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RE: passed down like folksongs - Remi - 07-28-2020

Something that wants to be a snarl tugs at the Alchemist's lip, but he rubs it away with the back of his arm. Amalia will always be like a sister to him. They are bound together by experience and, in all honesty, by Ronin whose capacity to forgive has never yet met its match (except with you, loren). [say]"Ahh."[/say] Remi manages after a moment, seeing the strange expression on Finn's face and wondering at it. [say]"Shame you got me, instead of her. This sort of thing is right up her alley."[/say] Saving the world. Causes to care about. [say]"She'd actually be able to heal you, too."[/say] He adds after a moment, ruffling a hand through his curls. In short, many and many'a reason it would be better if Amalia was here instead of me.

[say]"And yes, my ire is certainly the one to be feared. Ronin is still..."[/say] Gods, how to describe the Star? [say]"Well, he controls himself far better than I do, despite having faced down worse things."[/say] The Spire Demon. The monster with Aoife's face.

[say]"Well, if having breakfast with me is going to stop you from having a day.."[/say] Remi says with a twisted grin, before leaning back to survey the beach. The dock was just visible from where they were. [say]"I can make us something here, but if you're up for a walk..?"[/say] He inclines his head out the window toward the beach. [say]"I'd say I could shift and fly us there but—"[/say] Looking towards the general direction of Finn's groin, Remi grins and shrugs. [say]"It might be a bumpier ride than you can handle."[/say]

RE: passed down like folksongs - Finn - 07-28-2020

[say]”What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,”[/say] Finn says of Amalia’s capacity to heal, the Spyglass nonetheless letting his thoughts wander to the windswept baker on the beach that day. Still, it had been pleasant, not to talk of business with her. [say]”Alas, Dorian had that pleasure as well,”[/say] he says. [say]”He is rather adept at speaking with heroic types.”[/say] Like your husband. It goes unsaid, like the rest of Remi’s sentence, but they both know what it means.

Carefully, Finn starts to move himself about, drawing back the entirely too comfortable blanket and easing himself to sit at the edge of the bed. [say]”I shall do my best not to invoke the wrath of either of you,”[/say] he decides pointedly, given that it was precisely against his aims to do so. [say]”And on the contrary - having breakfast is the start of my having a day. I just didn’t know if you had better places to be.”[/say] Like with that aforementioned husband.

The prospect of flying or moving more than anything close to plain and simple upright is enough to pull the colour from Finn’s cheeks, and he gives an awkward smile. [say]”A walk sounds just fine,”[/say] he says, though actually getting up requires a touch more courage.

RE: passed down like folksongs - Remi - 07-28-2020

[say]"Ha."[/say] Remi barks a laugh at that. [say]"Full of platitudes this morning, are we?"[/say] He adds, shooting Fin a sideways look before shaking his head. What doesn't kill you just...doesn't kill you. That's all it did. [say]"Mmm. Well, I've been banned from the hero-meetings, but I'll make sure Ronin brings me home the minutes so I can see whats been decided."[/say] It was a joke on the surface, but it was true deeper down. It probably was for Finn as well: both he and Remi had lost or forgone their seat at the big kids' table, and now took their orders as they were handed down.

The difference being, it seemed Finn actually listened to his.

Scrunching his nose and turning his eyes awkwardly up toward the ceiling as Finn peels of the blanket, Remi tucks his bottom lip over his teeth and carefully scrutinizes the overhead sconce. [say]"Are there...clothes I can get for you?"[/say]

RE: passed down like folksongs - Finn - 07-28-2020

[say]”It must be the good night’s sleep,”[/say] Finn says of his platitudes, taking the ribbing on the chin with an ease that surprises even himself. Has it been that long since he last woke up without being exhausted? Huffing out a breath that’s almost a laugh to himself, he glances up at Remi. [say]”Banned, huh? What was it - your ire, or your people skills?”[/say] Not that he can say much - if anything - redeeming about his own place at the Order’s meetings. Finn was a tool to be utilised, and he played his role well. Or else.

Much more alert by now, he does notice, this morning, how Remi seems very keen not to look at him now that he’s not entirely dressed. [say]”I can manage,”[/say] he assures the other man, not wanting to twist the knife in this peculiar sense of awkwardness, and gritting his teeth as he got to his feet. One hand on the bandages, Finn walks stiffly to the dresser and grabs a fresh shirt and pants, suddenly aware that the room is quickly becoming a mess. Tidying will be a later job.

He takes a few minutes to change, finally buttoning his shirt with hands that tremble a bit from the exertion, but seeming glad of the independence. [say]”Shall we?”[/say] he asks.

