[PQ] Kaiholo Courier Station
Ray Lunarium
Herbalist / Information Broker / Torchline Councilwoman

Age: 28 | Height: 5'5" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 5 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 19 - Endr: 18 - Luck: 18 - Int:
Played by: Blackbird Offline
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Posts: 638 | Total: 3,691
MP: 0

In ancient times
cats were worshipped as gods
Ray sent Talyson a bright look at his appreciation, pleasantly surprised at her own capabilities. Maybe it was from the many renovations to her shop and helping create that restaurant. Whatever it was, the herbalist was happy to have been able to help. She sent Sohalia a warm smile, "I can take the window."

Grabbing her tools once more, Ray moved to replace the frame on the last window. Hopefully, it would cooperate with her and not cause further problems for the group. At least it was only one window and thankfully the glass hadn't broken. For some odd reason, Ray had the hunch that far too many windows had recently been broken in Torchline. What a strange feeling.

Ray replaces the window frame!
They have not
forgotten this
Sohalia Lumaris
the Luminary

Age: 20 | Height: 5'6" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Nomadic
Level: 4 - Strg: 17 - Dext: 18 - Endr: 18 - Luck: 21 - Int:
TARAK - Mythical - Griffin (Fire Breath)
Played by: RayoDeSoleil Offline
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Posts: 1,068 | Total: 2,099
MP: 3275

It seemed that Soh had inherited some of Harper's luck; her adopted father had fared about as well in his recent efforts to replace a window. She couldn't help but smile ruefully at the comparison; she nodded gratefully to Ray as the other woman volunteered to take over on the window frame. She swept up the broken glass that had fallen around her feet, then left Ray to it.

Painting and hanging a sign, though, Soh felt relatively confident in her ability to do. She took the sign outside so that the paint fumes wouldn't permeate the building and set to work, focusing her efforts on making the sign as professionally as she possibly could. Once she was satisfied with the painting, she climbed a ladder and tried to hang the sign.


Soh paints and hangs the sign!
When memories fade we've got each other
When time and confusion collide
Minor powerplay allowed without permission.
Feel free to use force/magic on Sohalia.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 55 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 59 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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Posts: 2,325 | Total: 8,117
MP: 5296

As the team swung into gear for one last push, luck finally smiled on them all. Ray's woodworking skills extended to removing the old window without damaging the structure around it so the new one could be fitted snugly into place. Efficient taps of framing nails secured it without striking hard enough to crack the glass in the new window, and a little edging tapped into place soon had the wall around it looking good as new!

Sohalia might have had bad luck with windows, but her artistic skills were top notch! Taking the sign outside turned out to be a good idea, as the wind quickly dried the coats of paint she used so she could work faster, laying out the base coat and then using her fair hand (she'd been getting lots of practice writing all those leadership letters recently!) to ink in a clear and neat text for Seawright's Courier Service. Hanging it might have proved the only true difficulty, but the Heart of Stormbreak was as nimble as she was kind, and the sign was soon in place.

As for Tal and Boreal? They took the heavy lifting! It made the most sense, since he'd be getting the most use out of the little upstairs rooms (until he could get his apprentice trained up, at least, or hired more helpers to man the stations while he was on delivery runs). Boreal carried her own pillow up the stairs - though 'dragged it behind her' might have been a truer description - while Tal set up his hammock on its hooks and situated the chair and desk under the small gable window.

Coming back downstairs, he looked around and his usual resting scowl-face was lightened by a big grin as he surveyed the new post office, ready for its first day of business! "You guys are real life-savers! Least I can do is buy y'both a meal, an' if y'need somethin' shipped anywhere, the first one is on me!"


Thank you so much for your help! Go get your MP!

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