A rogue at heart and in life, Jack has been dodging trouble and rewriting Torchline’s rules for as long as most can remember. Though his slight, rugged exterior might seem easy to overlook in the crowded alleys of Haulani, a sharper look reveals a man as dangerous as he is enigmatic. With an infamous reputation and razor-sharp wit, matched with eyes that see and say more than most can handle, Jack's real weapon lies not in his stance but in his piercing blue gaze—and a telepathic edge no one knows about. Recent endeavours—like romancing Torchline's queen and trading favours for children with Safrin—show that while Jack may lack a conventional moral compass, he’s bound only by his own ambitions.
Congratulations, Jack!
Court of the Fallen was created in October of 2018 by Odd, Honey, and Crooked.
Skinning and hosting by the epically talented Kaons, and functionality fanciness by the coding magic of Neowulf. If you ever see either of them around, make sure to show them some love!
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