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cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Printable Version

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RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Remi - 07-20-2023

Swallowing hard, the wendigo walks numbly behind Ronin for a moment before seeming to come back into himself and stretching out his stride enough to walk alongside. [say]"At the time I thought so."[/say] He murmurs, and though he laughs under his breath it's far from being a happy sound. [say]"It was for my, our, trip over to Canada, before all of..."[/say] He doesn't need to finish the sentence. Before all of this. Before the world really went to shit. Before I became a monster.


[say]'My mother bought my girlfriend and a little pig just like this. Un salvadanaio."[/say] As if heralded by the language, one of Remi's hands raises to underscore the word. [say]"She was older and couldn't afford to give us any money to the trip, but she wanted to help, and so.."[/say] His hands splay. [say]"The day before we left Carmelita smashed it with a hammer in front of my mother at the kitchen table."[/say] Remi continues. [say]"She was so excited. We both were."[/say]

Falling silent, Remi glances quickly over his shoulder at Ronin before seeming to continue whether he ought to say more. Of course the ending of the story was something the hunter was more than familiar with: and then I was attacked by a wendigo and became a monster. The end.

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Ronin - 07-20-2023

Ronin finds himself slowing his steps automatically to make it easier for the other man to walk alongside him; something he's getting almost too used to, given that it's not yet been a full day that Remi has been free. [say]"Oh? Like wh-- oh. Shit, right."[/say] Wincing and again feeling the need to say sorry (for what, Ronin?), he falls silent so Remi can decide to continue as much as he wants to.

And it turns out that he wants to say quite a lot, actually, the hunter glancing up to meet Remi's eyes, his expression solemn but not pitying - the world has taken from all of them, just some more than others, and some a lot more brutally. [say]"Was the smashing it... supposed to happen?"[/say] he asks softly as they begin the climb up towards the complex. He doesn't want to drive the conversation directly down depression lane, but this way they can keep talking, at least.

[say]"Because I mean... you can smash that one if you want to. But you know how much is in it. And there's a little stopper on the bottom, so you can get the coins back out."[/say] No need for gratuitous pig violence.

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Remi - 07-20-2023

Finding the question to be such a surprising one, Remi can't help the easy laughter that spills from his lips. It seems to thaw some of the ice that had been forming around his shoulders and though the topic of conversation was certainly not a pleasant one, the wendigo didn't look quite as upset. [say]"Yes, yes. The smashing is part of it. Is that not something you do in Ireland?"[/say] Blinking slowly, his expression a perfect blend of painful melancholy and sweet affection, he explains. [say]"The ones that we have don't have any sort of bottom. The money goes in and you have to smash it to get it out. That's what makes it special, you see?"[/say] Maybe Ronin wouldn't, but that didn't matter.

[say]"If you can just...give up on a goal by opening a little rubber thing, what's the point? That is why the pigs are beautifully painted so that you have to be very sure about it, before finally smashing it."[/say] Rolling his shoulders and tilting his head from side to side to release the tension in his neck, the wendigo sighs softly.

[say]"Maybe one day we can smash this one, mm?"[/say] He wonders, glancing at Ronin.

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Ronin - 07-20-2023

Surprisingly glad to hear Remi's laughter, even if the topic still isn't sunshine and roses, he smiles to the other man and softly shakes his head. [say]"I mean, I've heard of the ones that don't have stoppers, but I didn't realise they were still used,"[/say] he admits. [say]"It's not all that common here, or where I'm from."[/say] Granted, where I'm from is nebulous for Ronin, given how little time he spent on the piggybank side of the veil growing up.

Still, the logic behind it is sweet in a way that the hunter can't deny, and as he holds the door open for Remi to head into the complex, he finds himself nodding. [say]"Sure,"[/say] he says. [say]"What shall we have as a goal? Theatre tickets? A pet rabbit?"[/say] A ticket out of here?