RE: passed down like folksongs - Remi - 07-28-2020

[say]"Much as it might surprise you to know this,"[/say] Remi says, cheekily glancing down at Finn only to immediately raise his gaze back up. [say]"It was both."[/say] Then, with a snort, waiting for Finn to get dressed, Remi mindlessly fills in the silence. [say]"Ronin destroyed an entire Temple and he didn't lose his spot though. Nearly killed a few people in fact. I think it's some conspiracy actually. Most of them are Safrin's chosen. And, none of them have green eyes."[/say] Snorting in mock success, he let his eyes dart back to Finn to see how the man was making out. Oh, still not dressed then. [say]"Actually it probably has something to do with the fact that he apologized for it all. And meant it."[/say] Remi continues. [say]"I've not done that, yet."[/say]

As Finn turns, dressed now to the relief of the Alchemist, Remi leaves the window, closing it behind him. [say]"Have you eaten on the docks yet? It's quite the thing to see, even in this rain."[/say] So saying, Remi will accompany Finn out of the room like a protective ghost ready to help steady him should he need.

RE: passed down like folksongs - Finn - 07-29-2020

[say]”I am shocked,”[/say] Finn says dryly, shrugging into his coat. Remi’s ire and his clearly impeccable people skills forming a hurricane combination? Who’d have thought? There’s a boyish smile creeping over his face as they head towards the door - conspiracies against green eyes and all - though he can only offer a stiff shrug at the remark about the apologies. [say]”That’s what makes it a heroes meeting I suppose,”[/say] he murmurs. [say]”You have to act... heroic.”[/say]

He shakes his head in response to Remi’s question, swiping a curl out of his eyes as they head downstairs, the Spyglass taking his time but not seeming nearly as slow as the afternoon before. Soon they’re outside under grey skies and light rain, and he turns his collar up against the downpour. [say]”Won’t there be mist?”[/say] he wonders, trying to consider what there would be to see on the docks. [say]”Lead the way.”[/say]

RE: passed down like folksongs - Remi - 07-29-2020

[say]"I thought you might be."[/say] Remi agrees. He shouldn't be amused by where his hostility and selfish temper have landed him, but there is a small amount of smugness in his voice. It would have sounded horrific to the man that was, but this iteration? This one just shrugs it off. [say]"I've never learned to do that. Them on the other hand...they're positively built for it. They have the look, too."[/say] Amalia and dark her eyes, both hard and kind. And Ronin with his...well, everthing.

An invisible arc of magic forms over their head, blocking out the rain that falls directly, though Remi makes no attempt to keep them protected from the wind or the chill. He just doesn't feel like holding up and umbrella such that Finn will have to hover at his side. [say]"You just wait and see."[/say] Remi murmurs with a grin, doing his best not to hurry the Spyglass along by keeping his steps short.

Ahead—yes Finn, in the mist and despite the rain—the dock works are still working. What it in fact looks like, is some orchestrated musical with choreographed movements and a score written just for them. Their voices rise and fall musically with curses and delightful swears as they go about their work. The ones near the water maneuver their nets brilliantly, catching fish and hauling them up to the shore. Those thereupon slice them in quick movements, adding their guts to a bucket before tossing them in glorious arcs to waiting mongers on the beach.
Over and over this continues and not a single fish is dropped despite the slime, the blood, and the rain. Remi watches all of his with rapt and appreciative eyes, his breath partially held.

[say]"In another life, I think I might have been good at this sort of thing."[/say]

RE: passed down like folksongs - Finn - 07-29-2020

[say]”Well, someone has to,”[/say] Finn remarks about the hero look; gods know he doesn’t have it either, though that’s hardly surprising given that he’s near identical to Remi. Gazing up at the shield that protects them from the rain, a smile of quiet and genuine enjoyment flickers across his face. Then he’s pressing his hands into his pockets and they’re on their way to the docks.

He walks as quickly as he’s able - long legged, it’s a hindrance to say the least not to be able to keep to his usual pace - and he’s got to admit, he’s curious about this wait and see business. Ah, but then they arrive, and Finn sees exactly what all the fuss is about.

Had he brought his glasses, had he not gotten a full night’s rest, the sight of the dock workers conducting their business in a perfect, chaotic dance... it probably would have overwhelmed him. More than probably, in fact. But here and now? Stormy eyes flick from worker to worker, taking in each task, finding how one job fit into the next, perfectly orchestrated. Like cogs in a machine without anyone powering it.

[say]”There’s certainly something... other, about it,”[/say] he agrees with a lopsided smirk. [say]”I’m not sure what I’d be, in another life.”[/say]

RE: passed down like folksongs - Remi - 07-29-2020

[say]"You'd be..."[/say] Remi turns to give Finn a quick look, but it's only for the sake of the gesture. He knows all too well what the man looks like of course. [say]"A vet, maybe. I think you'd do well with patients who just whine and paw at you all day."[/say] The Alchemist offers crookedly.

As they approach the docks there are a few obligatory nods in Remi's direction, a few scowls at Finn just for the hell of it (it is early, after all), and then a general air of the fuck do you boys want. [say]"Two, please."[/say] The Alchemist calls out into the general chaos. There are a few murmurs of acknowledgement though nothing at all seems to change. Until, after a few moments a man appears from the mist carrying two burrito-shaped lumps in his hands. Unceremoniously they are shoved in Remi's direction.

