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[Mini Event] Midwinter Ball - Printable Version

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RE: Midwinter Ball - Ronin - 06-02-2024

More than happy to lead their dance - though of course he would never, ever remark on their respective abilities, especially not at such a nice moment - Ronin can only let out a soft laugh that's promptly cut off by the gentle sweetness of his husband's lips. [say]"For what it's worth,"[/say] he says, [say]"I would have danced with you in Northaven as well. I'd have just had to sneak us out onto a moonlit terrace somewhere. We'd still be able to hear the music, but no one would be able to see us."[/say]

He imagines that would have made it all the more exciting, in truth, but equally the Knight is glad that they'd never had to run the risk of jail or death for a dance. Glancing to Maea as she approaches, Ronin slows their steps and tilts his head, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

And when it does, of course he reacts as any demigod who has already been through war (and fought a god) might. Gentle dropping Remi's hands and already brimming with radiant light, Ronin quickly locates those most important to him across the Temple, and a duplicate of himself might have appeared somewhere near Flora.

[say]"Is she still here?"[/say] he asks in a low voice. [say]"Where do we direct people?"[/say] It's been a long time since he's been in the Grounds, and he no longer knows the location of any necessary safehouses. But if they've a fight on their hands, it's best that only those capable of combat are involved.

RE: Midwinter Ball - Remi - 06-02-2024

[say]"Listen. Seeing you come out of the sea naked the first time we properly met was nearly the end of me. I am not sure I could have handled actually touching you in some illicit moonlit dance."[/say] Remi counters with a wry tilt of his head, even if the scene Ronin had just painted had the Bastion's knees feeling weak with boyish affection.

However as the moment turns decidedly dark, Remi too stiffens and looks around, the dopy expression of love disappearing entirely from his lips. Already he's reaching for the golden cords of magic within himself to cast out over those assembled. He wouldn't be able to reach them all, but with Ronin's duplicate already on the other side of the room, the dupliKnight could surely direct people closer.

RE: Midwinter Ball - Maea - 06-02-2024

Maea quickly shook her head, glad that they were so quick to respond and equally glad that their reactions were so quiet. [say]"No, she left again soon after. I don't know why - maybe she just wanted to interrupt. I would have called off the ball otherwise."[/say]

Gods, the idea of that woman swirling on the dancefloor was terrifying. Cold fingers of unease traipsed along her spine just from recalling the sight of her - it seemed utterly unreal that she had placed herself in front of such a dangerous individual.

The shock still had not passed, her mind busy trying to shield her from reality.

RE: Midwinter Ball - Ronin - 06-02-2024

With his heart in his throat and one hand still splayed against Remi's lower back, Ronin glances back to Maea as she confirms that the violet-hued woman is not present at the ball - as far as they know, anyway. [say]"I see,"[/say] he says, though there's no sign that he's relaxed even a fraction for the knowledge. With his duplicate still covering half the ballroom, the Knight leans in to press a gentle kiss to Remi's cheek, before offering a nod to Maea as well.

[say]"All the same, I'll check the perimeters,"[/say] he says, stepping back from the dance he'd been sharing with his husband. [say]Let me know if you see anything,[/say] he adds for his husband's ears only, not wanting to shout across the Temple but equally not wanting to share too much over an Attuned bond where others might be listening.

Either way, it's with those parting remarks that the Knight takes his leave, seamlessly switching from attendee to security in but a few steps.

RE: Midwinter Ball - Koa - 06-04-2024

Of course he notices Flora as soon as she appears, looking somehow more resplendent and haughty than usual. Somewhere in Koa's body an organ does a worrisome dance, though whether it's his stomach or his heart he isn't ready to admit. He even considers leaving his position on the wall to go to her, especially when he sees the gleam of light reflected off a familiar armband, physical proof he knows her better than she'd care to admit.

But then Hadama is beside him, and when he turns back the Doubletake is wrapped around another man.

[say]"Huh? Oh, no,"[/say] Koa says distractedly, craning his neck to see where Flora and that Voice-blighted poser her new companion are headed off to. It's only belatedly that what Hadama said seems to register, the Dragoon whipping back to the MerKing with brows raised in surprise. [say]"Wait- Ever's here?"[/say] he asks, incredulous, now turning to scan the crowd again. Of all the people Koa'd expected to show up to a crowded party, the Aviator certainly existed near the bottom of the list. [say]"Shit, I have to talk to him. Did you see where he went?"[/say]

RE: Midwinter Ball - Hadama - 06-07-2024

Hadama watched Koa crane his neck curiously and followed his gaze. Being over to see over the heads of most of those gathered gave him a certain advantage in identifying those along the line of sight from the dragoon, but which one in particular had his attention the Tidebreaker could only guess at. He did note Flora's sunshine curls in that direction, but blissful ignorance as to her relationship(?) with Koa made him uncertain if that was who the earnest soldier sought.

"Mmh. I have not seen him in the Temple," the King admitted. Though now he gave another thoughtful look around, seeking out the young man who had once been so terribly shy. "He was with Dahlia." A pause, and a slight tightening of that solid jaw before Hadama spoke again. "At a meeting of leaders earlier. They were... not invited." But had arrived nevertheless. "Dahlia left without him." So unless the Spyglass had his own method of teleportation or had gone straight to the skyport, perhaps he was planning to catch a ride home with his fellow Breaker? Though from Koa's surprise it did not seem as though they had arrived together.

An unexpectedly reassuring realization.