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[Training] Falling Slowly [SE] - Printable Version

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RE: Falling Slowly [SE] - Phoebe - 10-05-2022

Phoebe breathed a sigh of relief as Ru assured her she was fine. [say]"If you're hurt at all I can heal you."[/say] she added quickly, hoping she wasn't toughing something out for her sake.

How did it feel? Phoebe paused, taking stock of her tumultuous inner emotions. [say]"Well...I suppose it was a bit thrilling."[/say] she said with a small grin. [say]"I never would have thought I could do something like that."[/say] she admitted with a small smile as she helped Ru up.

RE: Falling Slowly [SE] - Hotaru - 10-05-2022

Hotaru waves away the offer with an elegant hand. [say]“No need, I recently discovered I can do minor healing myself. It will be good practice.”[/say] In Caido these things happen naturally, and though the Valkyrie had never once thought herself to be pure enough to have such a skill set, clearly time changes things.

As she stands, Ru grins. While similarly not the type, maybe they both have the capability to reach limits neither would normally consider in extraordinary circumstances like war. [say]“Sometimes we surprise ourselves. I’m sure if the need arose and any children or civilians in the refuge were in danger, you’d be capable of much more than you ever thought.”[/say] Dusting herself off idly, the Valkyrie gives a small, kindly smile. [say] “Would you like to learn the next, or practice your shield?”[/say]

RE: Falling Slowly [SE] - Phoebe - 10-05-2022

Phoebe nodded, glad Ru had it under control. She hadn't known the woman had healing magic of her own. It surprised her a little but she didn't think on it too deeply.

She hadn't considered herself very capable before, but Ru and her lessons were giving her a newfound confidence. Perhaps she wasn't as helpless as she had led herself to believe. Briefly she glanced at her hands. Usually they were used for healing. But she supposed they could be used for destruction too if pressed. Jude came to mind then, and she knew without a doubt she would do everything in her power to keep him safe.

[say]"My shield. I need to practice it when I am not expecting a hit."[/say] she said. With Ronin it had been prepared. But summoning it under duress and surprise might prove more difficult.

RE: Falling Slowly [SE] - Hotaru - 10-07-2022

Shield it would be. Ru flows with the woman’s desires easily, flexible as a trainer and sparring partner. [say]“If you want that, I can summon birds - have them dive at you at random? They’re agile enough to change course if your shield doesn’t work, and I can compel them to be gentle so they don’t hurt themselves.”[/say] Plus they could both heal them even if a wing or beak was hurt in the mayhem.

There are plenty of hels, gore crows, and other buzzards about for Ru to pull on once Phoebe gives her the word. It would be good practice for Hotaru as well.

RE: Falling Slowly [SE] - Phoebe - 10-07-2022

Phoebe figured with the throw she had just learned and the tackling she learned from Ronin she had a much better chance fighting than she once had. Now she just needed to perfect the use of her shield.

[say]"It is only good for one hit."[/say] Phoebe explained once Hotaru explained her plan of action. [say]"But I will try dodging the other birds."[/say] That way Hotaru could get what she needed out of the training too. The Nightingale took a fighting stance, eyes on the skies. [say]"Ready when you are!"[/say] Phoebe called out. This was going to test both her shield and her dexterity so she had to be ready.

As soon as she saw the first bird dive she erected her rainbow colored shield to deflect it.

RE: Falling Slowly [SE] - Hotaru - 10-10-2022

Ru nods her head obligingly. It would be good practice regardless for Phoebe to dodge as many as she could before her shield inevitably took the blow. In a real fight she would want to evade over utilizing such a precious resource anyway.

Ru takes a few steps back, leisurely and poised with a grin as she calls on all the surrounding birds that are capable of being swayed beneath her command. It ensures a plentiful turnout, birds of all shapes and colors flying from the corners of the island to swoop down in long, diving arcs towards Phoebe. Fast, but not too uncoordinated. Perfect for her to practice dodging and - inevitably - reflecting.

RE: Falling Slowly [SE] - Phoebe - 10-10-2022

The birds descending was a terrifying sight. She really wasn't a fan of birds to begin with. But now a whole flock dive bombing her? Not her idea of a good day. Maybe she should have thought this through a bit more.

The shield takes the blow of the first few closest and fastest birds, but then it dissipates and it's up to her to dodge an swerve the oncoming birds. There were a few close calls, especially in the instances where she had to dive out of the way and get back up, but in the first wave of birds, none manage to scrape her.

RE: Falling Slowly [SE] - Hotaru - 10-10-2022

She has far better evasive tactics than Ru could have anticipated, but given her build it makes sense that Phoebe is light on her feet. There isn’t much for Ru to do but exercise control over the birds and ensure none of the compulsive strands are lost or too heavily commanded. No sense in hurting either party.

The shield itself is beautiful, aesthetically, though it shimmers away once it has been struck. Once Phoebe has dodged an entire wave of them, Ru slowly loosens control over the birds, dispelling them in slow waves so they might not be too harried in their departures. Smiling warmly, Hotaru approaches the Nightingale and marvels at the intriguing sight of the errant sand sliding magically from her body. [say]“Wonderful job. I think this is a good place to end for the day, you don’t want to overdo it. Though of course you’re always welcome to call on me whenever you need more training.”[/say] By letter or visitation, Ru would make the time for her fellow blonde friend.

RE: Falling Slowly [SE] - Phoebe - 10-10-2022

Slowly the birds begin to disperse and Phoebe breathes a sigh of relief. Her heart is still racing and though it had been terrifying she was glad to know she could exert that much control while under duress. It hadn't been easy, but it had been possible.

She brushed sand off her torso, smiling triumphantly at Ru. Perhaps she was much more capable than she had given herself credit for. [say]"I will definitely let you know. This has been so helpful, thank you."[/say] she said with a smile.

And so the two parted ways once again. Who knew when they would meet once more, but Phoebe was glad her friend could now also be called her sparring partner.