[say]"There you go."[/say] He says, handing one to Finn. The fish meat has already been smoked (there's a dragon somewhere back there, the Alchemist is almost sure of it), spiced, topped with mango, and wrapped up in a freshly baked bit of pita.

RE: passed down like folksongs - Finn - 07-29-2020

[say]”A vet,”[/say] Finn repeats, tilting his head at the Alchemist as if wondering where he’d possibly gotten that impression. He doesn’t know whether or not to take offence at the next comment, so instead he merely glances out into the workers, wondering what’s to happen next. And weirdly, of all the things that do happen - the glares, the nods, the sudden hustle and bustle with breakfast at the end of it, there’s only one that surprises Finn.

And it’s hearing Remi say please.

[say]”Oh - thank you,”[/say] Finn says as he’s handed the burrito lump, offering a polite nod at the man who is swallowed once more by the mist. [say]”You know, you were absolutely right,”[/say] he informs Remi, seeming utterly bemused by everything that’s just occurred. [say]”This is quite a thing to see.”[/say] And by the smell of breakfast, it’s the best place to be, too.

RE: passed down like folksongs - Remi - 07-29-2020

[say]"A vet."[/say] Remi repeats with a confident nod. [say]"And don't bother telling me you don't like animals. This is you in another life, remember? And in that life, you most certainly like animals."[/say] Pausing, he considers further. [say]"And your glasses let you see into them, to better diagnose what's going on."[/say] He adds, now quite happy with the image he's come up with.

Unaware that he's strayed so far from common decency in Finn's mind that his politeness strikes a note of surprise, the Alchemist merely nods. [say]"If you aren't too cold, we can eat over here."[/say] So saying the Alchemist tilts his head towards the pier. It's gloomy and grey-washed by the mist and diffused sunlight. But with the roar of the sea all around and the distant hum of thunder, it feels quite inviting. To Remi, at least.

RE: passed down like folksongs - Finn - 07-29-2020

[say]”I like animals just fine,”[/say] Finn informs him, a crookedly amused smile making its way across his face at this sudden flair of creativity. He tilts his head, acknowledging Remi’s embellishments to his imaginary life, wondering what it would be like to have it in earnest. [say]”I think I’d quite like to live here,”[/say] he says of Torchline. [say]”Granted, I have only seen the rainy season. I’d likely reconsider come LongHeat.”[/say] If it wasn’t obvious already, Finn’s pale complexion did not make him a frequent visitor of sunny shores.

Shaking his head to indicate that no, he wasn’t too cold, he glanced to where Remi had suggested and began to make his way over to the pier. [say]”What of you, then? In your dock worker life? I see you with... a cabin, maybe. Back along the shore. Or a houseboat, perhaps. No, definitely a houseboat.”[/say]

RE: passed down like folksongs - Remi - 07-29-2020

[say]"Well, there you go."[/say] Remi says as if current-Finn's approval of animals solidified the picture of him the Alchemist was painting in other worlds. Snorting a bit under his breath, Remi can only nod. [say]"It does get quite warm. But there's always the ocean to run into to cool down."[/say] Ruffling a hand through his curls, Remi can't help but shoot a sideways grin towards the Spyglass. [say]"I suppose you're already quite good with nudity."[/say] Because hell, if you can't laugh about your trauma, what was the point of sharing it.

The Alchemist can't help but feel both wildly amused at how close Finn's guesses were to the truth, and slightly hostile to the idea he might be so easily read. But then, Finn was his twin from another life, so perhaps his surprise is misplaced. [say]"Definitely a houseboat. I've actually thought about making one a time or two. Before being sent to Torchline I'd started working on a magical wagon to travel around in. Which, since there was no ocean back near the Hollowed Grounds, was as close to a houseboat as one can get, being land-locked."[/say] The Alchemist explains, taking a seat near the end of the dock and letting his feet swing precariously close to the water below.

[say]'I'd be up before the sun to start work. It would be all mindless, though every now and then someone would throw a fish in my face if I lost myself in thought. I'd come home early with my daughter.."[/say] Aoife still being alive in this other lifetime, of course. [say]" crafts and experiments until dinner.."[/say] As the imagery became too real and painful, the Alchemist clears his throat, taking a large bite of his breakfast so that he might choke on that, rather than memories of what could have been.

RE: passed down like folksongs - Finn - 07-29-2020

[say]”Good with nudity, less so with the ocean,”[/say] Finn quipped back, making sure to stick close to Remi so as to stay beneath his little umbrella-like bubble, moving to sit with him at the edge of the pier. He was, of course, much less grateful, what with protesting ribs and all, but it was a small niggle in the back of his mind compared to the world all around. Taking a bite of breakfast as the Alchemist continued, Finn had to force himself to concentrate and not spend the whole time enjoying how unfairly delicious it was.

He glanced sidelong at Remi as he trailed off, however, reading the scars that had come a little too close to the surface. [say]”Would you ever start a family again?”[/say] he asks curiously. [say]”I think maybe I’d have one, as a vet. A wife. Daughters, maybe. The me from another world would probably want a big family.”[/say] The reason why goes without saying. Because this one doesn’t.