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[KQ] What Lies Beneath - Printable Version

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RE: What Lies Beneath - Deimos - 10-13-2019

He watched, waited, and listened, eyes flickering back and forth over Amalia’s form, studying and examining in the interim. She found a room – likely the door behind them, still and silent now, and the pool harbored something, which didn’t surprise him. None of these intervals were innocent or unclaimed; lurking in those eternal fixtures.

The thunder rumbling was enough for him to consider departing as well – he’d been in enough dramatics surrounding cave-ins and buildings threatening to fall around his head to take the ominous plunge for what it was. Agreed, and he extended his wings again, following after, the waterfall not something to be further explored today – a later venture, well after LongNight, perhaps when repose was in place and the intertwining, foreboding crusades weren’t so prevalent. He landed beside Zuriel, shifting once more, patting her head and grabbing hold of the bag. At Amalia’s question though, he lost all semblance of stoicism – a bright smile revealing any and all contentment with their discoveries. “We went into the portal book,” his eyes floated to it now, riveting on the cover for a moment, wondering if they should place the items back on the shelf. “It held a number of crossroads. But the only ones that appeared to us were the Spire, Mathair, and Citadel.” There was an obvious inflection upon the word; new and foreign and something else pressing into the possibilities after LongNight. “It was in the mountains.” Given more time, more opportunity, he might have studied and surveyed, but the pride and exuberance in his voice was likely enough to portray his enthusiasm for a world he thought once lost – drifting only in sleep or hazy memories. “We could not go any further. The book showed us scenes.” His hands darted for the portal tome once more, not opening it this time, hands enclosed and held tight over its covers, aiming to place it back where it belonged.


Deimos shifts back when they hit the ground, relates what they saw to Amalia, and picks the portal book up to put it back on the bookshelf.

RE: What Lies Beneath - Kiada - 10-13-2019

The thunder rumbles and Kiada nods her head in agreement to them as well. She remains in her vulture form, nuzzling a feathered head against Amalia’s muzzle before the qilin makes her way back to the ground, back into her person. Deimos tells her of the Citadel, and her heart feels heavy as she flies down to meet up with them. “[say]The Mathair was surrounded by the Fae. I think something happened there.[/say]” She announces quietly, mulling over her thoughts.

She runs a hand along a braid to get the flyaway pieces out of her face before she looks upon Amalia. “[say]But the Mathair, like the Spire, is a portal. And I think it leads to the Citadel.[/say]” She’s uncertain, but she’s hopeful. They hadn’t gone and seen the spire, but the information seems to make sense to her. Drifting over toward Deimos, she reaches out to squeeze his hand. “[say]It was like home.[/say]” She manages through a sudden tightness to her throat. The mountains, the ice, the snow.

Kiada flies back down with them and tells them of the Mathair.

RE: What Lies Beneath - Jigano - 10-14-2019

Jigano could not turn as he flew, but the flicker of his attention on Deimos’s words passed through the Attuned link. Amalia was choosing where she went. You did not choose. The book took you against your will. I knew that Ama could turn back. I did not know if you had that option.

Frustration and pain twisted in him, but not as sharp as they had once been. Not enough to leak through the Attuned bond, at least. He had known this was coming, and in that expectation he had prepared and braced himself. And what experience do you have with Sentient Books? he asked Kiada, his tone cool, almost cold to counter the heat he felt within. Why did you not stay, and send me after him? Childish? More than he wanted to admit, but Kiada’s lack of trust and faith burned him; she was always so quick to turn, so quick to snap and snarl. With LongNight fast approaching it was a consideration he had not entertained since the blight had left him. Now… maybe it was a good thing they were testing their bonds before the monsters did it for them.

He needed to know where they stood, if he was to risk his life for her and put the safety of his soul in her hands for her quest.

Amalia’s words are vague enough that the raven narrowed his eyes at her, wondering what it was that she didn’t say. He stayed silent then, following the others back to the other side of the pool, changing to his human form once more and letting the others speak as he slung his pack over his shoulder. As they regathered their things he looked around the cavern, frowning thoughtfully.