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Remi - 07-20-2023

[say]'I am surprised it isn't cheeseburger shaped, honestly.'[/say] The wendigo says with a laugh. The USA wasn't as rah-rah obesity and capitalism as it had once been, but it was still America after all.

A ticket out of here is precisely what Remi has in mind, and the way his smile is slow to spread but his eyes lock onto Ronin's says as much. It's not unlike the hope he'd not wanted to encourage earlier, but now with the piggybank in his pocket...gods, it was hard not to. [say]"A rabbit? Nah."[/say] Tutting, Remi follows the hunter inside with a shake of his head. [say]"Animals don't really take to me these days. What you remember those old VW vans? Maybe one of those, with a good sound system."[/say]

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Ronin - 07-20-2023

[say]"They did have one shaped like a hotdog, but given our conversation earlier I was worried you'd mistake it for a dildo."[/say] And ceramic might be exciting, but it's also fragile, and that's not a trip to the medical wing he wants to take with Remi. Grinning and letting the door shut behind them, he catches Remi's eye as they begin to head up to the third floor, Ronin raising an eyebrow as if they've somehow managed to share thoughts for a second.

[say]"Oh, like one of those campers?"[/say] he says, nodding his agreement. [say]"I'm in. If you can work on the mechanics, I'll make sure it's monster proof and wendigo friendly,"[/say] he informs him; and just like that, there's a piggybank full of dreams sitting in Remi's trenchcoat pocket.

The trip up to the apartment isn't as long as the time it takes for Ronin to unlock his door and move the silver aside, but soon enough they're safely sequestered away - and it's barely mid-morning. [say]"So would you like to tell me what surprises you got from the coffee vendor? And if the answer isn't coffee I really will be surprised."[/say]

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Remi - 07-21-2023

[say]"And why would that worry you?"[/say] The wendigo wants to know, grinning challengingly. [say]"You told me to make myself at home and whatnot."[/say] That wasn't to say Ronin was up to date on how Remi's anatomy worked these days, but it wasn't like the hunter could be sure that picking up a dildo for Susan wasn't just a clever misdirection.


[say]"Yeah. I could make some adjustments to give us a sunroof, put in little bunk beds, maybe upgrade the engine."[/say] Eyeing Ronin for a moment, Remi grins. [say]"You seem like the type to drive like a maniac."[/say] Maybe he'd also install a button that said NAS which actually just turned the music up louder or something.

Once inside, the wendigo turns menacingly toward the hunter and flaps a hand in his direction. [say]"Keep it up, and the surprise is going to be hot coffee thrown in your face."[/say] Remi sings cheerfully, before trying his best to usher Ronin out of his own kitchen. Yes, yes, the surprise was obviously coffee, but it wasn't just coffee, either. [say]'Go...put on some music, or something.'[/say]

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Ronin - 07-21-2023

[say]"Because, based on your strength, I've got a decent hunch that a ceramic hotdog would shatter inside you like a lightbulb,"[/say] Ronin says, reasonably he thinks. [say]"And before you joke's on you I'm into that shit all over it, I'd still probably have to take you down to the medical wing to get all those sharp pieces removed. And honestly I'd rather do something else with my evening."[/say]

Despite talking about makeshift hotdog dildos much more than he intended to, the prospect of bunk beds in their imaginary VW camper does have Ronin grinning, and he nods. [say]"You would be correct. There's a reason I used to ride a motorcycle. We'll probably have to take it in turns driving, for the safety of the van."[/say]

Never has he ever had the wendigo flap a hand at him before, and it's with a shit eating grin that Ronin allows himself to be ushered out of the kitchen. [say]"Fine, fine,"[/say] he drawls. [say]"I'll go and put my shopping away."[/say] So saying, he'll leave the wendigo to wendido whatever he wants, leaving his bedroom door open but remaining safely out of sight of the surprise.

