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same new beginning - Printable Version

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RE: same new beginning - Deimos - 07-04-2023

Going more for protection over dramatics and flair, he either snorted or nodded in her affirmations and critiques, and with the semblances of color in accordance and agreement, he passed the sketch over to her entirely, so he could begin construction.

He turned his palms over to face one another, concentration yielding to the machinations and image embedded in his mind. Quickly, his hands glowed in their familiar wakes of gold, the coat’s outline pooling, forming, before the rest followed suit. In time, there were layers upon layers added to the framework, fur coating the inside, a hood embedded and embossed with all the fine details already sketched; arches of deer antlers, flakes and flanks of gold along pockets and buttons, reflections of lifetimes past and present. Some were flames and embers. Some were more spires of horns.

Thereafter, the Sword took a long breath, content with the final piece, and held it out to her. [say]“What do you think?”[/say]


[say]Deimos has created:
Little Red Riding Jacket: This red and gold embossed coat, lined with fur and heavily hooded, can sustain an Ancient in the cold for a short period of time. [/say]

RE: same new beginning - Kiada - 07-04-2023

With the sketch in hand, she takes a few moments to peer over it, iceberg eyes content and pleased as she nods her head – despite knowing he’s already begun his construction. So she settles at his side, design angled so that he can better see it to mold off of, and she stands there comfortably amongst the sand and sun to watch as he crafts it – seeing all the bits and pieces meld into place. There’s a touch of nostalgia as he adds the horns and antlers, as the gold glimmers in the Torchline sun, almost blindingly bright.

And when he’s done, the jacket completed and held out to her, she trades him the sketch for the living thing – having no qualms with wearing it (instead, appreciating the additional heat), as she slips it on to fit her form, hands smoothing over the fine details and the furs that bunch around her neck. She relieves a breath of relief, smiling toward him as she does a spin in the sand, as if to give him a better view of how it fits. “[say]It’s perfect Deimos.[/say]” She murmurs, bunching it closer and tighter, before she embraces him again in a tight hug, enough that her face presses into his chest when she murmurs a soft "[say]thank you.[/say]"

RE: same new beginning - Deimos - 07-04-2023

Approval came in many forms, and he waited for hers as the sketch was passed back, placing it into the pockets of his pants while she began to enclose herself within the sanction and sanctuary of the jacket. Despite the heat of Torchline, she seemed completely unbothered by it (and he made a mental note of an Ancient’s capacity), and the coat was deemed more than suitable.

Suddenly encircled by her arms again, he returned the gesture with another firmer grasp, half-tempted to raise her upwards again, but leaving her on the ground for now. [say]“You are always welcome,”[/say] and he meant it, releasing her on another long breath and a broad smile. [say]“Now, what will you do with your newfound freedom?”[/say] Capable of journeying, at the very least, to Halo’s skyport and the Citadel without freezing over.

RE: same new beginning - Kiada - 07-04-2023

His arms wrap around her and squeeze her close as well – and she certainly wonders if he’s going to lift her off the ground this time too – but when it doesn’t come and he releases her, she continues to nestle into the jacket (in warmth that would certainly have anyone else sweating and prone to heat stroke, though Kiada seems unbothered), and flashes him an easier smile – one tinged with a hint of nostalgia. “[say]I think I’m going to take a trip to the Grounds first. See what’s all changed.[/say]” She pauses, head tilting slightly as she regards him.

“[say]Then I think I’ll try and take a trip to Halo and see how well you’re doing there.[/say]” She winks at him before grinning, breaking into a chimed laugh as she goes to loop her arm into his and try and drag the statue that is her father figure down the beach toward some place to get something to drink and eat. "[say]But first, I think we should get some lunch.[/say]"

RE: same new beginning - Deimos - 07-04-2023

Mention of the Grounds inspired the same visceral effect to his frame as all the times before; an adverse, apprehensive rigidity to his spine, a cloaking of his features, and a narrowing of his eyes. [say]“Quite a bit has changed - landscape wise,”[/say] he offered as she took looped her hand along his arm, and he started meandering closer to the port and its hospitalities. [say]“We went to the festival there.”[/say] An almost mulish glance flickered over his face, jaw tightening, an overt display of how much he disliked the affair.

Kiada in Halo was a much better prospect than conversation about the Hollowed sphere multitudes of them had left behind. [say]“Skyports and springs have been added since you were there there last,”[/say] for the last time they’d talked about it, the latter had been naught more than a figment. [say]“Ru’s Academy is doing well.”[/say] And so was the Valkyrie, at least, beginning to unfurl from the melancholy.

