Basic Information
Character Information
AppearancePersonalityHistoryThen the dawn had come, and he’d changed, turning into a simple human. He’d mourned the loss, but been reassured that everything had a cycle, him more than most, and sure enough when the sun set he was back to the beauty he’d been born to. Although he did not remember his past life, his god, the moon, had spoken to him of his devotion, which had allowed him to reside in the night sky. Until something or someone had ripped him out. But he’d made the most of his life. He’d joined a family of seafarers, for they empathized with his wandering soul. For many years he roamed the dangerous oceans, learning how to sail, how to swim, how to trade, and how to steal. For the seafarers didn’t believe people should own what they couldn’t keep, and they were often off with the tide before anyone was the wiser. Eventually, though, he’d left that life and settled down in a new land by the jungle, becoming a potter of all things. He’d been happy to start setting down roots, to join a new community and all the wonders that came with that. However, he wasn’t there for that long before one night, as he crossed the threshold of his hut, he found himself in a new and far less attractive land. And it wasn’t long before that when he discovered that he’d turned into a twisted mockery of his former self. OtherA rough estimate of this character's damage potential is as follows:
KQs: 5 PQ+s: 2 Mini Events: 23 SWEs: 8 PQs: 18 Player MP: 0 Halo
Hollowed Grounds
King's End
Maria Mundi
The Draig Cordillera
Hak Etme
The Feverlands
The Climb