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[Training] places we never should have left - Printable Version

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places we never should have left - Remi - 05-01-2024

Where once it might have pained Remi to say so, let alone even think it, given the changes the Bastion had recently gone through it was easy for him to admit that Sunjata was the stronger of the pair. Long gone were the days when the then-Lullaby could boast he was the strongest of all of them; now he was only luckily included in the top three (maybe). While the others had worked and trained, Remi had hid on a mountain, licking his wounds and generally being miserable. Much had changed since then, but that didn't mean he'd caught up to the progress made by his counterparts.

This was all just to say he anticipated watching the rest of the tournament play out from the sidelines with only a modest sense of jealousy.

While waiting for Sunjata, the Bastion picked up rocks from around the beach, tossing them out of the way so that they wouldn't serve as trip hazards (hopefully the fight wouldn't result to the pair throwing rocks at one another, either). The day was chilly, but far warmer than anywhere else in Caido at this time of year such that despite the cool winds, Remi was relatively comfortable in the t-shirt and slacks that he was wearing. With his wings spread from his shoulders, he looked up and down the beach for Sunjata. There was no explicit need for the Flood to make himself known before striking—if this was actual combat there'd be no hey Remi how's it going—so the Bastion kept alert lest his opponent try and be sneaky.

Remi waits for Sunjata with his wings out, readying himself for a sneak attack if that's what Sunny decides.

Remi has not brought any of the items on his profile, save for his magical shirt and his wedding ring. (i.e., no 10% murder-dagger). His companion is not with him.

Regional Score bonus: +1 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +1 should be included)

RE: places we never should have left - Sunjata - 05-01-2024

Of course Sunjata has heard the rumors about Remi’s change, but, the truth of it is that given everything that has happened between them in the past (the trickery, the fake death that certainly felt like a real death, the relic fights where Sunjata’s life had literally changed time and time again before the war… you get the gist), it’s hard for the Flood to not just assume that Remi would absolutely kick his ass. After all, the Bastion had in the past numerous times, and he’s still admittedly coming to terms with what Frey had told him.

Now he at least gets a chance to really put it to use, rather than just the idle practice outside of his and Hotaru’s home in King’s End.

So there is no sneak attack as he arrives, because he honestly needs a moment to mentally prepare, that he arrives along that empty stretch of beach, dropping his bag off to his side and slips out of his shirt if only not to ruin it. “[say]Hey,[/say]” he calls out to the Bastion, shaking out his arms a little to loosen himself up, feeling not unlike when he’d owned that boxing ring here what felt like decades ago.

Giving Remi a moment to prepare, at least, Sunjata’s hand moves just a little to draw some water from the nearby ocean, swirling it around him in preparation and looking every bit like his namesake as he considers the Bastion for a moment before launching the salty ocean water directly for the Bastion to start.

Sunjata arrives with no companion, but brings his bag of holding left off to the side. He has no items on him except for his hEARS.

He greets Remi, briefly, then uses his water magic to try start the encounter by shooting it right at his center of mass!

Type: Grey | Style: Other | Level: Basic
hEARs | An earring that when worn, increases the sound of voices (especially whispers)

Magic: Making Waves | Can create and control water (a full swimming pool amount). Must be within a 60ft radius.
Type: Light | Rank: Mastered

RE: places we never should have left - Odd - 05-01-2024

Sunjata attack 1: miss

Remi HP: 1515
Sunjata HP: 1125

RE: places we never should have left - Remi - 05-01-2024

If the Bastion is relieved to see Sunjata strolling toward him (rather than emerging from the ocean as a hydra—something Remi had honestly been fearing expecting— it's with a shaky smile and a raised hand that Remi greets the other man. [say]"Hey."[/say]

Good thing this fight wasn't going to be scored based on small talk.

Glancing toward the slow swirl of water rising from the ocean, Remi pulls in a breath to try and steady himself. Somewhere he thinks he hears Flora's voice booming with distortion, but he does his best to block it out. As a blastoise jet of water is shot his way, the Bastion lunges to the side and away from the blast. Given how many of his abilities were purely for the benefit of others these days, Remi only had a handful of ways to proceed, making what he did next a fairly easy choice.

Running toward Sunata (to bring him within 30ft), the Bastion shoved at the air while staring fixedly at the Flood. To anyone looking it might have appeared as though Remi was trying to Use the Force against his opponent, but in reality he was sending forth a spiritual blast to try and shove Sunjata's soul from his body.

Remi dodges and runs forward to bring himself within 30ft and tries to shove Sunjata's soul from his body!

Magic: Soul Strike | If successful, knocks the soul out of the body. An out of body soul can't affect its environment for 1 turn during combat, or for 20 seconds in normal threads. Contested END(Remi)/STR (opponent)/LUCK roll. Range of 30 ft
Type: Dark | Rank: Mastered

Regional Score bonus: +1 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +1 should be included)

RE: places we never should have left - Odd - 05-01-2024

Remi attack 1: hits

Remi HP: 1515
Sunjata HP: 1044.5/1125 **knocked out of his body for one turn. An out of body soul can't affect its environment for 1 turn during combat.

