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[PQ+] maybe we could salvage it all - Printable Version

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RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Zavien - 06-07-2024

His dogged focus on the Devil's Klaws had apparently caused a lapse in judgement as he heard the hiss of a snake too close for comfort. Freezing cautiously to prevent further disturbance, he whispered to Mittens quietly, [say]"Maybe you should let the ladies know where I am? I don't want them to worry."[/say] It wasn't that he was necessarily in danger, but he needed a minute to figure out how he was going to lose his new entourage without killing anything not tainted by the Void.

Zavien didn't know how the evil hands were following him, since they didn't have eyes and their "legs" were practically rooted to the ground, but he knew that he didn't like it. How fast could they move? If he produced enough smoke, could he escape their notice? Were they scared of anything? The last question threatened to take him down into an endless pit of ideas, but Zavien decided to go with the easiest.

So he sprinted.

Before the snake could get any closer or the others could risk being noticed, he began zigzagging in a roundabout adjacent direction to the meeting place. His eyes scanned everything to keep from disrupting any more wildlife as his feet flew over roots and unstable grounds. Not wanting to get too lost (he was already starting to get disoriented by the identical trees and bushes), Zavien didn't travel too far before stopping to find an unoccupied bush to duck behind. With wide eyes that took in every movement and straining ears that listened for any danger, he sat and waited a moment to observe whether his first attempt had worked at losing the Devil's Klaws.

Zavien ran!

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Lena - 06-08-2024

Lena’s brows only furrowed a touch at Zavien’s absence, albeit suspicious and glancing around all at once. [say]“I didn’t find anything except for a few mushrooms,"[/say] a notice to Isla, her calm features beginning to curl into a frown. The rats were a little perplexing though, and she wouldn’t be surprised to find them in the Celestine later, if something were distressing their appetite.

Moments later, Mittens, surprisingly adhering to someone else’s command, began screaming and screeching, throwing its head upwards to signal the direction and location of the Accepted. [say]“We can head that way. Seems Zavien is over there.”[/say] What he was up to or what he’d found would be anyone’s guess, because it wouldn’t matter soon after.

All had been calm before the storm, and perhaps they would’ve been satisfied in dealing with a few Devil’s Klaws. Alas.

Perhaps it finally had sensed their presence. Maybe it'd been a lull all along. The fog rolled in suddenly; murky, yellowish tinges, with light contorting around its edges. An alluring thing, really, with a song gathered beneath its lingering abyss – meant to entice and ensnare…


[say]Lena and Isla are headed towards Zavien and Mittens, but there’s something else appearing! What will you do? No post order![/say]

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Isla - 06-08-2024

Tilting her head at Lena's apparent calm in the face of a screaming snowball nearby, Isla can only guess that this is... normal? behaviour for Mittens, and she nods to the other woman. [say]"Hopefully he hasn't gotten himself into any trouble,"[/say] she says, falling into step and heading in the direction of the commotion.

Which is about when the fog rolls in, and Isla having succeeded in her roll is instantly suspicious of anything alluring or enticing in a void infested swamp, and she slows her steps to glance around warily. [say]"Do you hear that?"[/say] she whispers to Lena. [say]"I think the sooner we find Zavien, the better."[/say] She doesn't call out for him, though. Somehow she thinks that silence might be to their advantage, here.

Isla is suspicious of the fog, and resists the urge to call out for Zavien in case whatever it is zeroes in on them!

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Zavien - 06-08-2024

As he hid behind the bush, a creepy mustard yellow fog began to disperse amongst the marshlands. Zavien narrowed his eyes and glanced around for any other dangers. He wasn't sure if he'd lost the Devil's Klaws or not, but that didn't matter if he couldn't find the others. Making sure Mittens was still close by, he made a slow exit from his hiding place.

Other than having Mittens screech again - which he didn't think was a great idea - he didn't have many options to call the others to him with the decreased visibility. The strange song that accompanied the fog didn't help since he could have sworn he was hearing voices in the wind. So he settled for turning to Mittens again. With a concerned look, hoping to stress the importance, he asked the snowball, [say]"Do you think you could find Lena and lead them back here?"[/say] Maybe through their bond, her companion would be able to reunite the group. Zavien didn't want to risk getting more lost or encountering more trouble. His training had drilled that staying in place was the best course of action. As long as the others were coming to find him, he had hope that they would.

Zavien asks Mittens to lead Lena and Isla to him while he stays to watch for other dangers.

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Lena - 06-08-2024

Mittens often screamed for a number of reasons, but its continued alert, and then rapidly floating towards Lena and Isla in the midst of the unsettling fog seemed to be enough. The Caretaker took far more swifter strides, breaking into a light jog and presuming Isla was alongside her. Striving to stay calm, even though her heart had begun to race and pound in her chest, she shared potential wisdom. [say]“I think this might be a lamplighter,”[/say] she thought over, contemplating and recalling of all the animals she’d ever seen in the Celestine, and where they’d come from. [say]“We can’t let it lure us.”[/say]

Except, gods that song sounded entrancing – she couldn’t quite fathom where she’d heard it before. Her mother’s song? No…she wasn’t one for frivolity. Sera, perhaps?