RE: same new beginning - Kiada - 07-06-2023

They start to walk and she glances up at him curiously, uncertainty lingering in her gaze as she starts to speak. “[say]I didn’t know there was a festival. What was it for?[/say]” She asks curiously, unsure if he wanted to share, but knowing that should it have posed any form of danger he’d absolutely want her to know.

As for Halo, though, it makes it easier. A better conversation even if parts of Halo still seemed bittersweet to her — ever since Chuy. “[say]A hot spring? Like the Basin?[/say]” It wasn’t a hot springs per say but a lake that never froze. And as for the academy, it draws a softer smile to her lips. “[say]Good. I’m sure she’s enjoying it.[/say]” Kiada would be, provided she had anything these days to preside over.

RE: same new beginning - Deimos - 07-06-2023

[say]“The Blood Moon, apparently,”[/say] he uttered, arching half a brow, nearly inclined to ask why she wasn’t there. [say]“For Dygra.”[/say] Then thought better of it, considering how many festivals had ended up being disastrous, and perhaps it was fine that she hadn’t attended. [say]“It was not bad but…chaotic?”[/say] His nose wrinkled, uncertain how else to describe it.

Luckily, the smell of freshly baked bread lured him away from any melancholic notions, and if a few passersby turned their heads at Kiada’s crimson outfit, they didn’t say a word. Worlds of the Basin and Halo blending together, and only in minds of yesteryears and other landscapes, was altogether a better topic, and he permitted a smile to hasten along his mouth. [say]“Yes. In the Fangs. We will be adding healing portions to it soon enough.”[/say] The inclinations of Ru remained as he swept along the market, following the aromas. [say]“She would be glad to see you too.” [/say]

RE: same new beginning - Kiada - 07-07-2023

“[say]Oh.[/say]” She says, as if realizing it belatedly, that perhaps she should have gone to it. But that was neither here nor there, now, and she certainly hasn’t gone to see Dygra yet either, aside from the first change. A fact that kept her lips shut but is evident in the way her nose wrinkles slightly – thankful for the scent of bread. “[say]Well, it is a Grounds festival.[/say]” Reason enough for it to be chaotic and weird.

She remains striding easily though the group of people with her arm around Deimos’ own, the jacket keeping her toasty and warm in the blistering heat of Torchline, but the horns settled atop her head might help to give them a hint that she’d survive this excursion. She follows the scent of bread just long enough to scent a mouth watering barbeque closer to the beach, angling her and Deimos’ path toward it as her mouth starts to water. “[say]It’s been a long time… I should stop by and see her.[/say]” She agrees, intently focused now on figuring out where the barbeque was. “[say]How are things with Evie?[/say]” She asks idly.

RE: same new beginning - Deimos - 07-07-2023

Eternally beholden to the notion that all Grounds festivals would end in some tragedy, mayhem, or upheaval, the notions that this one hadn’t did cross his mind. His lack of enjoyment had come from being made to skip around and frolic, a custom he didn’t frequent – perhaps he wouldn’t found it much more hospitable if he could’ve merely watched others act like fools. [say]“And no one died,”[/say] he murmured, as if this was some grand occasion and a rarity.

The scent of bread, melding and molding with the notions of some barbeque, enticed him out of whatever mood threatened to strangle, following and making the move crowd due to his size. As passersby parted, he nodded at Kiada’s insinuations – especially since she could now.

The other question had his brow arching, searching her features for something else, before an inkling of a smile began to drift back along the corners of his mouth. [say]“Good. She found a companion. We have been expanding the house.”[/say] Necessary, given how many animals lived within…and plants. And weapons. Then, on a semblance and thought, for he’d told no one else save for the Evergreen amidst their plans, he whispered of another intention in the Harpy’s ear, then drew back, waiting to see her reaction.

RE: same new beginning - Kiada - 07-08-2023

His follow up comment on the Grounds party has Kiada humming a soft snort, shaking her head as if perhaps a bit sad that that was the marker they went by. It was a good one at the very least, given how one couldn’t get more dramatic at a festival than that. And they’d certainly been to more than enough of them to see the trend. “[say]Good.[/say]” She offers honestly, switching the subject as they part through the crowd (mainly from his help), to head straight for the barbecue, the Harpy entirely following her nose.

