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RE: they're looking your way - Remi - 04-15-2020

[say]"A rebel."[/say] Remi smirks. [say]"Now that doesn't sound like your type at all."[/say]

It's hard to keep his gaze level on Sunjata. He wants to look away, to give into the awkwardness, to down the remainder of his drink. But he doesn't, forcing himself to sit in the silence until the flood's gaze meets his again.

[say]"Wait..what?"[/say] Remi sits up straighter, brows nearly meeting in the center so great is his confusion. [say]"Delphia...took her soul and whatnot. I assumed you'd be the first place Maea would want her to go."[/say] And weird as the demigod was, following the wishes of souls seemed to be her thing.

Remi didn't know about the notice board post either, given that it was put up in the Grounds. Word hadn't travelled to him, but then, he hadn't expected any parting words from Maea anyhow.

Snorting, as if interpreting the words as a joke instead of an admission, the alchemist just shook his head brutishly. [say]"If it's anyone's fault, I suppose it's mine for letting her come. Not that telling her to fuck off would have dissuaded her I imagine."[/say] Which was just to say that there was no one to blame but Maea herself. [say]"It's your fault because...what? You drove her to be reckless?"[/say]

RE: they're looking your way - Sunjata - 04-15-2020

A knowing nod is given toward Remi at the prior comment, letting the amusement die away as quickly as it had come when the realization hits Remi that Delphia hadn’t told him anything. And well, Remi’s in for a bit of a story. So he draws his legs a bit tighter. “[say]I went and saw her to see what she had to say. But evidently, I broke Maea’s heart by not being over Lusea enough that I needed space. Which, therefore, had her call me an incubus and she won’t tell me what Maea has to say until after I complete some ridiculous ritual to get over Lusea.[/say]” His lip curls in a sharp edged sneer, before he shakes his head and runs a hand through it. “[say]So. Fuck me, I guess.[/say]” Still, his nostrils flare a small amount despite trying to edge it in a joke.

He focuses away from Remi to the drink in his hand, lifting it to down a decent portion and try to listen to what Remi says. “[say]It wouldn’t have.[/say]” He agrees, knowing Maea far more than that. But still, it hadn’t saved her in the end regardless – wondering why she’d chosen to even go in the water to begin with. “[say]Jigano said she hated Torchline, and the only reason she was here was because I was here. And thus, she joined up on it. So, of course, inadvertently, that makes it my fault.[/say]” It’s clear his distaste is palpable here. “[say]Also mentioned how I somehow caged her without realizing it, because she’d changed her life to revolve around what I wanted.[/say]”

RE: they're looking your way - Remi - 04-15-2020

Remi's lips parted as the beginnings of what the fuck began to form, but he quickly clamped his teeth together to listen. Lowering a hand to the sand and grinding his fingertips into it, the tale he's told makes his heart start to race in an angry tempo that far off, Ronin is likely to feel against his own finger.

[say]"Any one who has ever properly been in love knows it isn't that simple."[/say] There was no getting over it, (unless you pulled a Loren/Sam and simply had gods make you forget). Would it surprise Remi to know that neither Maea nor Delphia had been in love before? It wouldn't, but that wasn't the most troubling part of what the flood had to say.

[say]"What business is it of Delphia's what brand of asshole you are or aren't?"[/say] Remi wanted to know, scowling, but not at Sunjata.

Remi's teeth clicked together hearing Jigano's name in this context. Whatever bridges had been built between the two men, it was all too easy to simply think of him as a judgemental prick always casting stones whilst he sat in his glass house. [say]"I am so sick of people acting like they aren't in control of their own decisions. If Maea came here because you were here, that was still her choice."[/say] The alchemist glared into his own drink as well, snarling at the sweet-smelling liquid. [say]"All of this, I had no choice nonsense is just that. It's the same thing that justifies all this moronic heroing."[/say] Remi flapped a hand distantly towards the door to indicate what he meant; the heroes out there.