With Mittens leading the way, it wouldn’t take them very long to reach the crouching Dragoon – even in the mist.

Except the Devil’s Klaws hadn’t quite left him alone, and should Zavien turn around, he’d find himself very close by to some threatening creatures.


[say]Lena and Isla are one round away from Zavien. Lena has been momentarily distracted by the lamplighter. You have one more round until it makes a more…visual appearance. ;D

Zavien has three Devil’s Klaws right behind him. What will you do next? No post order!

Devil’s Klaw One: 50/50
Devil’s Klaw Two: 50/50
Devil’s Klaw Three: 50/50[/say]

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Zavien - 06-08-2024

Mittens zipped off and Zavien sighed in relief that the snowball had listened to his request. With any luck, they would all be reunited quickly. In the meantime, he scanned his surroundings, trying to peer through the thick yellow fog. A minor level of anxiety settled in his gut at what might appear from the mist. In his heightened concern, Zavien stood to get a better view of his surroundings.

He jumped back in surprise to find the Devil's Klaws so close behind him. [say]"Oh, shi-!"[/say] With his speed, he'd hope to escape their notice. Apparently, he had a lot more training to do. The creepy handful stood menacingly and Zavien made the reluctant decision to draw his sword. He'd tried the non-violent method. In order to keep the others safe, he only had one choice. [say]"Sorry,"[/say] he mumbled. With a swing of his sword, he attempted to chop the first Devil's Klaw into pieces, keeping aware of the others to spot any movement.

Zavien attacks the first Devil's Klaw with his sword.

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Isla - 06-09-2024

Isla is indeed alongside Lena as she starts to run, the Remedy picking up her pace - and reaching out to snag the other woman by the wrist as it seems like she might be starting to listen to the music that (to Isla, at least) sounds very unsettling now. [say]"I can't say that I've ever encountered one, and I don't intend to start now,"[/say] she pants, trying to keep up with the pace of the snowball as it zips through the undergrowth.

Able to hear the ruckus up ahead (read: Zavien trying to chop the shit out of a Devil's Klaw), the Remedy calls out and ignites her magic in a few fiery orbs that float around them. [say]"We're on our way!"[/say] she calls out at last, deciding that having a full group is probably more important, now, than avoiding notice.

She doubts, at this point, that they'll be able to avoid it anyway.

Isla grabs Lena to try and ferry her through the undergrowth so she doesn't get too distracted by the music! She also ignites her Mastered Fire Manipulation in preparation, and calls to Zavien to tell him where they are.

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Lena - 06-09-2024

As the ladies arrived, Zavien’s blade held true, forcefully slashing the first Devil’s Klaw as the silent and stealthy cretin could do naught but stand, not giving away its movements.

Ferried by Isla, Lena shook her head and persisted onward, yelling towards Zavien. [say]“Hey, leave them! We’ve got a lamplighter coming!”[/say] Mittens growled and hissed thereafter, and despite Isla’s Mastered Fire at the ready, it wasn’t going to persuade anyone or anything to vacate; not at the moment. [say]“We can’t listen to its song!”[/say] The Caretaker tried to explain over the abundance of nuance and noise flooding through the undergrowth. Which would be difficult, since they all had ears, and were surrounded by looming murk.

Mind racing and heart pounding, she strived to come up with something so they weren’t all ensnared. [say]“I say we head back the way we came, towards that tree.”[/say] The big, slightly ominous looking one. Then they’d be able to exit without too much issue.

Warnings aside, the beast did exactly as predicted – emerging through the yellow, murky fog as an enticing, luring foe, massive and huge, overwhelming and potent, before disappearing into the midst.


[say]The lamplighter is here and Lena thinks they should head back the way they came! What will you do next? No post order!

Devil Klaw One: 30/50
Devil Klaw Two: 50/50
Devil Klaw Three: 50/50

Lamplighter: 389/389[/say]

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Isla - 06-09-2024

Pleased to have found Zavien, even if they appear to have also found some Devil's Klaws, Isla can only nod a Lena's instructions. [say]"Cover your ears if you can,"[/say] she advises, plucking up her satchel of medical supplies now that she's got hands with which to hold the bag. [say]"That's a good idea,"[/say] she tells Lena, before taking her own advice and clapping her hands over her ears.

Luckily, one doesn't need to hear or gesture to use magic, and the Remedy wreaths the group in her fire in the hope that if anything tries to lurch out and attack them, they'll be greeted with a lick of flame instead. Nodding back in the direction they'd come - and hopefully towards the Hanging Tree - she begins to trek forward, suddenly feeling as though they've gotten their answers and then some when it comes to exploring the Feverlands.

Isla agrees with Lena, warns everyone to cover their ears (and does so as well) and begins to trek back towards the Hanging Tree. She keeps her Mastered Fire Manipulation at the ready just in case anything attacks them.

