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[se] this is bullshit - Printable Version

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RE: [se] this is bullshit - Milo - 07-21-2021

The praise from Jack is enough to give Milo quite the stupid grin on his face, before he’s harpooning another gourd. His gaze lifts to watch as Locke gets himself into a tree and surrounded by the gourds and after a moment he sees motion with Melita moving toward the reserves, when a thought occurs to him. He knocks a couple more gourds off the rail that have been attached, before he sprints quite quickly over toward Melita’s side.

“[say]Oy, y’think yer Fangorn might b’able t’talk to ‘em?[/say]” He asks, a slightly hushed tone, bronze eyes scanning Melita before he notices the gourds are climbing back up and utters a quiet curse, grabbing a bit of the meat too – the kind that looks like it might be sort of looking like it’s turning and can’t be saved with the help of turning it into jerky of a stew of some sort. He breaks it up and tosses it off the side, wondering if they’ll be like dogs that want to follow any scraps of food offered.

RE: [se] this is bullshit - Locke - 07-21-2021

He's not stuck. He'll be fine. The goal was to keep them distracted until the ship could leave but it turns out they have other ideas. He watches Melita and Milo tossing the meat and he wishes he could be more upset about it. But alas, it was going to go off anyway. At least some of it was. Predator brain and all of that. He'd gotten a touch too much meat. Maybe it was just enough, all things considered now.

He waits until there's space for him to jump down and then he does, shaking himself lightly. He wishes he had a way to talk to the other's in this form but he's faster and stronger like this so he's not turning back to talk. Not yet anyway. He makes his way back to Melita and rubs against her side lightly before carefully, gently as he can, smacking a pumpkin away from them. See. It just rolled away, it's fun. Like a game. Or something.

RE: [se] this is bullshit - Jack - 07-22-2021

They get the job done, however... weird and mish-mashed it is, and Jack can only softly shake his head as he watches the adventures of mud, honeybee girl, meat, angry pumpkins and big cats. A fleeting glance over his shoulder shows Milo playing a similar game with the gourds on the other side of the ship, and, like it or not, Jack's crew do seem to have it under control. Well all fucking right then.

[say]"Leave the meat somewhere just within the Feverlands,"[/say] he calls to Melita. Hopefully something bigger will make a meal of the little orange pricks, and he won't have to look at her making mournful faces at them any more. [say]"Then get back up here, the rest of you. We'll station crew to keep an eye out, but I reckon you've done your bit for the time being."[/say]

RE: [se] this is bullshit - Melita - 07-23-2021

While Milo’s suggestion, before she headed out and wandered towards the pumpkins, was understood, they’d tried it within another years to no avail. [say]“He’s attempted. But they don’t listen.”[/say] So she shook her head mutely and headed over the side, meat in hand, listening to Jack’s commands, assisting Locke in getting down from the tree. She gave the jaguar a firm pat on the head, and then maneuvered outward, running, attempting to attract attention.

[say]“Over here!”[/say] And she waved the meat around, enough to gain eerie eyes flickering and falling to her, long limbs scattering and intertwining amidst the bizarre interfolds of the swamp – and then hurling the food as far as she could. While they twisted, turned, and gathered, she backed away, intending to return to the Ark just as quickly as she’d sauntered out.

RE: [se] this is bullshit - Locke - 07-24-2021

He keeps himself squarely between Melita and any lingering gourds. As much as the girl has a soft spot for them, he wasn't about to let her get eaten. Although, with how Fangorn is, maybe she'd just charm them instead. It seems like the meat does the trick though and Locke doesn't climb the Ark even if he kind of wants to. Instead he shifts back, following Melita back onto the boat.

[say]"Glad we found a use for that meat I suppose.."[/say] He was going to use it as bait for fish so it was kind of close. Plus, they don't need it at this point. [say]"Ship doesn't look too bad either. Least it wasn't something bigger.."[/say] He kind of shrugs at Jack as he walks past him.

RE: [se] this is bullshit - Milo - 07-25-2021

Melita seems to have it handled and all Milo can do is nod in slight understanding at the fact Fangorn had tried to no avail. How disappointing. He almost wonders if it’s worth trying to recreate a vampire gourd that’s much much much larger to try and distract them, with tiny little Fangorn in the center of the craft to make it appear as though he’s big enough and important enough to listen to.

But that’s neither here nor there and truthfully, a bit of a pipe dream for a man that’s not crafty in the slightest. So he remains at the side of the Ark, a rope ladder in hand to wait for them to return to toss it down once Locke and Melita have dragged the gourds away. And once they have, the ladder is tossed down for them to climb up it. He remains nearby it to pull it up the second they’re up the Ark again.

RE: [se] this is bullshit - Jack - 07-25-2021

And just like that, they've got it all in hand and his three errant crew members are all back aboard and back on track. Grunting something that's as close to a thanks as they'll get from the captain, Jack motions for a few men to guard the sides of the ship and to keep an eye out for any returning gourds whilst they get back to their duties.

The tide doesn't roll back in until sundown, by which time they are more than prepared to leave. Everything is collected, all is in order, and Jack's business in the Feverlands has concluded, as far as he is concerned. What a shame, then, that the Feverlands seems to have another idea for them. Howling, in the night. It doesn't mean a damn thing to Jack, but of course his crew are gone before he can tell them otherwise.

He's going to start getting leashes for them, he thinks.