RE: they're looking your way - Sunjata - 04-15-2020

Sunjata’s a bit past the anger reaching him, he’s had his time to burn and meld, self-destruct and build back up. “[say]Exactly.[/say]” And Maea had never asked him to give her up, just to… Make room. Which was hard enough on its own. But to have memories and last words held hostage by the one person who could give them because he couldn’t get over it? It was fucked up. He clenches his jaw lightly, rolling the glass between his hands.

“[say]She was her friend I guess.[/say]” He offers, though it’s no explanation. There’s a hint of a sneer in his voice with it. “[say]She reached into me, you know. Grabbed my soul and yanked me around, telling me that she could kill me if she wanted to.[/say]” His head tilts thoughtfully with that. “[say]That someone still in love with the dead wasn’t truly living.[/say]” But Sunjata, certainly, was living. He had a heartbeat and a life, breath in his lungs.

But there’s a dark chuckle that leaves him at the mention of what all Jigano had to say about it. A shake of his head is granted, pausing to down the rest of his drink as he considers what Remi has to say, the frustration palpable. “[say]It was still her choice. And it was her fault that she went on it.[/say]” Sunjata agrees. “[say]I’m just tired of everyone blaming me for it when I didn’t even know. I found out… What, a day before I found Ronin in the boxing ring with Seren? And that was how long after?[/say]” His lip feathers slightly as he huffs out a sigh. “[say]All I want, is to just live my life. Fuck what everyone else thinks.[/say]” He’s over it, done being the scapegoat for reasons he can’t control.

RE: they're looking your way - Remi - 04-16-2020

Remi eyes narrow a touch at that, as if preferring to believe that Maea and Delphia were strangers. It made his hate more palatable. Insteat, he was forced to grit his teeth and snarl in silent reluctance. At least until Sunjata mentions this soul-battering. Looking up sharply, his eyes like slits of glass, the alchemist exhales a steady stream of air, saving this information. [say]"What would a girl who talks to spirits know about truly living."[/say] Remi wants to know with a bitter snort.

[say]"We sailed up to a wreck..we could see three whales and a handful of sailors drowning. Ronin and I flew towards them, being the only ones who could fly. From what I heard after, Maea jumped into the water while we were still about 30meters. No one even knew she was gone until...well, until she really was."[/say] Were he not in present company, he might have suggested it was a suicide. Maea was not strong; what else was there to call diving into waters known to be patrolled by hostile ghost-whales, without alerting anyone?

The mention of Seren has Remi's jaw feathering with instant tension. His eyes drop to the sand, grunting a note of acknowledgment. [say]'I'll more than drink to that.'[/say] The Alchemist agrees, lifting his empty-again glass.

RE: they're looking your way - Sunjata - 04-16-2020

“[say]Exactly.[/say]” Sunjata iterates again, some hint of exasperation hidden within his tone – though it’s hard to tell if its from the alcohol or the insanity of it all. But he draws quiet again, lifting the glass to down the rest of it as he listens – pausing to run his fingers along the sides of the glass as he mentions that Maea had jumped into the water while they were a good distance away. A low sigh leaves him through his lips and he can’t help the slight tilt of his head back toward the ceiling of the boxing ring.

“[say]I don’t…[/say]” He begins before he trails off and shakes his head a small amount, a long and deep inhale that burns against the cuts to his stomach. “[say]I don’t know why she would’ve thought jumping in was a good idea.[/say]” But then again, she’d done it when he’d been attacked by sharks. The scars of that encounter still cover his body, from his legs to his spine.

He doesn’t know what causes Remi’s attention to drop to the ground, before a quiet comment is granted and the glass lifted and Sunjata goes to add a bit more to the Alchemist’s glass and a bit more to his own. “[say]At the end of the day, it is what is it.[/say]” He rumbles a bit haphazardly, a tilt of his head as he toasts back and takes a sip. “[say]Nothing to change about it now.[/say]” No blame to be placed, either, aside from Maea herself. Perhaps that’s alleviating enough for Sunjata in itself.

