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SE - for which the world shows little pity - Printable Version

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SE - for which the world shows little pity - Wessex - 09-10-2020

Without a filter, without the right frame of mind,  there is no disguising Wessex’s feelings. Aggressive and antagonistic, the Wraith has more than a few feelings to let out to a certain star-wrought Goddess.

Carrying a dead rat by the tail - it had the misfortune of looking for food in her shack while she was there - she stalks, naked and remarkably pale, into the Fields at night. Not too close to Safrin’s shrine, mind you, but close enough to see the pillars and smell the flowers from afar. Fuck the Ascended senses, sometimes. Her lips curl against her fangs and she throws the dead rat to the ground, sending a small ripple through the grass.[say] “Fuck you, Safrin,”[/say] she hisses into the darkness.

Ah, but the thought seizes her and she lifts her arms to the sky, the picture of Earthly witchery and defiance.[say] “I wish the Blight had taken you,”[/say] she screams,[say] “I hope the stars fall! And die!  And the skies abandon you!”[/say] Wanting to throw something, to hurl it upward in the hopes that it might, just might touch the Goddess, she picks up the rat and hurls it upward, putting all her demigodly strength behind it. It goes - somewhere. Not so much up, but up and out, but Wessex only has eyes for the stars.

[say] “Here’s your godsdamned gift. With love from your faaaaaaavorite Abomination!”[/say]

Because that was the crux of it, wasn’t it? If Safrin had just offered to help, had even tried, Wessex wouldn’t be here. The Wraith is a product of the herald’s own fickle natures and she’s going to be the biggest thorn in their side for as long as she can.

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Amun - 09-14-2020

Unlike Wessex, Amun had an actual offering for Safrin. It was a vase he'd worked on, figuring it could be used as a gift for Amalia if nothing else. So he brought the star patterned present over to the shrine.

Except in actuality, it was an unworked lump of wet clay, because he'd only thought about the vase, not actually made it no matter what his mind said. But hey, it was the thought that counted.

The familiar voice shouting drew him closer to the shrine. [say]"I fell from the sky. Did I ever tell you that?"[/say] He shuffled past the Wraith to lay his vase (clay) carefully on the altar before stepping back. Then he glanced at her. [say]"S' a good look for you."[/say]

Grinning, he winked. Except it happened to use both eyes, so it was a weirdly long and suggestive blink instead. [say]"We having a naked dance party? Count me in."[/say] He began ripping his rather dirty and unkempt clothes off.

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Wessex - 09-16-2020

Amun fell from the sky? No, Wessex didn’t know that. But he has her attention now, intrigue bubbling up from a sickness-fueled well of distraction.[say] “Before before?”[/say] she asks, turning towards him. Amun’s past is… not one of her strong points. There’s the boat bit. Aaaaand the pottery thing. Aaaaand he’s mostly gay. A sorry gathering of facts for the guy who’s stood by her side, and she gnaws absnetly at her lip, all rage at Safrin forgotten (for now).[say] “Clothes are dumb, we don’t need them anyway.”[/say]

Sitting down in the grass, the most uninterested voyeur waits until he either stops or removes everything. Leaning back on one hand and running the other through the grass, she can almost, almost feel it again. Gods it was so soft… wet at night. Felt great on her feet.[say] “Tell me about the old Amun?”[/say] A little sing-songy, a little drowsy, there’s no party here right now unless they're about to go on a trip.

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Amun - 09-16-2020

Amun frowned. [say]"Before what before what?"[/say] Glancing at Wessex, he cocked his head to one side.

Grinning at her comment, he plucked at one dirty sleeve of his. [say]"They can be nice. Can make people feel powerful if you do it right."[/say] Then he stripped off his shirt. [say]"But if you don't like them I can get rid of them."[/say] He chuckled at her, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his pants.

However, his eyes narrowed at her question. [say]"Do you mean original Amun?"[/say] He sighed, and stepped a bit closer to her. [say]"What does it mean, to be a copy?"[/say]

Shaking his head, he looked up at the sky. [say]"I don't remember much of my past life. But I must've been very much at religion, because when I died they snatched me up and put me in the night sky."[/say] He gestured as he explained, hand miming plucking something from the ground and tossing it upwards.

