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[PQ+] [SE] it stops eventually - Printable Version

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RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Kiada - 11-06-2023

The second that the sand bags are all placed, Kiada follows Danta’s train of thought and absolutely huddles under an awning to keep from getting too soaked – almost groaning a sound of content at the fact the next stage would be inside. Anything to get away from this mess of weather. She remains silent, however, as the tasks are laid out, and when they break to get started Kiada immediately heads to the merchant stall to grab the herbs, bandages, and other first aid supplies – returning with a few pieces of burlap from one of the other merchants stalls.

She sets to work, making little first aid kits by dividing up the supplies evenly and slipping them into the burlap that she ties off with strings of twine, and before long she’s got a variety to be placed just in case anyone arrived needing a pack.

Kiada grabs the herbs, bandages, and other first aid supplies and also grabs some twine and burlap to separate it all out in official med kits!

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Ophelia - 11-06-2023

Beaming at Kiada, grateful for the help (and the much stronger arms) the work goes by surprisingly quickly until all the sandbags have been offloaded and placed. Putting the broom and the shovels the others had used into the wheelbarrow and setting it aside, Ophelia flicks a long strand of damp pale hair out of their face and happily steps out of the rain to Danta's side. It's getting a little too chilly for their tastes.

Luckily this next part only involves trips in and out from the much warmer depths of the Temple. Ophelia ferries the clothes and blankets, trying to keep them as protected from the rain as possible by stuffing them into their raincoat - and incidentally looking like a bulbous, waddling shade of highlighter yellow in the process.

- - -

Phi stuffs the clothes and blankets under their raincoat to ferry inside!

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Noah - 11-06-2023

Whether it was his experience in working than less than ideal weather conditions, his determination to work hard and fast to get done quickly, or his demigod strength that kept Noah moving at the pace he was going would be hard to place. The rain soaked him through, though, as they finished placing the sandbags. So he was as thankful as the Ancients to transition to more sheltered work for the time being. Slipping off his wet outermost layer, he made a mental note to ask Frey if his jacket could be upgraded to help keep him comfortable in more types of weather.

Inside and ready, Noah took the heaviest lifting. The boxes of food and tinned goods were rivaling the sandbags with their weight, but were harder to move because of their size and shape. Noah couldn’t take as many as he could the sandbags, but he worked diligently nonetheless to get the supplies to their proper place for distribution.

Noah brings the last of the supplies to where they need to be.

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Dantalion - 11-06-2023

They're a well-oiled machine, if such a thing existed within the Hollowed Grounds any more. As the supplies are ferried in, Danta designates an area of the large Temple space to the shelter. Volunteers along with a few medics from the infirmary help to set up makeshift beds with the blankets provided from Ophelia's genuis, Kiada's medical kits are placed in a visible, easily accessed space, and Noah's crates are taken to one wall to be stacked and sorted appropriately.

Once done, the group is given a reprieve before the firebowl Danta set up for Dygra, able to dry their clothes, warm their hands, and enjoy some sweet, hot tea. Soon enough, though, it's time to head back out.

And uh, they're not alone when they emerge.

[say]"Holy fuck,"[/say] Danta blurts no sooner is he out of the Temple, his eyes widening. Ambling(?) through the Inner Quarter between the stalls and buildings, a hulking log seems to be making its way towards them. It's not a log, of course. It's an alLOGator, likely drawn deeper into the region by the weather. Best deal with it!

Oop, an allogator has interrupted proceedings! WHAT WILL YOU DO?

No post order!

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Noah - 11-07-2023

After moving all of the supplies to where they needed to be, the team and the other helpful citizens took their time warming and drying themselves. Noah didn't spend any longer than he had to near the fire basin than he needed to. Ready to head towards the next task (and avoid Kiada in front of all of these people), Noah followed Danta outside but stopped short at his cursing.

With the rain pouring down and soaking every building, Noah wasn't worried about his spirit stag causing any damage except to the creature that came looking for its next meal. Sending the brilliant stag charging the allogator, Noah opened his arms to keep any of the citizens from going out (but some may have been able to move out before he blocked them). Then, the sunlit stag lowered its head and aimed to charge directly into the allogator and deal a crushing blow of fire and celestial energy.

Noah attacks the allogator using his Spirit Stag.

