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trust fall - Printable Version

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RE: trust fall - Ronin - 03-18-2024

Quite happy to while away the afternoon with youthful makeout sessions, especially if he can do so from between Remi's thighs, it's with a cheerful smile that Ronin allows his husband to accept his gift. [say]"Oh, you did?"[/say] He raises his eyebrows. [say]"Don't tell me you got me one of these as well while you were with her."[/say] Laughing softly, he watches - and absolutely does not help - as the Lullaby one-handedly folds the cravat and tucks it away as a pocket square.

As for his question, Ronin can only tilt his head warningly at the other man, as if to ask just what he expects the Nova's response to be. [say]"Good enough to eat,"[/say] he says nonetheless, smirking and leaning in to kiss him anew. He knows (groan) that they are liable to receive a slap on the wrist if they get too carried away out here, but equally he's not sure what else people expect him to do.

(Control himself, clearly, but ugh).

RE: trust fall - Remi - 03-18-2024

[say]"Mmm, not quite."[/say] Remi replies with a slight shake of his head. [say]"It was oddly...emotional, I suppose. Though we did talk about the merits of being an asshole for a season or two when life calls for it."[/say] Shrugging boyishly, it's with a rather adoring if not mischievous gaze that he regards the man astride him.

[say]"I think tonight we ought to cook something that merits wearing this sort of accessory."[/say] Because of course for a man like Remi, a cravat would be worn only for a special occasion. [say]"And it will be the only thing I wear."[/say] He adds, reaching down to grab a handful of his husband's ass in a gesture he hopes will add enough friction to have them both rethinking their decision to become proper citizens of Torchline.

RE: trust fall - Ronin - 03-18-2024

[say]"A season or two, huh?"[/say] Ronin grins against Remi's lips, because they know both of them have successfully been assholes for more than a season or two when life has handed them lemons. But, for the sake of his oddly emotional meeting with Maea, the Nova drops the subject. [say]"She seems to be doing well. I think I might have convinced her to host a ball,"[/say] he adds.

And he's about to suggest that Remi wear his cravat to said ball when the Lullaby comes up with a much better suggestion. It's with a sharp inhale of breath and with his body reacting very much as expected to the other man's words that Ronin is forced to remind himself of their location. [say]"Don't,"[/say] he huffs against the curve of Remi's jaw, grinning.

[say]"We are much too far away from the Inner Quarter for you to be making comments like that."[/say]

RE: trust fall - Remi - 03-18-2024

[say]"A ball?"[/say] Though Remi can't quite restrain himself from reaching up to graze Ronin's lower lip with his teeth, at least he makes sure that they haven't grown too terribly sharp. [say]"I cannot say I am surprised."[/say] Ronin always had loved a party and with the world seemingly always on the brink of some sort of disaster, why not?

[say]"What?"[/say] Remi wonders, feigning innocence. [say]"You always love planning out our meals ahead of time."[/say] He adds, and though the joke was one he'd happily carry on, his body was unhappy about the current strain it was being forced to endure for the sake of a bit of teasing.

With a predatory grumble beginning low in his throat and belly, the Lullaby's pupils shivered into a more leonine shape for a moment as his cheeks flushed. [say]"I suppose we had better run, then."[/say] He whispered threateningly, and now as he leaned up, the teeth he pressed against Ronin's jawline were ragged and sharp.

Giving his husband only a moment's headstart before he shifted, it was following Ronin's white-deer butt that Remi raced all the way back to the Inner Quarter.