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Zavien - 06-09-2024

When the women raced in with worried expressions and rushed plans, Zavien had to reorient his priorities quickly. Obviously, the Devil's Klaws were no longer their primary concern, even if he still gave them suspicious looks. The yellowish fog appeared to be the source of the soft singing voice pulling at his mind. He quickly agreed that they needed to block out the alluring sound.

Grabbing his shirt, he tore off strips and began slicing them with his sword into small pieces to roll up. Taking two for himself, he shoved them in his ears before offering the rest to the Lena and Isla. [say]"Let's use these to plug our ears!"[/say] Zavien was talking loudly with his already in, but he didn't wait to hear their responses. [say]"We should definitely head back to the tree!"[/say] It was questionable on whether he had heard their plans already as he agreed to retreat back to the Hanging Tree.

At Isla's wall of fire, Zavien nodded to the Ancient with an appreciative smile. Hopefully it would help protect them from whatever was around them. Maybe it would even keep the Devil's Klaws from following. Either way, he kept his sword at the ready for any dangers that slipped past.

Zavien plugs his ears with cloth and offers the same to the others as they head back towards the tree.

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Lena - 06-09-2024

[say]“Mittens, can you see anything?”[/say] The snowball hastened upward while the rest ran and rampaged. Covering her ears until Zavien offered them the cut portions of thread, the Caretaker was grateful for the Dragoon and Ancient’s sharp thinking. With the cloth dampening the lure of the songs, they were free to continue careening onward, hopefully in the right direction.

The lamplighter, perhaps irritated they hadn’t fallen for its snare, snapped out of the yellow fog; massive jaw hinging very close to Lena – enough to make the Attuned go wide and keep the scream out of her mouth.

[say]“I’m going to try and distract it!”[/say] she uttered, hopefully loud enough for everyone to hear. Isla ’s flame seemed to be enough to hasten the creature back, for now, as it dissipated back into the midst, but Lena didn’t want to keep taking these chances. Instead, she compelled any birds nearby, hoping to send them towards the lamplighter in bits of nuisances and annoyances.


[say]Mittens has been sent upwards to try and see above the fog.

Zavien’s ploy has worked for this round and none of the group have been lured by the lamplighter’s song.

The lamplighter has tried to grab Lena, but missed. Isla’s fire has dissuaded it for now.

Lena tries to compel birds to annoy/distract the lamplighter.

What will you do next? No post order!

Lamplighter: 389/389

Lena: 100/100
Isla: 150/150
Zavien: 13/13[/say]

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Zavien - 06-09-2024

The appearance of the massive lamplighter's jaw had Zavien lunging to pull Lena out of the way. Luckily, the attack missed, allowing him to release an anxious sigh of relief. He kept close to the Attuned, even if he wasn't able to provide much protection with the decreased visibility.

Raising his sword threateningly, he looked around with narrowed eyes. If the thing dared to show its ugly mug again, he would not hesitate to strike. In the meantime, he watched Lena call upon birds while Isla expertly manipulated the flames around them. Zavien yelled out, [say]"Keep up the good work! I'll try to intercept any other attacks!"[/say] Hopefully their abilities would keep it distracted enough to give him the chance to get a hit or two in. Or, he could guard them while they do the crucial work.

Zavien stands ready to attack with his sword.

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Isla - 06-14-2024

More than appreciative of Zavien's quick thinking, Isla similarly plugs her ears with the torn pieces of fabric, grateful for the ability to keep her hands free as they run. Her eyes widen to spot the eerie, massive jaws nip so close to Lena, the Remedy manoeuvring her fire to flood in where the Caretaker had so recently been standing. [say]"Hopefully there won't be any other attacks,"[/say] Isla calls back.

She's not entirely sure that it's a good idea for them to be shouting and making noise like this whilst on the run, but regrettably with only Lena able to utilise the Attuned bond among them, there's very little other option. And so, continuing to use her flames as a wall at their rear, Isla continues to press the charge forward.

Whether or not reaching the Hanging Tree will herald safety again from here is beyond her, but it's all they have for now. Once there, perhaps they'll be in a better position to attack rather than continue to defend.

Isla keeps her Mastered Fire at their rear in case of any nasty lamplighter attacks! She also plugs her ears with the fabric Zavien has given them.

RE: maybe we could salvage it all - Lena - 06-14-2024

Glimpses of companion bonds were wonderful in this sort of predicament – Mittens seemed capable of hovering above the fog, and the mental images of the Hanging Tree hastened towards Lena’s mind. [say]“We have to go to the right more!”[/say] She pointed, aware of their loudness too but not having any other options. Whispering wouldn’t get them very far, and regular speech likely much the same in all the panic.

Between Isla’s fire and the birds though, it seemed to have impeded or distracted their foe long enough for them to make some headway and alter their direction. Running along, they’d be completely fine, until some other inevitable thing.


No sooner had they changed their direction, then Isla would feel the sticky substance clinging to her leg; nimbly dashing straight into a boggy corner.


[say]For now the lamplighter has disappeared, and the group has altered course to the right.

Isla, unfortunately, has slipped into the bog. What will you do next? No post order![/say]