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Remi - 07-21-2023

[say]"I can be a very gentle lover I'll have you know."[/say] Remi counters breezily. [say]"Besides, rapid healing, remember?"[/say] Rather than commenting that no, he didn't believe Ronin did have anything else he'd rather do with his evening, the wendigo just rolls his eyes.

[say]"I'll put a governor in. See how long it takes you to blow a gasket about not being able to do more than 60."[/say] Smirking at the thought before finding his boyish antagonism melting into something far more golden, Remi imagines what it might be like to ride shotgun with his Irish counterpart as Ronin swears colourfully while passing a family in a minivan.

Waiting until Ronin had gone, Remi begins to potter around the kitchen as if he'd lived there for years (not least of all because, with little to do the night before, he'd inventoried most of the rooms). Finding the kettle easily enough, he begins to boil some water before setting out the meticulous task of probably weighing the coffee he'd purchased. Quickly Ronin's counters look more like something you'd find in Isla's lab because of the press and measuring devices Remi had bought, but it only takes a few moments before the wendigo is calling out to lift the ban on Ronin's in the kitchen.

When the hunter returns he'll find two small espresso cups on the table, both of which are filled. The cups themselves are a beautiful old china, mismatched of course, but in fairly good condition. Rather than black with too many sugars, Remi has, as Italian culture dictates, added the perfect amount of frothed milk. There's also a little biscuit to go with it. Looking a touch nervous, the wendigo raises his eyebrows and nods. [say]"So...yes, it's coffee. But proper coffee."[/say]

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Ronin - 07-21-2023

Luckily for the wendigo, Ronin is able to fill his time while Remi turns his kitchen into a laboratory, putting crystals and twine to good use and setting some incense to burning in the time it takes him to construct the perfect cup of coffee. [say]"Comingggg,"[/say] he trills as he's informed he has free rein of his own apartment again, fully expecting some innuendo in response as he pads back through the door.

And while Remi looks nervous, Ronin looks both shocked and impressed, the hunter's brow furrowing as he approaches the countertop. [say]"You made this?"[/say] No shit, Sherlock. [say]"Wow, it... damn, Remi. I've never been to Italy but all of a sudden I feel kind of jealous of your upbringing."[/say]

Glancing at the wendigo as if for permission to try the coffee, Ronin will pick up one of the cups when prompted to take a sip. And it's strong but not in a way that punches him in the back of his head, and despite wanting to drink it all at once, Ronin forces himself to take his time. [say]"Can you drink coffee...?"[/say] he asks suddenly, very aware that Remi has made two cups.

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Remi - 07-21-2023

There's no innuendo which follows, if only because the wendigo has been transported to some other time and place by the simple act of making a (proper) cup of coffee. Smiling almost bashfully, his lips crooked such that there's a deep dimple on just one cheek, the wendigo offers no rebuttal or sass; an Italian upbringing was absolutely superior in his opinion, but that seemed secondary to seeing if Ronin enjoyed the fruits of his labour or not.

Watching the hunter take the first sip with all the heavy expectation and eagerness of a clumsy lover looking for any signs of displeasure that they might improve on, the question has the wendigo smiling sadly, but warmly as he shakes his head. [say]"No. Or at least, I wouldn't like it anymore."[/say] He says with a small sigh. [say]"But, and I'm not sure if you know this or not, but smell has a very strong connection to memory, so..."[/say] Smirking, Remi reaches for the second cup, wrapping his hands around the mug and letting himself be satisfied by both the heat and the smell of it.

