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(open) all alone in the moonlight - Printable Version

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(open) all alone in the moonlight - Oliver - 07-11-2020

Mighty paws trekked along the streets, making their way along corridors and searching. Searching for what? Fellow cats, of course! Now, there wasn't going to be another massive ass cat here (probably), but there surely would be some strays or feral cats wandering about at this hour. It was late at night when the only humanoid wandering the streets would be an Ascended, even then it seemed to be few and far between.

It took a bit but Oliver picked up on the faint sounds of a cat. Perching himself on a box, he laid down and looked around, stalking and searching until he saw it. His eyes widened and he turned his ears towards the direction of the cat. Bright eyes reflected almost as the cat itself stalked its own prey. While the smaller creature was small and inconspicuous, Oliver was quite the opposite. Rather large, he took up almost the entire crate. Hanging down behind him was his tail, flickering ever so slightly with excitement as he adjusted his paws every so often. He wasn't hunting, but he was doing what he was supposed to. What he should've done many seasons ago, but hopefully it wasn't too late.

RE: (open) all alone in the moonlight - Naavi - 07-17-2020

Naavi did not often slip from the Greatwood's embrace, but Keyes had not come home, and that was not like him. The boy would hear it from her, if she found him whilst traveling in search of him. The hour hardly bothered the fae, her wings concealed under a cloak, though her height may give her away.

It took everything she had not to fly, flying was more natural to her than walking, years of flying had seen to that. Her feet simply moved slower, in her opinion, her vantage point poor. She was a short bean, after all.

She turned a corner and... her head tipped, as she caught sight of a large cat. Interesting. She shifted, hoping the cat hadn't noticed her; she'd much rather observe than be observed, after all. It didn't seem like Keyes was here, and she had very little reason to stay other than...


RE: (open) all alone in the moonlight - Oliver - 08-01-2020

The sound of a human nearby was easy to pick up on, causing the leopard's ear to flicker, but he didn't change his position. No. It was a traveler and nothing he should be concerned with.

Instead, his focus remained watching and waiting. Learning and listening.

A few minutes would pass of absolute stillness from the large cat before finally something seemingly caught his attention. The flicker of a tail and shift in ears would be the signal before he carefully moved down from his box. Before taking action, Oliver would speak through the attuned bond. [say]If you are an attuned alert me now.[/say] It was quiet, only allowing for those nearby to hear. Without a response Oliver knew it was safe: this was a normal being and not a fellow attuned. Lowering himself down in order to mimic the smaller cat he had watched, Oliver waited before finally he pounced forward.

Rather large paws came crashing into a poor rat who writhed around. Suppressing a growl, Oliver finished the deed, biting into the small creature until there was a snap- and the life faded from the once lively rat.

Clearly not interested in eating a just killed animal quite yet, Oliver allowed the small rat to drop down to the ground where he would soon lick at his claws, cleaning off the blood he had accidentally caused by scratching the small creature.

RE: (open) all alone in the moonlight - Naavi - 08-07-2020

Naavi studied the large cat, as it made a kill. How sad, she decided, when it dropped the kill and cleaned itself. [say] "You should really kill what you plan to eat, wasting life is... wrong."[/say] She declared, her voice quiet.

If this was someone's pet, she could easily get away. Cats couldn't fly, after all. But she suspected it was an attuned, which is why she chose to speak to it. [say]"It was a good kill, albeit small for a cat of your size,"[/say] she observed, her tone neither teasing or prideful, a simple, just fact.

Naavi, the healer, had never hurt a soul. So she had her own opinions, even regarding the Ascended that her people depised so much.

RE: (open) all alone in the moonlight - Oliver - 08-15-2020

Oliver was extremely distracted by the rodent which died very easily, so much so that a voice cutting through the air surprised him, causing his claws to dig into the ground.

A low rumbling sound left the cat and he turned his attention towards the speaker. Only when he saw that it was a Fae did he finally speak. Clearly uninterested in shifting into a human, Oliver started to speak through the bond. [say]I need to learn somehow.[/say] Oliver had never eaten something he had killed- would it be weird? What did it feel like? Was it gross?

It was a conflicting set of emotions and he was only brought back to reality when the voice spoke out again. [say]I'm starting small... I need to attack what I wont be hurt by before I try something far more fitting for my size.[/say] A swish of his tail and he plucks up the rodent by its tail and makes his way over to the girl. Depositing it in front of her, he stares up at her. [say]Take it, if you wish... I can assure you once I advance to much larger prey, the meat wont go to waste.[/say] Preparing rat stew sounded the opposite of appetizing, but surely he could catch and cook a solid bird.