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life sucks, let's dance - Printable Version

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RE: life sucks, let's dance - Aurelia - 01-25-2021

[say]"It's a little weird,"[/say] she smirked, letting out a small breath of laughter herself.

Aurelia was taken aback by Ray's understanding tones and... well, the fact that she understood it so readily in spite of the fact that she was from a world where that was all fine. Well, depending on who you ask, at least. But in her world, there was no question. Everyone had to obey the laws, or they'd...

She gulped because she knew firsthand the kind of punishments enacted on those who used magic. She knew because she was the one to bring the blade down upon their yielding throats.

Distractedly, she looked back up at Ray and nodded shortly, bringing herself away from images of spilt blood and body counts.

[say]"Yeah, it's hard..."[/say] her voice was hoarse with the admittance. She shrugged and offered a small, forced smile to reassure that she was fine, [say]"I'm just trying to take it day by day, you know? Everything about ending up here has been one giant adjustment. I mean, there's the culture shock, first of all. My people lived underground, believe it or not,"[/say] she let out a tense chuckle, trying to relax. By now, you couldn't tell. Her skin was sunkissed, she thrived on the sandy beaches and ocean waves. She took another sip of her drink and added, [say]"I like to think I'm adaptable, though. And, I kind of like it here."[/say]

[say]"Have you always lived in Torchline?"[/say] She nodded towards Ray curiously, eager to get the focus off of herself and her strange, dark origins.

RE: life sucks, let's dance - Ray - 02-22-2021

Ray's eyes widened with wonder as Aurelia spoke. "Underground? That's incredible and honesty really hard to picture. Though I bet it makes Caido even more of a culture shock then it would have been otherwise." Ray couldn't even begin to picture how such a lifestyle would even work. How were resources acquired? Food? How did they deal with vitamin D deficiency?

At the mention of her own life, Ray grinned. "Yup. Born and raised in Torchline. Probably explains a lot." She said with a playful grin. "But yes, my mom ran her shop and my dad ran his network. When they passed, I inherited both."

RE: life sucks, let's dance - Aurelia - 02-23-2021

Aurelia nodded with a slightly amused look on her face. [say]"Yeah, it's a lot different - and it wasn't always that way, but I wasn't there to see it before. I do like this lifestyle better, though"[/say] she added conversationally. Being able to live entirely above the surface felt more freeing than expected, especially when you take away the harsh conditions and hyper-aggressive wildlife.

Her smile turned into a speculative smirk at the 'explains a lot' bit. She shrugged, not quite disagreeing. The kinds of people she's ran into in Torchline vary a lot, actually, from her perspective. Though she did have to admit that a lot of them had a certain... edge. Secrets, smuggling, stealing, things of that nature embedded in the people who lived here.

Ray and Aurelia will probably go on into the night discussing the differences of their childhoods, and Aurelia is more than happy to answer questions about her home world.
