Court of the Fallen
[SE] The Art of Peer Pressure - Printable Version

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RE: [SE] The Art of Peer Pressure - Zavien - 06-03-2024

Zavien watched the man take in the cozy interior, smiling as he immediately made himself comfortable by shedding his coat. The revealed skin allowed him to follow the tattoos up his exposed arms, fascinated by the winding vines of thorns (hence the name!). It made him wonder how tattoos would look on his own body. Maybe he would get a dragon tattoo on his arm? Or something like 'I love my mom' on his chest? Even a landscape on his leg might be cool.

He smiled at Hawthorn's compliment, blushing slightly but still managing to mumble a [say]"Thanks"[/say] as he crawled into the bed. Zavien was enjoying the warm occupied feeling that filled the house. The smile couldn't be forced from his face while he chuckled at their shared exhaustion. He didn't think anything would be able to keep his eyes open at this point. Even though he would love nothing more than to giggle and chat like schoolboys until the early morning hours, his vision was already starting to darken. With a final whispered [say]"G'night"[/say], Zavien was vaguely aware of Hawthorn pulling a blanket over as he drifted off into a deep sleep, snoring like a ursur in Deepfrost.