Court of the Fallen
show me what I’m looking for - Printable Version

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RE: show me what I’m looking for - Hawthorn - 04-02-2024

He can see the relaxation in Harper’s shoulders the second that he kneels and its with that thought in mind that the smile blooms as he asks his question – a touch flirtatious, but also simply there, to listen, if that was all Harper wanted to do. But he peers up at the Stalwart while he leans forward, his warm forehead pressing against his own and Thorn’s lids close most of the way, lashes brushing against the bridge of the other man’s nose as he listens.

Gods, he would love to hear the stories regardless, but ultimately they aren’t here for him. He is here for Harper, performing a service, therefore his needs take the backseat when it comes to whatever the other man needed. Still, he snorts a little at the options as they’re laid out, hands lifting to run along the insides of the other man’s thighs, his forehead pressing back against Harper’s with a low hum of consideration. “[say]I’m here for you, baby.[/say]” Thorn whispers gently, withdrawing his head from Harper’s to pin him with a seductive, heavy lidded look. “[say]Maybe if you wanna keep me all night you can tell me all of those stories?[/say]” Gods, he hopes he can stay the night with him and not have to leave.

A part of him doesn’t want to leave this space in the morning, either.

But he does get started on the first order of business, especially with the trail his hands take, slipping up toward the button of Harper’s pants in a languid stroke, a press against his groin all while he lets his seafoam gaze drift between the button he’s trying to undo, and the reaction he hopes it sparks on Harper’s face.

RE: show me what I’m looking for - Harper - 04-20-2024

Thorn's closeness soothes something torn and ragged in his chest, and he knows that's why he keeps doing this, keeps showing up even when the names and faces change. When he forces them to change, because he's scared that even having a regular will somehow lead his wayward, deceitful heart down a path of hope and expectations that will never be met. Right now, it's all new. Thorn is new. And the way he calls him baby makes Harper feel like he can shed that outer layer of masculine expectation he'd had put onto him the minute he stepped foot into Caido and found himself entangled with only women. Maybe that expectation had been built up in his head, but the idea that he can be cared for is heady.

[say]"I have plenty, and I'm happy to share,"[/say] he murmurs, lips finally rising at the corners. Thorn is charming, and while Harper can never be sure if his interest in stories and the setting of the room is genuine, it's easier to believe. But for right now there's not much thinking to be had - not when Thorn's fingers pop the button on his pants, making Harper's breath hitch and reluctantly leaning backward onto his hands to provide a better angle for them both. He watches from above with half-lidded eyes, the dark blue of his own irises concentrated on Thorn's own instead of the courtesan's hands despite how good they feel.

RE: show me what I’m looking for - Hawthorn - 04-20-2024

“[say]I’m gonna hold ya to it, baby.[/say]” Thorn drawls, that playfully seductive grin remaining as he works at the button and watches as Harper settles back onto his elbows. He gets a beautiful view of the man’s chest, watching the rise and fall as it subsequently hitches when the button is released and he slowly starts to slip the other man’s pants off. All the while he meets the attuned’s gaze, fingers deftly running along his newly exposed skin as he activates that wind magic at his fingertips, billowing open Harper’s shirt ever so slightly to reveal more of his chest.

He slips Harper’s legs over his shoulders, hands bracing and running along the outsides of his thighs as his cock is exposed to him now, and Thorn’s seafoam gaze is lidded heavily and locked on the Attuned as he leans forward, dragging his warm tongue along the length, relishing in the taste and the warmth, trying to fill him out fully before he dives in. As he works him up, he utilizes the magic again, letting the wind drag little gusts against Harper’s chest, dragging against his nipples to help.

And the second he gets Harper all content and ready, one of his hands runs along the base of the other man’s cock as he guides it to his mouth, deftly and with practice, swallows him down, humming his notes of contentment as his lids flutter briefly, still trying to focus on Harper but finding it a bit harder, so he decides to make it a show instead.

RE: show me what I’m looking for - Harper - 04-24-2024

Harper balances enough to free both hands to slide his shirt off, impressive musculature flexing as he holds himself up long enough to discard it to the side the moment the courtesan plays with it. It allows Thorn to better see the shudder and flex that the caress of his magic causes, the way dusky nipples pebble and harden at even so slight a touch as that.

His legs go easily, clearly happy to have the decisions taken from his hands, especially in so pleasurable a way. Harper's dark blue eyes stay locked on Hawthorn's in turn, happy to escape in a color that doesn't hold any memories for him. He shudders and his hips jerk just a touch at the slow stroke of Thorn's tongue, only to forcibly still a moment later. Polite. Obedient. Patient. All things his hindbrain so desperately wants to prove he can be when the tables are turned like this.

It doesn't take long at all to get Harper fully erect, and he has to admit part of it is Thorn's skill. Then all thoughts are gone as the man sinks his lips over him to the base in one fell swoop, making Harper groan and fall back onto his elbows, thighs tightening just a touch around Thorn's head before he can force them still again. And though the angle is a little harder, Harper keeps his head tilted to watch it all, cheeks flush and beauty marks standing out darkly as tan skin goes pink. One hand lifts and automatically, gently, brushes hair off Thorn's forehead. Never asking for more, refusing to push or buck or beg. Giving away pieces of himself without even knowing it.

RE: show me what I’m looking for - Hawthorn - 04-24-2024

It works, and the courtesan is quite pleased with the results as his wind gently gusts along and he watches Harper’s chest flex as he works to get him fully erect. He chases after the Attuned’s length with each shudder and jerk that occurs, through some amusement gleams in the pools of his bright green gaze, amusement that shifts to a small amount of confusion when Harper stills so suddenly. It’s fine, though, because Thorn swallows him up quickly after, hands lifting to slide underneath Harper’s thighs to dig his fingertips in, spreading him more for him as he picks a pace to take him, cheeks hollowing and filling with the movement, offering his own little soft hums and vibrations into the mix.

The touch of Harper’s hand to brush his hair away is one that surprises Thorn, enough so that after a few moments he withdraws from Harper’s length with a wet pop, and with swollen lips flashes him a smirk. “[say]Y’don’t have to stop yourself from reacting, Bluejay. I can handle you.[/say]” He says, hand lifting to press his thumb along the tip of Harper’s cock, gathering the mixture of spit and precum there, stroking him up fully as he waits for Harper’s response as he sticks that thumb promptly in his mouth, a bit of cockiness and sassiness making its way to the forefront.