"I love any type of worship." Charlie trills, and had the implications of the botanist's words been that he'd rather sit and tend to his various plants as a means of worship, the priestess would have been just as delighted. "Well, we'll make sure you're nice and warmed up before you begin, then. Wouldn't want you to pull anything." She laughs, bouncing her eyebrows at him before fleeing through the archway and into the club.
Without hesitation, Charlie downs the drink. It tastes tropical for a moment before bright fire descends down the back of her throat. Laughing at the sensation of it, the priestess too instantly finds her way into the rhythm of the music. The sequins and sparkles on Mateo's jacket make it look as though tiny rainbows are exploding all around her shoulders as she sways and shimmies.
For a moment the wild blue of Mateo's eyes is caught in a streak of light from the stage such that as he tilts her chin up towards him, he'll find her all but drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Only out of habit does she rise onto her toes—not that it makes much of a difference in the heels she's wearing—kissing his mouth with the same energy that her body swayed to the music. Sliding one of her hands against his back, Charlie grasped greedily at the back of his shirt not seeming to mind at all the sea of bodies that continually swayed against them.
Without hesitation, Charlie downs the drink. It tastes tropical for a moment before bright fire descends down the back of her throat. Laughing at the sensation of it, the priestess too instantly finds her way into the rhythm of the music. The sequins and sparkles on Mateo's jacket make it look as though tiny rainbows are exploding all around her shoulders as she sways and shimmies.
For a moment the wild blue of Mateo's eyes is caught in a streak of light from the stage such that as he tilts her chin up towards him, he'll find her all but drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Only out of habit does she rise onto her toes—not that it makes much of a difference in the heels she's wearing—kissing his mouth with the same energy that her body swayed to the music. Sliding one of her hands against his back, Charlie grasped greedily at the back of his shirt not seeming to mind at all the sea of bodies that continually swayed against them.
I'm up in flames if you wanna
cover me in kerosene
cover me in kerosene
Hella golden retriever energy. Small unrefined horns made of ruby. Regular spade-shaped tail.