[say]"There are also two other cups, just there."[/say] Remi nods toward the cabinet. [say]"My mother always taught me to always have 4 cups for company."[/say]

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Ronin - 07-21-2023

It's the lack of sass more than anything that proves this is one of those moments; you know, the ones you look back on and go yeah, I think that's when we started to become real friends. Taking another sip of coffee and savouring it appropriately, Ronin can't help but nod his official approval. [say]"You know,"[/say] he says with a grin, [say]"if being a wendigo experiment doesn't work out, you can always open up a coffee shop."[/say]

Ah, but there's a touch of sarcasm, so things are getting back to normal. [say]"Oh yeah? Whoever must have told you that was probably very wise."[/say] Bouncing his eyebrows at Remi, Ronin settles on one of the stools and similarly warms his hands around his cup. [say]"Mm?"[/say] Following his gaze towards the cupboard, Ronin gives his friend a wry smile. [say]"Does this mean we need to find some company?"[/say] he asks.

Letting the silence stretch on comfortably for a few moments, eventually the hunter tilts his head at Remi, his expression curious. [say]"What were they like?"[/say] he wonders. [say]"Your mother, your girlfriend - Carmelita, did you say her name was?"[/say]

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Remi - 07-21-2023

[say]'Yeah? Maybe I will mention it to Isla. People can come to the medical wing for tours, gawk at the wendigo, and then buy some coffee on the way out."[/say] He suggests with a grin as he takes a set opposite Ronin.

[say]"Oh, they absolutely were. I think it was my... second-grade teacher?"[/say] Remi answers innocently as he shifts the cup from one hand to the other, allowing his fingers to wrap all the way around the delicate circumference. [say]"You can if you want. As for me, being around just you is about all the company I can stand right now."[/say] Though it's said with an air of sarcasm if only because the moment seemed to call for it, the sentiment was true enough. Being out, as exciting as it all was, was also remarkably overwhelming for the wendigo.

For that reason Remi was quite content to simply sit and inhale the smell of his coffee, and though Ronin's question wasn't necessarily an unwelcome one, it did draw a bit of a frown from the wendigo. The downward slant of his lips lasted only a moment before he was smiling warmly down into his coffee. [say]"Well, mia madre was..."[/say] There really weren't words to describe all the beautifully simple ways in which Remi had loved his mother, and so it was with a mixture of boyish adoration and amusement that he just shrugs with one shoulder. [say]"..very Italian. She made her own pasta and sauces, everything in the house was either a lace doily, a picture of the virgin mary, or wrapped in plastic. Always there were dishes of candy around and fresh flowers."[/say]

And Carmelita?

The wendigo's expression changes suddenly; the smile falls from his lips and though his eyes are too pale to properly darken, they do seem to grow dull as he sits back in his chair and stares fixedly down at the table. [say]"Carmelita was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was dating someone else when we first met, but I...I left roses on her doorstep every day for months."[/say] There should have been the same love coating the words as when he'd spoken of his mother, but the wendigo only sounded guilty and haunted.

RE: cut our teeth and make our bones right here - Ronin - 07-21-2023

[say]"See, perfect. You could wear a little barista uniform as well, and carve people's names onto travel cups for them. On holidays maybe you could even make coffee in full-wendigo mode."[/say] Medical wing coffee tour - Halloween edition.

Luckily Ronin is far too amused by his own imaginings to be offended by the second-grade teacher comment, the hunter setting his cup down to simply enjoy the lingering taste of coffee and the way the scent has permeated into the entire kitchen. [say]"Oh absolutely not. Saying hello to people in the corridors is enough for me, thanks."[/say]

If they were to invite Isla up for coffee, though, he wonders if Remi would say no.

He might have brought that up, in fact, just to see if he can make the wendigo flustered, were it not for the warmth that floods the other man's expression, and Ronin is rendered all but speechless to listen as he speaks. [say]"I bet she doted on you,"[/say] he manages eventually with a small smile. [say]"And vice versa."[/say]

Alas, the other woman in Remi's life from the olden times brings an injection of ice and nightmares into the conversation, Ronin swallowing another sip of coffee to give himself time to think of a response that isn't just what a shame aboout the murder huh. [say]"And I suppose her then-boyfriend loved that,"[/say] is what he settles on in the end, trying for casual. [say]"Making him look all inadequate with your grand gestures."[/say]