RE: places we never should have left - Sunjata - 05-01-2024

He might have appeared from the ocean as a hydra, if a part of him didn’t want Remi to actually kill him within the confines of the watery grave. So instead, his presence is known. Known, and just like usual, misses. He isn’t given much time as Remi dodges out of it to do anything else other than try to take a step back, which he does manage…

Only not exactly in his body.

“[say]Oh, I’m not doing this again.[/say]” Sunjata growls out, in his little soul spectral form, feeling tingly and staticky all at once, arms crossing against his chest as he promptly puts on a show of pouting while he tries to contemplate what his next move is, all while absolutely imagining a combination of flipping Remi off and tackling him into the sand. At least this time he knows he’s actually out of his body.

Sunjata’s grumpy and stands there for the round imagining a few scenarios of kicking Remis ass LMAO

RE: places we never should have left - Remi - 05-01-2024

For all of their history and the years of icy silence between them, mostly one sided though it was given how high the Bastion had built his walls, Remi does not feel good about the way Sunjata's soul is forced to just simply stand around. It isn't at all an adequate portrayal of the Flood's skill set, though if this was an actual battle against an opponent, it's absolutely what he would have done.

[say]"Does it make it better to say I feel like a real bastard for this?"[/say] He wonders as he trots forward toward the Flood's soul-less body. Darkness sweeps around Remi then as his form grows intangible looking. Reaching forward, the Wraith means to sweep his ghostly fingers over Sunjata's shoulder. Grimacing at the same time, gods but it felt dirty to attack someone who clearly had no means of defending themselves, Remi turned his sunken and skeletal stare toward Sunjata's spirit as he began to shift back.

Remi turns into a wraith and tries to life-drains Sunny.

Wraith Ability: Bereft of Body | Can pass through solid creatures and objects at will, causing a Life Drain effect (Mastered)

Regional Score bonus: +1 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +1 should be included)

RE: places we never should have left - Odd - 05-01-2024

Remi attack 2: hits

Remi HP: 1515
Sunjata HP: 964.5/1125

RE: places we never should have left - Sunjata - 05-01-2024

“[say]You should.[/say]” Sunjata says back as he watches, other worldly, to see Remi shift into that wraith and drag fingertips along his shoulders, and that static, fuzzy sensation is back as he starts to fall back into his own body. The second he snaps back into it, he’s already feeling tired, and he sighs in his annoyance.

Remi’s close though, wraith or not, and so it’s with an immediately half second decision that Sunjata unleashes the riptide from himself, shooting that explosive wave out of himself, down the stretch of beach, hoping to knock Remi down or simply get him away from him for a moment to try and get some semblance of feeling his limbs back in place and not feeling, well, ghostly.

The second Sunjata’s back in his body he immediately launches his riptide at Remi!

Magic: Riptide | Creates an explosive wave that travels 60ft. Allies in the radius are uneffected, and enemies on the ground within 15 feet are knocked down.
Type: Dark | Rank: Mastered

Magic: Second Shot (FEAT) | Rolls with advantage if his last attack misses
Type: Light | Rank: Basic

RE: places we never should have left - Odd - 05-01-2024

Sunjata attack 2: hits

Remi HP: 1380/1515
Sunjata HP: 964.5/1125

RE: places we never should have left - Remi - 05-01-2024

[say]"I do."[/say] Remi begins to implore, though before he can continue, not only is he subject to an entire tidal wave, but thanks to the crit fail he finds his feet utterly swept out by the force of it. Suddenly on his back and covered in water and sand, the Bastion has to force himself to keep his mouth closed lest he inadvertently breathe in half of the fucking shoreline.

[say]Yeah, yeah, they don't call you the Flood for nothing.[/say] Remi thinks as he rolls slightly to the side. Opting to shift again rather than trying to go toe to toe against a man more than half a foot taller than he was, Remi tries to get his foot on the newly-wet sand before lunging at Sunjata as a pixiu. Though he no longer had rows of shark teeth or a manticore's poisonous tail, his claws were still more than sharp enough.

Remi crit falls and falls beneath the wave! He shifts into a pixiu and lashes out with his claws!

Regional Score bonus: +1 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +1 should be included)

RE: places we never should have left - Odd - 05-01-2024

Remi attack 3: misses

Remi HP: 1380/1515
Sunjata HP: 964.5/1125

RE: places we never should have left - Sunjata - 05-01-2024

“[say]Good.[/say]” Sunjata trills through clenched teeth, sending out that riptide and watching with no part of him upset at seeing the Bastion slip beneath the wave. It disappears quickly, though, and there’s the ghost of a crooked smirk by the scar that bisects his cheek as he starts to move — because Remi’s already shifting into whatever that thing was and lunging at him, and Sunjata’s not intending on having his ankles slashed.

With Remi’s miss, the Flood moves slightly off toward the side of the beach and Remi’s attack, shifting into that hydra shift of his, where Remi will find six pairs of eyes staring right at him, before all three start to dive in. One at the center, and two to try and block any escape the Bastion tries to make, sharp teeth ready to sink in.

Sunjata shifts into his hydra shift and uses all three heads to attack Remi! (One aimed for him and two on either side for potential escape)

RE: places we never should have left - Odd - 05-01-2024

Sunjata attack 3: misses

Remi HP: 1380/1515
Sunjata HP: 964.5/1125