kiss as his arms slip around her, letting a gentle little sound escape her as his kisses grow hungrier and passionate. The kiss breaks for him to speak and for her to gasp a breath, pressing her face in against the side of his head to press her lips to his jaw, then to his neck as she drags her nails along his shoulder. His admission does wonders in giving her a shiver down her spine alongside a distinct slickness between her thighs. “[say]Take me.[/say]” She breathes against him, teeth scraping along the skin at his neck, her body pressing even more against him like she's trying to become one with him.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Fox - 11-14-2023

She won't have to try very hard; Fox's body responds in exactly the way one might expect it to, and it's with a sharp inhale of breath that he rocks his hips against her, already hard and with no intention of teasing or prolonging what they both crave. [say]"Gods you're beautiful,"[/say] he whispers, the touch of her lips like fire along his throat, his hands unable to get enough of her curves.

It takes a lot of effort to part from Kiada enough that he might turn her around, pressing kisses along her shoulders and the back of her neck even as he guides her back and against him. One arm slips around her, cupping her breast and squeezing; the other slips between them so he might enter her from behind. As they come together the hunter hisses in a curse that betrays his pleasure, Fox trailing kisses along her jaw.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Kiada - 11-15-2023

It seems they both don’t have to try very hard, between his words and the pressure she can feel from him, she’s more than content to move however he sees fit, once she’s pulled away from laying her claim on his neck, anyway. A soft gasp slips from her lips as she’s turned, as his words vibrate through her again and again, even if he’s only had to say them once. She turns when he guides her, back arching into the kisses pressed along her shoulder and the back of her neck.

One hand snakes up to thread through his hair, tugging as she catches on a small knot, not caring over how loud she is when he plays with her breast and guides himself into her already, slick and waiting. “[say]You feel so good.[/say]” it’s a moan that gasps its way out of her, feeling him start to fill her, hips grinding down against him as if trying to fit him completely, her other hand scrambling for the wall of the shower to give herself a bit more strength to help with the pace he picks, fully wanting nothing more than to have him ravish her.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Fox - 11-17-2023

Fox is getting used to carrying Kiada's trophies with him these days - and a darker part of him might even admit to enjoying them. For now, though, he barely feels the pain against his throat, his mind thoroughly overcome by the touch of her body and the heat pounding down on them from the water cascading above. The grind of her hips drags a breathless gasp from his throat, the hunter gripping her waist as his own body reacts instinctively.

He's not known for his brutishness, but gods if Kiada doesn't bring out the worst in him (in a very, very good way) and the siren song that echoes from her lips is one he wants to prolong with every thrust against her. Both hands come to grip her hips now, fingers greedy and pace hard and fast, and gods if they slip and fall out of the shower it might take him a good few moments to even notice.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Kiada - 11-19-2023

She’d be lying if she said that she didn’t enjoy bringing out the beast from the polite gentleman she met out in the bone bridges. It’s something she relishes in, especially in instances like this where he’s gripping tightly onto her hips, hard enough that she might end up with a few colorful fingerprint bruises left behind. It’s another thing she’s looking forward to.

So much so that as his pace quickens, so too does her breathing and the way she has to brace herself against the wall with her one hand. The other reaches behind her to card through Fox’s hair, gripping tight as he does exactly what she wants him to do with each and every intense thrust, paired with the moaned encouragement that leaves her lips.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Fox - 11-20-2023

Her encouragement isn't necessary but gods if it doesn't make things even better, and Fox hisses in a breath through his teeth as her fingers thread through his wet hair, as her body arches and braces against his efforts. [say]"Fuck,"[/say] he whispers, unable to help himself; the surge of possessive need and the promise of yawning ecstasy make him regrettably late to pleasure Kiada properly, but he does his best to make up for it.

One hand slips around and between her legs to tease against her clit, his head turning to press teeth and tongue to the side of her neck. His fingers roll in time with his hips, and to say that it's a race to the finish would be an understatement. Already Fox can feel his release almost clawing up the back of his throat and plunging deep into the pit of his stomach, and it's not a call he can resist.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Kiada - 11-22-2023

She tries to get as much of him as she can, going so far as her tail having a mind of its own, snaking around his leg to interlock them together as he whispers the curse, as he slips his hand between her legs. It shoots a sensation through her that has her arcing harder against him, another sharp moan slipping from her lips, fingers in his hair tightening and tugging with each snap of Fox’s hips.

“[say]Gods, Fox,[/say]” comes the encouragement, and he won’t have to worry about finishing too soon with the actions he’s taking, her body tensing around him as she gasps for a wet breath, hair soaked to her chest and neck now. And a few seconds after, she’s breaking, legs trembling, squirming ever enough to ride out the waves of her orgasm, turning her head over her shoulder to capture his lips in a long, greedy kiss.