She’s distracted from it only when he starts to mention expanding the house, turning to look at him with a bright grin — having always found a domestic version of Deimos both amusing and almost sickly sweet. But she stills the second he goes to whisper to her and her eyes widen, watching him as he pulls back, a grin blooming on her face. “[say]Oh that’s very exciting! Congratulations! Let me know how I can help.[/say]” She had helped with the previous one, and she supposes it’s time to get a new wardrobe in order to look presentable for it.

RE: same new beginning - Deimos - 07-08-2023

Expectations for festivals were very low, a bar practically in the ground. Kiada would know well enough too, having experienced the array of danger firsthand within many opportunities. Shaking his head at her snort, he bent along another corner, the aromas of the grilling meat filling his mind and leaving him content for the moment.

He did manage a laugh at her reaction, elated to find nothing else behind it but the satisfaction and grin, rolling his eyes vaguely at the statement – mostly because of past apprehensions and experiences. [say]“I have to ask first,”[/say] he murmured, trying not to get too far ahead of spectacles and events, despite discussions of it in the past. [say]“But of course. I will let you know.”[/say] Especially since she could meander through Halo now.

The line for the barbeque unfurled before them an instant thereafter, and he snagged a spot at the end, towering over most of the crowd. [say]“What about you? Any changes with Chuy?”[/say] At least, since the last time they’d discussed the matter, she’d been aiming for separate ways.

RE: same new beginning - Kiada - 07-13-2023

“[say]Well get on with it then.[/say]” Kiada chides and very childishly sticks her tongue out at Deimos, even as she’s distracted wholly by the barbeque she can smell. She’d be lying if she said her mouth wasn’t watering the second she laid eyes on the meal, following alongside Deimos as he peers over the crowd at the end, already deciding what she wants to order by the time Deimo speaks again.

“[say]No… I still haven’t reached out.[/say]” She says softly, looking over at Deimos with a small frown. She doesn’t know how to at this point, content to let him continue to live his life to the fullest with his little farms of animals he could care for. “[say]I did catch up with Harper recently, though.[/say]” She doesn’t remember if she told him about her previous relationship with the man, and while it hadn’t gone anywhere she certainly held a soft spot for him still.

RE: same new beginning - Deimos - 07-13-2023

[say]“Timing,”[/say] he rolled his eyes in return at her childish banter; for there were certain other things he wanted to coordinate beforehand, and he’d rarely been a creature built on impulse. But while Kiada tended to and collected her thoughts, his eyes roamed over menu items, enticed wholly by the aroma and figuring he could bring home some extras for the rest of the residence.

Her response surprised him twofold – one, that she’d merely let things lie between her and Chuy, and the second instance of Harper. His eyes probably widened more on the latter statement than anything else, head swinging as his brow arched, eyes widening, then narrowing, as if striving and trying to pinpoint where that line had come from. [say]“Harper,”[/say] he stated again, in case he’d imagined or misheard the name. [say]“I did not realize you knew him.”[/say] Nor had a connection with one of the Torchline sovereigns. Didn’t he have a family too?

RE: same new beginning - Kiada - 07-15-2023

She playfully rolls her eyes at the timing comment, spending the moment peeking at the offered options for food (mouth practically watering the longer they wait to get to the front of the line), but listens to the repeat of the name, looking back up at him to see the widening of his eyes, and she flashes him an easy smile. “[say]Harper, yes.[/say]” She repeats, just in case he thinks he still has misheard. As for knowing him?

She takes a deep breath and turns a bit to focus on Deimos, letting her smile remain softer, less playful and teasing and taunting. “[say]I met him a few days after he landed here. He asked me to dance with him in his first Fiat Lux. The one with the mud monster.[/say]” Though they had ended up dancing on the edge of the oasis instead, a thought that brings a softer, nostalgic smile to her face, despite the fact that she had broken her leg during that Fiat Lux and Zuriel had to heal her. “[say]He came to check on me after and we had… A very long talk. About our pasts. I told him about Ru’in and Kianzo and Helovia.[/say]” She pauses before she shrugs and looks back toward the food as the line moves closer toward the front. “[say]And I was there for him when he realized he wouldn’t see his family from before in Mort’s world.[/say]” Nothing romantic, perse, but certainly some kind of connection there.

Besides, it isn’t like she’s intending on being a homewrecker. She knows about Harper’s family, but it seems like the women he’s been with aren’t those that he wishes to keep their company anymore. “[say]Then I saw him not too long ago after everything. He thought I died in the war. I think he was relieved to have a friend back. He told me about his son.[/say]” She looks back over to Deimos to see how he takes it, before leaning in to order her chosen meal.