Magic: Spirit Stag | Can summon the spirit of a mighty stag; an echo of Noah's former shift. This will last for 1 post per thread and appears to be made of pure sunlight. Noah can direct the stag to charge at a target, dealing fire damage and causing disadvantage on their next roll.
Type: Light | Rank: Upgraded

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Kiada - 11-07-2023

Everything goes so smoothly she’s almost waiting for the ball to drop. Nothing happens inside, though, the new kits made and the bedding fixed, and the crates placed throughout the temple. The small break is also appreciated, sipping the warm tea to warm up her bones.

By the time that’s done, though, they’re heading outside and Kiada’s attention immediately spans to the allogator that seems to barrel through the inner quarter. Noah’s quick with the stag, and Kiada’s instincts draw her into shifting immediately into her lial shift, allogator against a volcanic crocodile, she imagines it won’t last too long. So saying, she heads straight for it, jaws open and aiming for its throat.

Kiada shifts to her lial shift and charges toward it hoping to clamp her teeth around its throat.

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Ophelia - 11-08-2023

Ophelia is as slave to their bloodlust as any other Ancient, but as they watch Kiada and Noah leap to the fore, they happily keep their level one ass out of the firing range (I don’t trust you PQ+). Instead they take up Noah’s position of keeping anyone inside where they belong.

[say]“You got this!”[/say] Ophelia cheers happily to their go-getter teammates, giving two thumbs up if any of them turn to look. In the meantime, they squeeze out past Noah and Danta to call out to any of the merchants who might still be out in the road, inconceivable as it might be. [say]“Allogator! Everyone inside!”[/say] Hopefully the cry will take up from the throats of many like a game of banana phone.

- - -

Ophelia happily keeps their level one skin out of the game and keeps civilians inside/calls out warnings to anyone out in or near the street to get inside.

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Dantalion - 11-09-2023

Danta isn't level one and doesn't necessarily need to keep his ass out of proceedings, but with a lial and a spirit stag on the case, he doesn't feel it necessary to get too close either. And so while the others either use magic or shifts to get up close and personal, the Maverick takes to the air in his gore crow shift, surveying the network of pathways below.

As for the allogator, both Noah and Kiada are successful in their attacks, and the reptile really doesn't know what's hit it. Or rather, it absolutely knows what's hit it, and it hates it. Roaring its outrage, it charges the spirit stag, only to find that the creature has promptly disappeared. This, of course, puts it right on course to slam into Noah and the others at the Temple doors.

Luckily, thanks to Ophelia's quick thinking, there are no civilians about to get hurt. But the doors do take quite a battering as a result.

Cawing overhead, Danta circles over a pathway leading away from the Inner Quarter. Whether Noah and Kia decide to lead the thing away or just murder it is entirely up to them.

The allogator is still standing (barely!) Do you decide to end it, or will you lure it away from the Inner Quarter and save its life?

Allogator: 30/100

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Noah - 11-09-2023

The stag hit its mark and Noah’s chest fluttered with the sense of satisfaction he may never stop feeling. It was the same feeling as downing prey on the tundra. The sunlit stag disappeared and then Noah’s eyes widened some as the creature came barreling towards them, despite his and Kiada’s assaults.

Noah jumped to the side as the allogator came in to attack. He didn’t looked around him at all, keeping his focus honed in on the current threat. Ophelia had helped get the other citizens to some safety, so it was here the demigod could stay. Igniting his most powerful magic, a celestial light dome came to existence.

Bringing a (hopefully lethal) dose of damage to the allogator, Noah would also give healing and renewed vigor to those he was working alongside.

Noah uses his Divine Opposition!

Magic: Divine Opposition | Noah summons a celestial shield dome in a 60ft radius. Any allies within the shield receive Mastered Healing, and any enemies are damaged at an Mastered level. May be used 3x per thread with a two post cool down.
Type: Light | Rank: Mastered

Magic: Wise Hunter (FEAT) | Animals roll with disadvantage against Noah.
Type: Light | Rank: Basic

(If Noah kills it will you indicate for leveling? Thxbby.)

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Kiada - 11-11-2023

Honestly, given how both she and Noah had been successful – this poor Allogator certainly looks like even if they did find it within themselves to let the creature live, she imagines that it wouldn’t last too long on its own out there anyway. And what is she, if not a predator with a sudden spark in her blood lust to feel the need to taste the creature, the blood already on her maw as the lial withdraws.

