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[se] dare you to wash me away - Printable Version

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RE: [se] dare you to wash me away - Remi - 04-26-2024

Eyes narrowed, Remi rolls his shoulder such that his wings unfurl. They aren't as large as they had been when he'd been a manticore, but they were large enough to carry him in flight and hopefully now large enough to act as a deterrent should the ghost try and come any closer. [say]"I am not sure. I asked Ludo about them before...and it said that they were not of its doing."[/say] Either they had slipped through when it wasn't looking, or they were somehow other. Neither option seemed particularly comforting.

Having assessed the situation as a predator might rather than at all logically, only as Isla mentioned the ghost's state of dress did the Bastion properly look. Looking lost, clearly overdressed for even the coldest Torchline day, and with a sack of something on its back, to guess that it was from (or had once been) Halo seemed right on the money. [say]"Have you seen these before?"[/say] He wondered, glancing at Isla over his shoulder before swiftly returning his stare towards the spirit.

RE: [se] dare you to wash me away - Isla - 04-26-2024

[say]"Oh,"[/say] Isla murmurs, looking a mix of curious and worried about that. [say]"Well, there haven't been any notices popping up on the boards - usually if something happens that is inherently dangerous, we hear about it pretty quick, right..."[/say] And at the moment, all the spirit seems to be doing is looking at them meaningfully and blocking their way.

Glancing over its attire as well before gently shaking her head, the Remedy peeks over Remi's wings at either side of where the apparition has appeared, spotting something wedged and fluttering between two stones. [say]"What's that...?"[/say]

Carefully sidestepping so as not to aggravate the spirit, she pads over and starts to work the object free. [say]"It looks like a ticket, to get on a ship?"[/say] Glancing back at Remi, she raises an eyebrow. [say]"Gods, do you suppose they lost it?"[/say]

RE: [se] dare you to wash me away - Remi - 04-29-2024

Keeping an eye on the spirit as Isla moved from behind him, Remi glanced quickly at what she was reaching for before his gaze snapped back. Feeling overprotective of the Remedy for oh so many reasons, some more justified than others, the Bastion eyed the spirit more closely as she mentioned that perhaps it had been trying to board a ship.

[say]"That would explain the clothes and the bag."[/say] He agreed slowly before raising an eyebrow. [say]"Is that it? Have you lost your ticket? If so, it is right there and the harbour is just—"[/say] Nodding his head over the ghost's shoulder to indicate back that way, down the incline. [say]"Torchline has...well, the landscaped has changed a little since you were here last, I suppose."[/say]

RE: [se] dare you to wash me away - Isla - 04-29-2024

Stepping back over to stand at Remi's side, Isla gazes down at the battered ticket before tentatively holding it out to the spirit. She has no idea if it can touch or interact with the world in any kind of meaningful way, but it does reach out for the item in return. No sooner does it touch the ticket when both it and the spirit seem to dissolve away completely, a rush of something whisking off down towards the harbour. And... well. Fuck, that's that, she supposes.

[say]"You know,"[/say] Isla says mildly, smirking over her shoulder at Remi before slowly returning to the cart, [say]"I think I'd have been a half decent Ludo follower, if that's what it takes to put ghosts to rest."[/say] Giving him a gentle nudge - because she knows it absolutely takes more than what they've just done - Isla nonetheless takes up the cart handle to pull it the rest of the distance towards her clinic.

[say]"Can I interest you in some tea, when we get back?"[/say]

RE: [se] dare you to wash me away - Remi - 04-29-2024

Not knowing what to expect, as Isla reaches out for the spirit, Remi bristles ever so slightly at her side. That he's been neutered in certain ways doesn't change much when it comes to certain potential threats and how he approaches them, and though he could give his last breath to keep Isla safe (literally), that didn't mean he wouldn't still want to shield her before getting to that point should the moment call for it.

[say]"Oh. Huh."[/say] Blinking at the space once occupied by the spirit, Remi found himself chuckling as he reached for the cart handle. [say]"I think I must have been doing it wrong this whole time."[/say] He muttered before letting her take the handle instead.

[say]"Absolutely you can."[/say] Remi instantly agrees, not knowing that maybe she means more than actual tea, and instead is going to spill the beans about Everest.