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[SE] incendiary and full of light - Printable Version

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RE: [SE] incendiary and full of light - Deimos - 02-27-2023

He gave an involuntary shudder at the thoughts of hearing the books aloud, or Belial, who lacked sense anyway, to be corrupted in such a manner. [say]“Disturbing,”[/say] he gave in a muffled whisper, aiming his attentions and intentions back to the blueprints, waiting for her approval or any alterations needing to be had.

Trading or buying off others to do something he was fully capable of wasn’t in Deimos’ parameters or character, so he snorted at the insinuation. Though he wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t want to be anywhere nearby, should frustrations fetter their way through the motions and movements. But at the other specifications, it was a touch of the beginning, and so he affirmed with a nod. [say]“Good. It is a start.”[/say]

And then they could go from there.

{FIN <3}