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[DROP] Bleak - Printable Version

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RE: Bleak - Caiside - 02-22-2019

A breath of relief escaped Caiside when Kiada confirmed the luxere seemed fine, whatever parasite had lurked within it now feasting on another. His relief was short lived though; he had neglected to think about how the herd would respond to his sudden change in shape. Thundering hooves preceded a burst of pain, and then an icy chill as he was thrown face first into the snow.

For a moment, it seemed easiest to simply lay face down in the snow, the chill soothing the white hot flares of pain in his body. The herd had moved on, quiet descending around them again, broken only by the soft mewling of the luxere lamb. Kiada’s voice cut trough the quiet, finally enough to get him to move, rolling onto his side. Pain exploded up his side, radiating from his shoulder. He had never had pain hit him like this before, enough to bring a spring of tears to his eyes. Even the hot flares on his face couldn’t compare. [say]”I... will be able to walk.”[/say] He confirmed, with a healthy dose of uncertainty in his voice.

After a deep breath, Caiside forced himself to move again, rising to his feet and trying desperately to ignore the pulsing of his heart as it screamed through his shoulder and radiated our from the centre of his face. A stream of soft curses left his mouth as he did, the bitter condemnations of a dozen gods who were an entire world away. He took a step, then forced his face into as close an approximation of a smile as he could manage.

[say]”You should carry it.”[/say] Caiside spoke brusquely, almost snapping his words. He gestured towards the fawn, not wanting to be misunderstood.[say] “I need to... we need to get away from here.”[/say] Speaking helped him stay focused enough to blot our the idea of laying back in the snow, and letting the cold numb away his pain. He didn’t think he’d be able to stand up a second time, and he did not intend to die like this.

RE: Bleak - Random Event - 02-22-2019

At the words carry it the fawn brayed a contented sound, its head nuzzling against Kiada's palm. Looking up at her with wide and adoring eyes, it seemed to plead. It wanted to hear her voice again. It wanted to be carried. It wanted to be close.

It wanted her.

With a flare of effort, its small horn-buds began to glow softly. It would not be enough to protect them entirely, but it might serve as a deterrent long enough to get back to the Rathskeller.

Behind them the monster continued to swim in Isla, biting and chomping. Though it was almost entirely obscured by the thickening tornado of snow that threatened to diminish visibility to absolutely nothing.

The pair had better get a move on if they wanted to make it home in one piece.

The winner was determined by dice roll. Congratulations KIADA. Pls let me know the name of your new luxere <3

You both rolled super high, so you make it back to the Rathskeller in good time with no complicaations.