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Wessex - 09-19-2020

[say] “Mmmmm… yes. Original Amun.”[/say] Not her Amun. She knows they’re different, thinks its only by way of circumstances. The Amun in Caido is inherently different than the Amun in his original world. And some Outlanders have died and been brought here, so they are second versions, second chances, second children.[say] “To be? a copy?”[/say]  The idea is fascinating and yet ludicrous - possible only through magic.[say] “You mean like Ronin -?”[/say] Trailing off, she adds some miming and space-sounding (ha, if she only knew!) sound effects to indicate creating his astral projection.

Because what we’re going to find out is that no one has told Wessex about the Outlanders being copies.

[say] “Oh, so you were exactly like Ronin in the stars, and now you’re on Team Voice.”[/say] Making a delighted face, she mock tsks at him.[say] “Safrin must haaaaaate you.”[/say] The star lady is the jealous sort, she can’t even begin to imagine how he got away with it. And suddenly she’s quite interested in that idea, half-rounding on Amun from the ground, rolling over towards him with another question on her tongue.

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Amun - 09-19-2020

Nodding at Wessex's question, Amun grinned. [say]"I'm a copy. That's what the letters said. But I'm different. Because this world is different or because I'm an improvement on the original?"[/say] He peered at her, narrowing his eyes.

[say]"No. Not like Ronin. I was, I am, bright"[/say] The words came out in a snarl and he practically spat the last one.

Calming slightly, he glared at the shrine. [say]"I dunno how Safrin feels about me. But her demi-god is a murderous dick who tried to kill us."[/say] Scowling, he put his hands on his hips. [say]"But I'm not like him. I'm not,"[/say] he insisted, even though there were quite a few similarities in their stories.

[say]"I was in the sky for a long time. I think. I don't know, everything's so hard to know."[/say] Sighing, he shook his head. [say]"But someone or something tore a hole in the sky and I fell. The water caught me. Then I fell in another hole and ended up here."[/say]

He cocked his head to one side. [say]"What was original Wessex like? Or I guess old Wessex. Not new improved nude Wessex."[/say] Chuckling, he gave her a thumbs up.

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Wessex - 09-22-2020

Amun talks… a lot. Wessex tries to follow his trains of thought, she really does, but he still loses her at being a copy. She begins to imagine the potter like an accordioned cut-out strand of paper people, one right after the other until he multiples and stretches beyond where he stands, still only half-naked.

He’s right about this one in front of her, though, he is bright. It elicits a smile and a fervent affirmation.[say] “So bright,”[/say] she repeats,[say] “is this what She sees?”[/say] wondered aloud, as she reaches a pale arm up, up, up to the moon. Not the stars, never the stars and their vile, evil herald. Who likes those tiny pinpricks anyway, when the moon is the main event?

To the moon! To the night! To the hole that brought her brother![say] “I like this hole that brought you bright,”[/say] the Queen says, and makes a sort of ‘official’ gesture.[say] “It is a good hole and it is now called Amun’s sky hole.”[/say] A gift - for her favorite lackey. She beams over at him, quite pleased with herself and her declarations.[say] “For you. Frome new Wessex.”

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Amun - 09-22-2020

As Wessex raised her arms, Amun followed where they pointed. Grinning, he raised his to the moon as well. [say]"I think so. I hope so. We're bright enough to outshine the night sky."[/say] That being said, he threw back his head and howled.

Then he began to dance and sway, movements wild and uncontrolled and following a beat only he could hear. Actually, he looked like a fucking idiot wriggling about and waving his arms like crazy, but not in his mind. It was a dance honoring the moon and the Voice in equal parts.

[say]"I like holes too,"[/say] he confided. He pointed at the moon. [say]"And that's Wessex's beacon, which called me here. Thank you."[/say] He waved at it. As she revealed the hole was a gift he threw his arms over her shoulders, drawing her into the dance with him (re: stumbling into her like a drunken idiot). [say]"Always improved Wessex. Best Wessex. Wessex the Best. The Beast Wraith."[/say] He laughed and spun like a dervish.

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Wessex - 09-26-2020

Whatever dance Amun is doing, Wessex likes it. Even if he looks like a fucking idiot - which he doesn’t, no - she can see the praises he evokes with each sway and thrust and wriggle, and surely the Voie will too. In fact, it’s probably a good idea to dance with him, because she needs to keep their Lady on her side. And she was acting a little weird at their last meeting.