She isn’t in the direct line of fire like Noah and the temple doors are, and luckily Ophelia has gotten any bystanders to safety, so it allows for her to focus all of her attention onto the creature on its last legs. So she sprints, aiming to try and smother the allogator to finish it off.

Kiada launches herself onto the allogator using her fancy lial super-heated body!

Citizenship Ability: The world is new to you, and you to it. During PQ/PQ+/KQs/Drops, you roll with advantage on luck-based rolls and receive an extra name during drops. (In order to use this, make sure to note the ability at the bottom of each post)

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Ophelia - 11-14-2023

Ophelia doesn't necessarily wince at the sound of the battering of the doors, but they do cringe a little at the knowledge they'll definitely have to fix those once the allogator is done. Damn it. That's more than enough reason to let Noah and Kiada kill it in Ophelia's mind.

With few options left to Ophelia, they slam the Temple doors shut and throw their back against them - just to be safe. While unlikely that the allogator will try to target an inanimate, unappetizing object like a door, the rain-free indoors will still be quite prohibited if Ophelia has anything to say about it.

It will also protect them from any radiant damage - or, unbeknownst to Ophelia, healing - that might target them with Noah and Kiada so close at range.

- - -

Phi slams the Temple doors shut and braces their back against them from inside juuuust in case any dumb civilians get bright ideas or the allogator tries to flee.

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Dantalion - 11-14-2023

Ah, murder it is, then. Wondering vaguely what Vi would think about the (comparably) needless loss of life as the allogator goes down, Danta soon forgets all about it as the shield materialises overhead. He hasn't been hurt but he feels better nonetheless, the Maverick swooping down in time to see Kiada launch herself at the (already perished, bless) creature. It does mean they'll have some barbequed allogator to look forward to later, though.

Shifting back into himself and tilting his head - it's unclear if Danta is impressed or troubled or perhaps a little turned on - he clears his throat and gently knocks at the battered Temple doors. [say]"I think we are alright out here now, Ophelia,"[/say] he calls to his fellow Ancient. [say]"Though we may need to do some cleaning up before we can carry on..."[/say]

Welp, the allogator is very dead. Someone needs to haul the carcass away and/or cut it up if you want to use the meat and hide!

Also, the Temple doors are looking worse for wear thanks to the allogator attack. There's some spare planks of wood you can use to bolster the bottom of the doors - a couple of people might want to get on that as well.

No post order!

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Kiada - 11-15-2023

Well, she doesn’t get the satisfaction of killing the poor thing, but she does get another mouthful of blood and that’s almost the same for her. Noah’s shield helps soothe the soreness of her bones and the weariness from all this work, however, and she shifts back into herself enough to start wiping the blood from her mouth and lips, iceberg gaze lifting as Dantalion tells Ophelia and those within the temple that everything should be fine now.

And without there being a staked claim already on the allogator (not like she wouldn’t share anyway), her blood is pumping fast enough in her ears that she’s forced to abandon the bolstering of the Temple doors in favor for slipping out the knife from her boot and dragging the carcass off toward the side so it wasn’t in direct view of everything going on – slicing and skinning the creature before beginning to cut into it to clean and carve out the meat.

Kiada hauls the carcass away and starts cutting/cleaning it up to get the meat and hide prepared!

RE: [SE] it stops eventually - Ophelia - 11-15-2023

The thundering and banging eventually subside, but Phi is a true-blue Grounder, so they stay firmly planted until Danta’s knock and familiar voice come through the battered doors. Now normally this is a no-no, but unless allogators have learned to talk and they have to start worrying about weirder things than messed up space-plants, Ophelia doesn’t have to worry about mimics and monsters.

Opening the doors, Phi looks over the destruction with a little hum. [say]“Unfortunate. How rude of it not to die quietly.”[/say] Their tone is mildly disappointed, and it’s incredibly unclear whether they’re being sarcastic. The moment passes quickly, and Ophelia flounces over to the wood pile to select appropriate materials to begin nailing them to the bottom of one of the doors, heedless of their leggings as they kneel on the muddy Temple floor.

- - -

Phi starts nailing wood to the bottom of one of the doors!