RE: they're looking your way - Remi - 04-16-2020

[say]"You're a good one, Sunjata."[/say] Remi says, through lips softening thanks to whiskey, exhaustion, and honesty. A good what, he wouldn't say of course, for he didn't know. Once upon a time, golden-boy Remi would have shied away from the flood, for he was far too handsome, too brutish, too raw. Now, possessing similar wounds and scars both skin and soul-deep, the Alchemist was able to sense a kinship between the pair and found himself pleased by it.

[say]"Alright, so a jail, then?"[/say] He said in a graceless attempt to change the conversation.

RE: they're looking your way - Sunjata - 04-16-2020

There’s a snort to Remi’s compliment – unsure how to take it. But the grin that he gives back to Remi, bypassing the intensity of the previous conversation, is somewhat fanged and playful all the same. But there’s a dip of his head, a silence that begins to take over as he looks to Remi – remembering around this time last year he hadn’t even known the Alchemist, too caught up with Phoebe and Lusea and the drama surrounding all of that.

But Remi brings up the jail, and Sunjata’s grin shifts to something like a slight smirk. “[say]A prison.[/say]” He begins, stretching out his legs now as the soreness begins to set in. “[say]We’d have to find a place to put it. And of course, the rules for sticking people in it.[/say]” A small tilt of his head to that. “[say]Any thoughts on the matter?[/say]” Where would be better suited for housing the criminals, what kind of justice Remi wants to bring down.

RE: they're looking your way - Remi - 04-16-2020

[say]"Probably not right in the center of town. I'd suggest near the volcano—the looming threat of death adding extra incentive to stay out of jail—but I'd hate to have to risk lives should the thing erupt again."[/say] There was probably somewhere off the beaten path that would work. Better yet, Raza likely knew of something that would work.

[say]"Well, as a drunk tank for those unable to hold their liquor. I know there were more than a few nights early on here that I shouldn't have been allowed to wander home the way I did."[/say] It would have been a bigger deal too, had he not returned dutifully in the morning to repair any damage he had caused the night before. [say]'Sexual violence of any sort, straight to jail."[/say]

Where the lines grew blurry of course, was where things would get interesting. [say]"Stealing so that you don't starve? The underground economy?"[/say] Remi's shoulders shrugged and he made an uncertain sound in the back of his throat. [say]"Those decisions I leave in your capable hands."[/say]

RE: they're looking your way - Sunjata - 04-16-2020

Noted, and noted. He suspects he’ll have to talk to some of the more willing Natural Torchers to find out where exactly would be safe, but still within a decent amount of danger to want to keep them away. So he nods deeply to that, rolling the glass between his hands, focusing on the next bit of information. Along the lines of similar things he’d had to do, though a brow does raise at the mention of those unable to hold their liquor. “[say]Belligerence, I assume is what you’re going after?[/say]” A wry smirk to that and a nod.

But the subject of stealing to not starve, the smuggling… Leaving it to Sunjata has him sighing quietly through his nose as he tilts his head a bit, stretching out the muscles in his neck. “[say]I might have some help on those aspects.[/say]” He rumbles a bit offhandedly. Nate certainly had some thoughts on it. “[say]Stealing to not starve and things… Maybe programs could be put in place to help those that need it?[/say]” A raise of his brow to that. To not… Punish so much as help to ward away the need to commit it.

It would all take work, however, he knows pretty well how intensely vocal the Torchers are when it comes to changing their habits.

RE: they're looking your way - Remi - 04-17-2020

[say]"Oh, look who knows all the lingo."[/say] The Alchemist retorted with a crooked smile. [say]"Until these past few months I'm not sure anyone would have ever thought to call me belligerent, so that's my excuse for my ignorance."[/say] He added with a laugh.

