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  in the process of clearin' out cobwebs
Posted by: Cordelia - 12-01-2023, 06:25 PM - Forum: Domiciles - Replies (19)

Cordelia hadn't know a time in her life when she'd been separated from her cousin for so long. Not since he became a part of her family. The ache left in her chest at the idea of being without a member of her pack was unfathomable. Part of it, of course, was her own doing. Choosing to hide away from anyone and everyone, self inflicting isolation on herself for a reason she couldn't even remember now. Was it fear for the twins? Her own hormones urging her to hide away? Her distaste for the Grounds causing her to retaliate in a way that made little sense now that she thought back?

The One Shot couldn't say.

All she knew now was that she needed to see her family. Desperately.

Sah doesn't even get a chance to knock on her door before the Attuned is wrenching it open, practically tackling him despite the monsoon raging on outside, threatening to soak them to the bone if they don't get inside. [say]"I've missed you so much. Don't ever let me do that again."[/say] She muttered against his shoulder, squeezing so tightly there was a real threat she might force all the air from his lungs.

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  what's wrong with a little pretend?
Posted by: Cordelia - 12-01-2023, 05:53 PM - Forum: Domiciles - Replies (6)

To say the One Shot was reclusive would be an understatement. The Attuned had all but shut herself away during her pregnancy and the birth of the twins. Not feeling up to company from even those closest to her. However, she was trying to make more of an effort. To be present in her own life again.

When she heard news that Sol was visiting the Grounds, the Attuned hadn't hesitated to reach out, extending an invitation for her to come visit with the twins. Now that she'd made the move to the Grounds a bit more permanent, Cordelia found herself longing for connection, the primal urge for her pack stirring deep in her belly.

The twins were playing happily on one of the many fur rugs, kicking their legs and giggling as they reached for each other, their mother's ever watchful gaze flicking to them from where she was working in the kitchen. A knock at the door pulled her attention from her babies and Cordelia didn't need to look to know who it was brightening her doorstep. Hurrying over, the One Shot pulled it open with a bright smile, tugging her niece into a fierce hug. [say]"Oh, look at you... You've grown so much."[/say] She gasped, holding her at arms length to look her over once before hurrying her inside out of the rain. [say]"How are you doing? Good, I hope."[/say]

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  where the wild things go
Posted by: Cordelia - 11-30-2023, 05:20 PM - Forum: Oasis - Replies (7)

The brush barely stirred as Cordelia slunk through the tall grasses, nose twitching as she paused, scenting the air. Her paw raised delicately above the ground, body tensing as a snapping twig caused her ears to flick forward, body sinking low to avoid being seen by whatever was traipsing along the shoreline. Amber eyes scanned the bank of the water, trying to sight whatever caused the air to go still, but she came up short.

Slinking forward once more, the One Shot did her best to keep from making a sound, ensuring that whatever larger predator was out there didn't notice her. Not that it would matter, she had a number of shifts beneath her skin that would give her an advantage over whatever was out there.

A few more steps and Delia finally scented the disturbance. A man. Though, the scent of him carried that of other animals. An Attuned perhaps? One she didn't recognize. Her ears flick forward again, listening closely for any tells, knowing better than to reveal herself just yet.

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  Talk in the Ruins
Posted by: Darkeye - 07-12-2023, 05:04 PM - Forum: Temple - Replies (1)

It's been a long time since Darkeye came here. The place is no longer the same that it once was, much had taken the Flemings here. Many lives as well as people he called friends. Here, he asked Frey for help to save as many as possible. He found it a good place to worship them and ask them for advice. He placed the sunflower at her shrine, which was slightly overgrown with vines. Not many people came here to pray anymore. The place still had the memory of the loss as well as the Voice. [say]"Greetings Frey, it has been a long time since we have spoken. I ask you to give me some advice on how to proceed. And I have this skull from these bears where I think only you can help me."[/say] He said and hoped that she heard him.

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  The world won't wait for me
Posted by: Caden - 07-06-2023, 03:48 AM - Forum: Sidhe Village - Replies (5)

Caden hasn't ventured into the Greatwood since the previous year. Being nomadic means going where the coin flows and the trade takes you, and the woods have only recently been taken beneath a guiding hand that provides improved infrastructure. After his conversations with Kallan and Alys alike Caden has admittedly been wondering if the merchant lifestyle is the right one for him, and if hiding his magic is any better.

As such he's rather distracted walking through the village today, head in the clouds and blue eyes distant and far-away. At least until he bumps into a Fae and trips straight over his own feet as he tries to correct himself, falling sideways into the water surrounding the wooden docks with a strangled yelp and an anti-climactic splash.

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  The Nurse and the Midwife
Posted by: Phoebe - 06-14-2023, 10:35 PM - Forum: Sidhe Village - Replies (10)

Phoebe was not a hard woman to find. So long as you knew how to find the Sidhe Village. Which meant either taking a skyboat or walking in circles in the Greatwood for awhile. But she was making her mark on the place, and by now most residents knew the tall, blonde, willowy woman. On this particular day she wasn't doing anything in particular. A rarity really, always a busy bee. But even she needed rest sometimes.

So the demigoddess sat on her porch in a barely there dress to fight off the heat, a glass of fresh lemonade in her hand. Did she look every inch refreshed despite the oppressive heat? Yes. Perks of her glamour magic. She watched quietly as people went about their business, sipping her drink here and there. The Greatwood might not be the most glamourous place to live, but it was tranquil.

That was when someone approached her stoop. She leaned forward and smiled. [say]"Hello. Is there something I can help you with?"[/say]

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  [SE] On a Wing
Posted by: Aster - 02-20-2023, 08:54 PM - Forum: Sidhe Village - Replies (2)

With FlowerBirth bringing a gradual end to the chill of DeepFrost, Aster flittered about he Greatwood with a renewed vigor as his favorite insects popped their heads out the woodwork in as greater a frequency like they had done in the Celestine forest.

When his wings tired of the cold, he’d rest closest to the sun. Yet, he soon yearned to take wing in the direction of a little cottage in the woods where he knew he’d find a warm place to rest and even warmer company. The image of alighting upon a windowsill and seeing Farrow busy with her hands, was something he wouldn’t mind just watching for a while. Her careful intensity a comfort to behold.

He remembered a few days ago when she let him fall asleep beside the fire after peppermint. The shadows of LongNight terrified him, but as soon as the sun’s rays hit, before Farrow woke up completely, he had shifted into his Hummerform. He shed her clothes and left them on the table, trying to fold them so that they wouldn’t spill over or knock down the couple of lamps that showed up in the night.

He felt a little bad for not saying goodbye, but it wasn’t like he wouldn’t return. He wasn’t one for goodbyes anyway.

As he neared her house’s open windows, his emerald feathers gleamed in the sunlight. He spotted the rosebush she’d planted the first time they met and so decided to camp out there til she spotted him. Maybe he’d sing a little song to get her attention. He hoped she was home.

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