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overdue for a revival - Printable Version

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RE: overdue for a revival - Remi - 03-19-2024

Pleasure roars through Remi's body, grabbing him both by the base of the spine and around the throat. Every breath brings him closer and closer, and where his lips would normally be shaped by a snarl as he clawed his way toward orgasm, but today, though his lips were parted in a breathless cry, the lines around his eyes and mouth were creased with laughter and joy.

Smothering Ronin's orgasm with the weight of his body, Remi is soon to follow his husband over the precipice. Down (or up?) he seems to fall, devoid of sensation other than pleasure. Quite what the dock workers will make of the houseboat's rocking lasting as long as it did, likely won't bother either of the demigods within. Though if asked, both will testify that they other left them wholly satisfied.

Once the buzzing in his ears and the balls of his feet dims to a manageable level that he's able to think again, Remi sprinkles kisses across Ronin's collarbones as his hips relax slightly. [say]"There is one more thing I forgot to mention."[/say] He whispers sweetly, his voice a touch breathless and shaky despite their godly endurance. [say]"I think I will be able to reach out to Vai and bring her here. Not for long, of course. And..."[/say] A slow, cautiously optimistic and fragile elation sings from Rem's touch.


RE: overdue for a revival - Ronin - 03-19-2024

Feeling the world both expand endlessly outwards and narrow down to the specific shades of green in his husband's eyes, Ronin is content to drift for as long as time will allow. Breathless, his head tilts to rest against Remi's, a mixture of elation and exhaustion dragging his eyes shut. He's prepared to murmur sweet nothings and to try to make sense of all he's been told, relaxing around the other man, but even as the first of several dozen I love yous prepare to leave his lips, the Bastion is speaking again.

[say]"Hm...?"[/say] Brow furrowed softly, he tilts his head to listen to what his husband has to say. And perhaps here is where Mort's endless joy collides somewhat messily with Ronin's bruised and injured soul, because where the news does bring giddy, golden happiness, it's choked in shock.

As if suddenly trapped in a sensory overload, Ronin will have more apologies to make later as he tries to escape from beneath his husband, feeling the breath all but seize in his chest at the sound of their daughter's name. Almost coughing out the sob that's trapped in his throat, the Nova finds himself hunched at the edge of their bed, his head in his hands.

[say]Gods, sorry--[/say] he just about manages, embarrassment slicing through the other tangle of emotions in their bond.

RE: overdue for a revival - Remi - 03-19-2024

Of all the things he'd anticipated, feeling Ronin slither out from beneath him certainly hadn't been on his bingo card. Swallowing and shifting immediately to allow the Nova his freedom, Remi joined him at the edge of their bed. [say]"It is a lot, I know."[/say] He whispers, trickling his fingertips across Ronin's shoulders in lazy loops and whorls of understanding and affection.

No part of what he had to say could have waited until the morning without Remi feeling as though he'd kept something important from his husband. [say]No need to apologize for anything.[/say] He adds silently as he presses a kiss against the jut of Ronin's shoulder. [say]"I am not sure what else I can do, but...I can feel that one."[/say] Remi added, wanting to ward off questions of how do you know or how long can she stay for?

RE: overdue for a revival - Ronin - 03-20-2024

Luckily for Remi, questions of what else and how long are far from the Nova's mind at present. Like a dam breaking, it's as if his husband's reassurances that everything will be alright has finally given him permission to be anything but, and it's with a shuddering breath that Ronin leans into the offered touch like a drowning man reaching for a raft. [say]It is a lot,[/say] he agrees, at least, wiping uselessly at the tears that have refused to fall until now.

[say]I don't know what to say,[/say] he admits, huffing out a soft laugh and raking his hands back through his hair, feeling tension lock up through his shoulders and the back of his neck even as he wants to shower Remi in kisses and wrap them back up in furs until the sun is high in the sky. [say]I'm happy for you, though,[/say] he adds, just in case his less than expected reaction has ruined that point.

RE: overdue for a revival - Remi - 03-20-2024

Dropping to his knees that he might kneel between his husband's thighs, the Bastion reaches up to softly cradle Ronin's head in his hand. Not whipping away the tears but allowing them to fall as they would, Remi gazed as adoringly up into Ronin's face as Mort had into his own only a few hours before. [say]"I wish I had more arms to hold you with."[/say] He says through a smile as his thumbs trace the soft skin beneath Ronin's eyes.

[say]"As an apology for waking you up and bringing you to tears, I will make us breakfast."[/say] Releasing one side of Ronin's face in order to gently walk his fingers up and down the length of his side, Remi pulsed wave after wave of the sort of buoyant reassurance that had once come so easily to him.

[say]"But before that, we could lay back in bed for a while. Or just go stand under the hot water in the shower. Whatever you want, so long as you keep me close."[/say]

RE: overdue for a revival - Ronin - 03-22-2024

Sniffing and letting his hand to come to rest over Remi's, Ronin huffs out a breathless laugh. His smile is a quick and trembling thing, but he appreciates the sentiment nonetheless, and if the Bastion had produced extra arms with which to hold him, he'd have accepted them without question. The offer of breakfast is met with both gratitude and mild suspicion - Remi's Kitchen Adventures are occasionally more daunting than any fight with gods, at least for Ronin - but he'll never stop the other man from trying to do something nice.

[say]"A shower,"[/say] he decides in a rough voice, swiping at his wet cheeks one last time and taking Remi's hands to gently rise to his feet with him. [say]"I don't know that I could go back to sleep."[/say]

And so it's on soft, bare feet that the Nova leads his husband to their bathroom, and beneath a jet of hot water that he stays for longer even than he can say. Long enough that the steam is thick and the world feels warm and other, and there is space to think, to be, to dream of what all this means.