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sweet baby of mine - Printable Version

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sweet baby of mine - Maeve - 07-09-2021

Of all the things to be anxious about, Maeve was surprised that this was the highest on her list. Not because it was Phoebe or that the former Madame would be getting a tour, but simply because Phoebe would be checking on the baby. Her baby. It was still early, but the small swell of her belly seemed to grow a little more each day and there was a noticeable swell to her abdomen now, giving away the Nightshade's current condition. Even with the nerves that seemed to settle in the pit of her stomach, she was excited to see Phoebe again and catch up, even if it was only for a short while. She made sure to have one of the spare rooms made up for her should she wish to stay as well.

As it was, Maeve was waiting in one of the formal sitting rooms in the Halenani proper, tea already set out for them to take once she arrived. Something they always used to do together when Phoebe was still running the brothel.

RE: sweet baby of mine - Phoebe - 07-13-2021

Of all the reasons Phoebe had thought she would be called back to the Halenani, the new Madame falling pregnant had been the last thing she had expected. She couldn't fathom that Maeve had forgotten protection - she was one of the most experienced girls after all! Perhaps she had simply decided to settle down at last, now that she had the freedoms of both Madame and Queenhood.

Or the protection simply didn't work. That was often enough the case.

Either way, the Nightingale arrived promptly, medical bag in hand. Upon seeing Maeve she dipped a low curtsey. [say]"Your highness. And honor to have you call on me."[/say] she said cheekily.

RE: sweet baby of mine - Maeve - 07-13-2021

The use of the honorific had Maeve's brows rising and she huffed out a laugh, [say]"You don't have to call me that. Just Maeve is fine, please."[/say] The Nightshade replied easily, moving to pull Phoebe into a warm hug, the small swell of her belly pressing between them. She held Phoebe by the shoulders for a moment, giving her a once over as she smile, [say]"You look really well. Please, come in. I had one of the sitting rooms prepared for us."[/say] Maeve was quick to guide the Nightingale to the room in question, closing the door securely behind her before moving to take a seat on the couch.

[say]"Would you like to do the exam first and then tea?"[/say] She asked easily, folding her hands in her lap as she relaxed against the cushions lightly, the same smile still on her lips.

RE: sweet baby of mine - Phoebe - 07-26-2021

Phoebe grinned as she hugged Maeve in return. [say]"I am glad to hear your new title hasn't inflated your ego."[/say] she teased with a light laugh. Really though, given Torchline's culture and reputation, having a Madame in charge seemed a very natural fit. She had no doubt that Maeve would flourish in her new role as she had when she took ownership of the Halenani.

The midwife followed the newly named queen as she led her through the rebuilt brothel. It seemed much was very much the same, bringing the Nightingale some comfort. At least what she had originally built had been suitable enough to replicate.

[say]"Oh you can have tea while I work. This early on there isn't much to assess yet."[/say] she said with a small smile. For now everything was symptom management - teas for nausea, tonics for general health, answers to questions for first-time worrisome mothers. [say]"I was surprised to hear that you were with child though. Do you know the father?"[/say] she asked curiously.

RE: sweet baby of mine - Maeve - 07-26-2021

[say]"When has it ever?"[/say] Maeve teased, giving her a playful smile before she drew away, leading them through the building towards one of the sitting rooms. It was largely the same. If anything, it was simply updated, reinforced, and more of Maeve's taste and style came through now with the new decor. [Say]"I'm most proud of next door. We built an entirely new building just got housing."[/say] Maeve informed her with a small smile, settling on the edge of the couch as she prepared her tea, eyes flicking back up to Phoebe.

The statement earned Phoebe a flush, Maeve looking almost sheepish before she straightened, [say]"It wasn't planned. My contraceptive seemed to have failed me, but I'm not unhappy with the development."[/say] She always wanted a family. A child. Now she was going to get that. Even if Locke wasn't with her. He couldn't take that from her and she didn't think he would. [say]"I do. Locke... We were together for a time, but recently separated. He, uh, left with the Ark. I haven't had a chance to tell him yet."[/say]

RE: sweet baby of mine - Phoebe - 08-08-2021

Phoebe smiled at Maeve warmly. It seemed she had left the brothel in capable hands, which was all she could have asked for. The favored of Frey were well cared for and safe even without her presence.

Her head tilted at the name, trying to place it but uncertain if she could. Then a look of realization dawned and she couldn't help her snicker. [say]"The fellow I walked in on in the upstairs apartment when I went to get my trunk?"[/say] she said, still giggling. A rather odd and flighty fellow he had seemed, and a pairing she would not have guessed if given a million years, but so long as Maeve was happy she supposed! [say]"Are you going to tell him?"[/say] she asked curiously. It wasn't a particularly common practice amongst the prostitutes at the Halenani, or anywhere, given the impracticalities from their line of work. [say]"It is possible it isn't his after all, right?"[/say] As far as Phoebe knew, Maeve continued to accept clients while being Madame.

RE: sweet baby of mine - Maeve - 08-09-2021

[say]"That would be the one, yes."[/say] Maeve huffed with a soft laugh, recalling the story now with ease, unable to help the small smile that tugged on her lips. She missed him. More than she wanted to admit. She wished he was here with her for this. He would want to be here, wouldn't he?

She gave a small nod at the question. She was going to tell him as soon as he got back. He deserved to know. [say]"I am going to tell him."[/say] Maeve confirmed before she glanced over at Phoebe, [say]"I wasn't taking any clients at the time. The Halenani hadn't reopened yet and I wasn't working. He was the only one I was with."[/say] Something that was ultimately their demise when she told him that she was planning on returning to work. So many things went wrong, but Maeve still held out hope that they would be able to fix it.

The rest of the visit goes smoothly. While she isn't far along, things are good and Phoebe thinks her pregnancy will likely be an easy one. Of course there will be challenges, but nothing she can't handle. Things will be fine.