So the Wraith joins him, dancing naked under the moon, fluffy bits and not so wobbly bits and all. It takes a while before she wants to stop - and even then it’s not because she’s breathless, or tired, or anything likek that. It’s because she’s just had the best idea. Or second best, depending on if you consider the gift her best idea or not.[say] “Hey! Hey, hey, hey, Amun. Hey. I did the... the thing right?”[/say] She mines putting a crown on her head.

[say] “You wanna help me? Please? Be my ‘visor.”[/say]

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Amun - 09-26-2020

As Wessex joined Amun in the dance, he threw back his head and laughed. His arms followed as he raised them above his head and spun until he was dizzy and tired and disoriented. Thankfully, the Wraith stopped around the same time. He stared at her, eyes slightly unfocused as she spoke.

At her words, he nodded. [say]"You always do right good."[/say] Reaching out he patted her on a bare shoulder.

Frowning at her next statement, he shaded his eyes. [say]"I don't think you need protection from the sun anymore, but I'll be your visor. Whatever you need."[/say] Moving forward, he shifted until his hands were shading her eyes instead, hiding them from the glow of the moon and the stars.

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Wessex - 09-30-2020

[say] “I do, don’t I?”[/say] See, this is the reason Amun is going to be her Advisor, because he’s super smart. So smart about what to do, able to think about things the way Wessex can’t. Goddess, she’s lucky the Voice pulled him down from the stars.

Can you imagine if Safrin had him? Ugh.

But he is funny at times, isn’t he? Utterly unsure about what her advisor is doing at the moment, she mimics him by placing her hands in a similar position, shading his eyes with her own. But nothing happens. Frowning a bit, she whispers,[say] “What happens now?”[/say]

Safrin hadn’t come to smite her (yet).
The Voice hadn’t appeared either.
She’s up a ‘visor but hardly has anyting for him to advise her on.
It’s all very confusing. And exhausting.

[say] “Maybe we sleep?”[/say] the queen asks, without pulling away.

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Amun - 09-30-2020

Amun grinned, baring his fangs. [say]"Always and forever!"[/say] Chuckling, he reached out to place his hands on Wessex's shoulders.

Staring into her eyes, his own widened. There were entire galaxies in her pupils, swirling and dancing as the two of them had just been moments ago. [say]"Beautiful,"[/say] he breathed as he moved to rest his forehead against hers.

At her question he shrugged. [say]"Whatever we want it to. The world is our clamshell. Conch shell? Crustacean."[/say] He nodded on the last word, shifting to sling a an arm across her shoulder instead.

Humming, he looked at the moon again. [say]"I could rest. And drink something. Gods I'm thirsty."[/say] He licked his lips and glanced over at her. [say]"What do we dream about together? Ascended sheep?"[/say]

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Wessex - 10-07-2020

How long do they stand there and stare at each other? With galaxies and lifetimes in each others eyes, it’s a small miracle they aren’t absorbed for hours. Or maybe they are.[say] “Brown and sparkly. Like the earth, not the sky.”[/say] Or wherever it is he came from, the sky hole, the moon, his star world.

Unfortunately, she’s a little lost on the shellfish talk. Remember, her only experience with them is at the marketplace, as there was no ocean in the Ground. Having never tasted or eaten anything he mentions, Wessex can only fix him with a blank look, confused, but still happy.[say] “Mmmm, I’m a little thirsty too. I want more Ru.”[/say]

But no offer to let him drink from her or vice-versa. That is a line she can’t cross.

[say] “Maybe The Voice,”[/say] she suggests with a suddenly dreamy expression, laying herself into the grass again and wishing for their Lady.

RE: SE - for which the world shows little pity - Amun - 10-07-2020

Smiling, Amun blinked at Wessex's words. [say]"The earth and the sky. A pair that makes up the whole world."[/say] He stepped away from her, but was still close enough to touch. Laughing, he shifted so his hands were on her shoulders instead.

He finally broke eye contact with her. Sighing, he shook his head. [say]"I hope you drink her soon. And I hope I drink someone soon too."[/say] He licked his lips, the movement causing his entire body to shudder.

As she lay down, he released her. Peering down at her, he grinned at her words. Plopping down beside her, he stared at the night sky above them. [say]"Ascended dream of the Voice. I like that."[/say] His eyes drifted shut as he wriggled a bit on the ground to get a rock out from under him.