Raising his brows in a silent gesture of go on, Remi too takes the opportunity to stretch. The pair of them should be up and keep themselves limber after the spar they've just had, but Remi feels incredibly disinclined to move more than he has to just now. [say]"With all those with creation magic and such, it shouldn't be hard to fashion fishing poles for those who need them..."[/say] Fish, of course, being an easy source of food in Torchline. [say]"Or clothing and whatnot."[/say] Remi nodded in easy agreement with the beginnings of this.

[say]"Perhaps Ronin can work on organizing that. Unless you had someone else in mind?"[/say] Sunjata would presumably be building the jail, unless he wanted to take the whole thing on himself.

RE: they're looking your way - Sunjata - 04-18-2020

His laughter accommodates Remi’s own, resulting in a light smirk that crosses his face. “[say]You certainly aren’t the same man you were before, I’ll give you that.[/say]” A tip of his head before he settles to speak of help and programs and the like, humming under his breath as he considers filling his glass more to help prevent from feeling the pain in his stomach even further. “[say]I mentioned to Nate my position. He had… Thoughts, which I think could be beneficial.[/say]” He rumbles with a small amount of a shrug.

The idea of supplying fishing poles and clothing has Sunjata nodding, lips pursing slightly as he thinks on how to go about this. It would take work, but they’d be able to at least test it out. “[say]Once we get an idea of the underlying cause of most of the crimes, it should be easier to help offer ways for people to not have to resort to it.[/say]” It’s half of a thought process before he settles again and leans back against the ropes again, stretching his legs out a bit more.

“[say]I can get together some ideas on where to start with the programs and perhaps shoot it over to Ronin for some finalizing? As for the prison, I can handle that. I’ll have some backup.[/say]” In reality, a bigger asshole to push him around when he needed it, as suggested by the slightly fond smirk that crosses his face to that.

RE: they're looking your way - Remi - 04-20-2020

[say]'Well I'd be happy to speak to him and hear these thoughts."[/say] Remi said with a grin. [say]"I take it with his new business here, he's planning on staying?"[/say] Because what are timelines. The Alchemist assumed the answer was yes, then belatedly realized they ought to have a census or some such so that he could find out who was who around here.

[say]"Sounds good. I'll keep my ear to the ground as well and see what the people might be in need of."[/say] Hearing the Flood would have backup made the Alchemist raise a brow, but he decided not to pry. Sunjata's area, Sunjata's methods.

[say]"Well alright then."[/say] Pushing himself to a standing position (using the ropes to support a good portion of his weight as he winced), Remi grabbed at his empty glass and made to slip out of the ring. [say]"I'll leave you to your day then. Sorry for the interruption but...gods, did I need that."[/say] Pausing and fixing the Arbiter with a genuine stare, Remi nodded. [say]"You are a good one, Sunjata."[/say]

RE: they're looking your way - Sunjata - 04-20-2020

There’s a nod given back to Remi at the mention of the business, a somewhat coy smirk crossing his face, hinting at something feline beneath the exterior as he regards the Alchemist. “[say]He plans on staying, yeah.[/say]” He agrees before a breathy laugh leaves him. “[say]With me, that is.[/say]” A shrug to that before he shrugs with the rise and fall of tattooed shoulders to shift the conversation toward something else. A nod is given to Remi when he says he’ll keep an ear out as well, a combined effort on how to make things better in the long run.

But as Remi goes to stand, Sunjata does as well – wincing a small amount against the scrapes to his stomach and where the bandage rubs against it, before he grabs his own glass and the bottle, popping the cork back on it as his gaze flickers back up to Remi as he pauses. “[say]Interrupt me whenever, Remi.[/say]” He rumbles with a light cheshire grin to that which falters a small amount at the mention of being a good one.

Some days it feels like he isn’t, but he’ll take it. “[say]The ring’s here whenever you need it. Whether it’s punching a bag or a person.[/say]” A wink as he goes to turn away and slip under the ropes to head toward the little counter where he’d kept the alcohol and glasses.