”I would very much like to come back here… but that would mean leaving first. The tunnel we took caved in behind us, and we passed no other crosstunnels on the way here. We cannot seem to fly up high enough to leave that way so… does anyone have any idea how to get out of here?” He looked around the cavern again, trying to see if any other exit existed than the way they had come.

Jigano collects his things and looks around for an exit other than their tunnel-that-leads-to-a-cave-in behind them.

RE: What Lies Beneath - Court Official - 10-14-2019

There is no exit in the room you're currently in.

RE: What Lies Beneath - Jigano - 10-14-2019

"I don't see a way out in here," the bard admitted at last, a flicker of worry in his eyes. "Perhaps we missed something in the tunnel? If not... we'll be back to shifting rocks again." He glanced to Deimos, a brow raised in remembrance of another time they had once gone digging together. Hours and days of digging, that had been. This, hopefully, would be for a much shorter distance, but the unsteadiness of the tunnel was far from reassuring.

"Well, soonest begun and soonest back again. I'll take my lantern and start looking along the wall opposite the picture-tales if someone wants to take the other side. We can work our way back towards the rockfall and see if we can find a space big enough for Zuriel to squeeze through." For the rest of them, getting their smaller animals shifts through would be easy. The unicorn was going to be the tricky one, but they'd find a way to get her out as well. They were all in this together, even with flaring tempers and frustrations sniping back and forth between them.

Jigano asks for his lantern back and starts working his way back up the tunnel, closely examining the wall opposite from the picture-story for any side tunnels they might have missed in the dim light before.

RE: What Lies Beneath - Court Official - 10-14-2019

Oh, no, no, no. Did you ask to take the books from the library? You didn't, did you. How rude.

As Jigano steps across the threshold from room to tunnel, his bag gives a horrific tearing sound. The two books he'd placed inside—the shark book and the question mark book—spill out.

The shark book rapidly expands, growing teeth along its inner edges and snapping viciously at the air, separating the bard from the rest of the group as it snarls in the doorway. The question mark book? Well it disappears. Or at least appears to.

Reaching out with terrifying speeding, the shark-book snaps at JIgano, its teeth digging into the meaty flesh of his leg.

REMEMBER: KQs are rewarding, but dangerous. This quest may cause death and/or permanent changes to your characters. You can try to escape at anytime. Please try and respond as quickly as possible. Shit posts allowed (and preferred) leave a summary.

Your random initiative order is: Kiada, Amalia, Deimos, Jigano



Shark Book: 450
??? Book: ?

Kiada: 49
Amalia: 234
Deimos: 138
Jigano: 232

RE: What Lies Beneath - Kiada - 10-14-2019

Great. Just great. As Jigano spouts his words, it only ignites more of a fury within her. The Sage does not know what went through the Harpy’s mind when he disappeared. He doesn’t know that in that moment she recalls finding out among mists and shattered glass walls that the Reaper has died. That she had gone to his tomb in winter’s depths, alone — because her brother had been lost as well, and wept. But that’s neither here or there. A conversation for a later date when the Harpy can tell Jigano exactly why she does what she does.

But she lets the conversation/argument fall flat as a tearing sound occurs and the book blocks Jigano’s way. She knows she’s the weakest here and she hisses loudly under her breath, moving toward Amalia to grab the staff, uncertain how exactly to attack this… book? It lurches for Jigano’s leg, and she surges toward it with a partial shift, the hand without the staff covered in fur and claws, and she tries to swipe at its spine.

Kiada grabs Amalia’s staff and with a caracal paw/partial shift tries to swipe at its spine!

RE: What Lies Beneath - Amalia - 10-14-2019

It is obvious that something has occurred between the trio, but Amalia does not have a chance to ask. As Jigano attempts to step beyond the edges of the room the books appear to gain a new level of sentience, snapping out and striking the bard, latching onto his leg.

Immediately, action. Amalia shifts into leopard form as Kiada grabs her staff, leaping toward Jigano with a mental call of [say]Wait![/say] With large paws she attempts to grab the book, claws sheathed to avoid damaging it, Jyoti calling out to anyone who will hear. [say]We won't take you, if you don't want- please. We can put you back.[/say] She will attempt to sit upon it to keep it still, if she can get it off the bard.

Amalia (claws in) shifts to leopard and attempts to grab the book off Jigano and sit on it. She tells it they will leave it here. Jyoti CALLS TO THE WHALE

RE: What Lies Beneath - Deimos - 10-14-2019

The whole nuances of what they found and discovered had lost its way through the underlying tension and snapping chords; he had half a notion to simply wander off and leave them to their bickering altogether, maybe take his chances in the pool if only to make it all cease. He didn’t offer anything else, would have rather tended to the information they’d gathered, or a way to escape from the current debacle, maneuvering away from the bookshelf to go tend to whatever else was blowing up around them.

The monolith wandered along the circular room, striving to find some loose rocks, perhaps another passage, partially shifting his gaze into feline eyes again, hands gliding over stone surfaces. He only glanced back at Jigano at the suggestion of moving rocks again – visions of the bakery’s basement returning – but they were without Remi’s earth magic. He didn’t have the enchantments to move and maneuver such factions, not without his own brawn, might, and power, which he’d commit to without complaint, as long as they found an area that would work. As he bent down towards his bag again, opening it up to hand over the bard’s lantern, he heard the tearing sound.

His head whipped up – inherent instinct and pandemonium breaking over the foundations of his composed existence. Gods, why couldn’t they just leave? His stare raked over the bizarre action though – Jigano’s attempts to snag the books into his bag utterly destroyed by the shark tome’s efforts, now snapping and biting at his leg. And perhaps, their only chance at an exit.

Kiada and Amalia snatched at it, likely trying to simply get it off the Sage. His voice boomed over the surface – trying to snag their attention. “If we can remove it, then we should put it back. Then leave.” There was no sense in fighting, no sense in continued expenditure of their energy, especially when they’d yet to find a suitable exit. He maneuvered closer, and extended his deadly invocations, with an impressive legion of control, permitting the ease and eaves of the blistering contortions around his friends and family, hoping to weaken it enough with the life draining abilities, grant someone enough time or movement to chuck the damned book back upon its shelf.


Deimos looks around for a possible exit or passage along the rocks. Then he tries to send his Life Drain magic upon the book, hoping to weaken it long enough for someone to take it off of Jigano and leave.

RE: What Lies Beneath - Jigano - 10-14-2019

He had, indeed, mistakenly thought he might take the books to the Atheneum for later study.


He didn't get far at all before his bag tore and he found his leg caught in a bear book trap, hissing with pain and surprise as red blood welled up from around literary teeth. He knew better than to try and jerk away, though the massive size of the papery predator was enough to send fear and adrenaline racing through his veins in equal measure. Kiada moved. He couldn't stop the cry of pain as Amalia tried to grab the book that was latched onto him, and while Deimos's words were wise indeed, there was that unfortunate 'IF' dangling at the beginning of his sentence.

Well. Legs were overrated anyways. Jigano tried to shift to his serpent form, nudging the shift away from the trapped leg, and wrapping twenty feet of reticulated python around the book to keep it from biting anyone else until they could drag it back to the shelves and then make a break for it.

And if he squeezed it extra hard in the process, well, bleeding never did put him in the best mood.

Jigano tries to shift to his serpent form and free his (lack of) leg from the book, then wrap himself around it to keep it closed and squeezes back.

RE: What Lies Beneath - Court Official - 10-14-2019

Though it is a book, a rather large and snappy book, it is shockingly hard to hit. Its spine sucks in sharply as Kiada swipes out, her paw catching nothing but dust. Similarly as Amalia tries to leap atop it and pin it down, it scuttles out easily from beneath her. Even Deimos' magic seems to have little effect on the shark-like pages. Luckily though, and it is sheer luck at this point I'll have you know, is Jigano able to bind the book closed with his body.

Once closed, the book suddenly shrinks back down to its regular sizes and lays there completely harmless.

Meanwhile, Jyoti hears what sounds like a pulse of warning. There is another sound echoed into her young mind, the sound of ice yawning, of mountains ready to burst apart. The underground has never been particularly stable. It is why this library was abandoned so long ago, after all.

Despite Deimos' keen gaze, there is no way out. Not in here. The only passage seems to be back from whence the group has come, sans books.

REMEMBER: KQs are rewarding, but dangerous. This quest may cause death and/or permanent changes to your characters. You can try to escape at anytime. Please try and respond as quickly as possible. Shit posts allowed (and preferred) leave a summary.

Your random initiative order is: Kiada, Amalia, Deimos, Jigano


KIADA attacks the SHARK BOOK and MISSES.
DEIMOS attacks the SHARK BOOK. His attack doesn't seem to effect the book!
JIGANO SUCCESSFULLY grapples the book!

Shark Book: 450 * grappled
??? Book: ?

Kiada: 49
Amalia: 234
Deimos: 138
Jigano: 232

RE: What Lies Beneath - Kiada - 10-14-2019

She misses her strike, Amalia misses hers, and before long Jigano has it grapples and it’s calmed, closed and virtually harmless. She reaches up to rub at her forehead with another hiss of frustration. “[say]Leave the books.[/say]” She says before stepping away to try and regain control of her thoughts. She makes her way toward Deimos now, her frustrating rolling off her shoulders as she edges closer to where they came from.

“[say]Can we try going back the way we came?[/say]” A suggestion, hopeful, because gods she needs a drink. And she prepares herself to follow them wherever they go.

Kiada says to leave the book, and with the staff in hand suggests going back the way they came, ready to follow the rest of the group.

RE: What Lies Beneath - Amalia - 10-14-2019

Well, at least it is a fight that ends swiftly and without too much damage to anyone. Scooping up the book in now human form, Amalia looks it over carefully before glancing at Jigano. [say]"You should heal with the staff. I'm going to put it back."[/say] So saying the steps back to the bookshelf, carefully (albeit reluctantly) laying the shark book within. [say]"I... I was hoping we could get the portal book to get everyone out... I'd be willing to try carrying it through, to see."[/say] She shrugs, not sure what the book will do but willing to take the hit for the team.

Jyoti, meanwhile, calls in her own tongue to ask who the source of the voice is, her unhappiness clearly rising again as she swims anxious circles around Amalia's head.

Ama puts the shark book back and says she'd be willing to try taking the portal one so they can use it to get out. Jyoti asks the whale voice who/what it is

RE: What Lies Beneath - Deimos - 10-14-2019

His enchantments, Kiada’s assault, and Amalia’s attempts appeared to convey nothing. At the very least, Jigano’s serpentine endeavors kept it shut, with a lengthy enough accord for Amalia to place it along the bookshelf, where it belonged. Then there appeared to be differing opinions on what to do next – Kiada’s layered towards the tunnel from where they’d first arrived, already disassembled, but something familiar, and Amalia, who wanted to utilize the portal book. His eyes narrowed briefly in speculation, in thought, forcing a sigh to be choked down, smothered, along the depths of his lungs. He didn’t want anyone else needlessly hurt, but they also had to maintain options and alternatives. Jaws clenched, gaze swinging back and forth, the unknown treading treacherous lines over their insinuations. “We could try both? If you want to bring the book while we go back,” however, the misgivings were laid out. “If the books are meant to stay here though, it may attempt to do the same as the other,” his stare riveting back to where the shark tome laid, returned to its shelf.

Then he turned, intending to thread his way back from whence they’d come, hoping to find some rocks they could shift, another system he could create, to buy them time to slide out and back into safety.


Deimos tries to go back the way they came and find a means out.