Court of the Fallen
[Mini Event] why do our hearts choose lovers that make use suffer - Printable Version

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RE: why do our hearts choose lovers that make use suffer - Maea - 01-08-2020

... and when the altar turned into a bed, that's when Maea gave up. Quietly she got up from her seat and walked away. Ears scarlet, cheeks burning. Eager to escape to somewhere quiet and cold, where she could contemplate her existence and life choices.

Call her prude or whatever. There were lines she just was not interested in crossing, and Frey had hop skip jumped over all of them without even waggling an eyebrow.


RE: why do our hearts choose lovers that make use suffer - Harper - 01-08-2020

Harper isn't a prude, and is far more intrigued by Frey than embarrassed by their potent presence, but consummation watching is best left in the old ages of ensuring an heir was truly the king's. He still believes this is wrong, that Phoebe is only hurting herself in her endeavor to tie Sunjata down, but he had promised to support her one way or the other.

That support does not include listening to distorted sounds of pleasure he would rather not hear.

With a wan smile towards Frey, he turns and leaves with the procession of others. Already wondering where to go from here, because his own morals dictate that he cannot live with Phoebe any longer. It is perhaps the saddest, strangest wedding he has ever attended in the end. But his emotions are not what matter here.

RE: why do our hearts choose lovers that make use suffer - Adam - 01-08-2020

Okay, well, weirdest ceremony in the world ever, and the God that looked weirdly like himself doing some kind of sex magic after, Adam stood up to go. Sunjata (and Phoebe too, he was pretty sure) was making what would no doubt be a terrible mistake, but at the end of the day it was his to make. Maybe at least he'd have a nice time getting laid just this once, before it cascaded into arguments and divorce.

As he walked off he wiggled the ball gag off his head, turning it in his hands. Might be useful for later, if he could convince Pet of it's benefits. At least he'd gotten something out of the strange event, even if Sunjata wouldn't.

RE: why do our hearts choose lovers that make use suffer - Melita - 01-08-2020

Melita wasn’t really sure if she should’ve been offering congratulations, frowning, or just shaking her head in disappointment. Perhaps she’d take the latter emotion and just channel it into regret, dismay, about not being able to set anything ablaze. So she watched and waited (eyes widening slightly at Frey’s presence – because ordinarily this wasn’t a deity she’d deign to see), and when everything else seemed to settle, the dramatics unfurled and gone, she rose from her seat, granting Sunjata a nod of her crimson-locked crown. Hopefully after all these dramatics, theatrics, and ridiculous events, they’d settle and figure out what they needed to do – or not. As the bed was procured, she took that as her cue, leaving with the same restless fervor she’d arrived with.

RE: why do our hearts choose lovers that make use suffer - Hotaru - 01-08-2020

Disappointed by the drama that goes nowhere? Yes. Surprised? No. Phoebe certainly seems the type to make this all about herself only to go nowhere with her ridiculous displays in front of an uncomfortable audience. Hotaru cares more for Frey's appearance, excitement and a low slide of lust far more interesting than Sunjata's life-destroying mistake or Phoebe's grandstanding. But when the nuptials - swifter than any she has ever seen before - turn into something weirdly performative, Hotaru gathers her gown and stands elegantly to depart with the rest of the crowd. A boring end, perhaps foreshadowing to how sawdust dry the chemistry between these two will be.

Hotaru doesn't look back, mentally cutting that thread between herself and Sunjata, and already knows exactly who she's going to seek out.

RE: why do our hearts choose lovers that make use suffer - Jigano - 01-09-2020

And that was his cue to leave.

Jigano had come to support the tentative ties of friendship he had been building with Sunjata, and to see his fellow Guardian on her happy day, but he didn't know either of them nearly well enough stick around for what came happened next. He paused and gave a bow to Frey, a god he and Rory didn't worship intentionally, but worshiped often nonetheless, and then collected himself and his tighter-than-usual pants and made a discrete exit along with the others who were leaving the newly-wedded couple to their marital bliss.

Perhaps when he got home - and he was heading straight home, given the state he found himself in - he and his mate could make use of that bed he'd gotten from Ianto...

RE: why do our hearts choose lovers that make use suffer - Loren - 01-09-2020

As soon as Frey appeared by Loren’s side, the summoner had clamped his mouth shut. Still, he couldn’t help but moan a little as they traced his jaw, and cupped his ass. His cheeks flushed and he found himself aroused and sweating. However, even their sexually charged aura couldn't distract him for more than a few moments.

In fact, after the initial haze had cleared, the Launceleyn found himself unable to look directly at the deity, no matter how attractively they looked like Abasi. When they criticized his method of officiating, he shrugged, though in some dark place in his mind annoyance sparked and his jaw tightened. He’d just been doing what the bride and groom told him they wanted.

Luckily, even he knew that saying anything would be a very bad idea, and he was more than happy to let them take over. Plus, it was a very quiet thought in the very back of his mind. So, glancing aside, eyes distant, the Launceleyn just listened as Sunjata and Phoebe said yes, and exchanged their apparently transformed rings. As the bed appeared, and the leafy canopy and the floral wall concealed it from view, he awkwardly shifted his weight from one foot to another. [say]"Thank you, Frey."[/say] His voice came out quietly and more than a bit stiffly.

With that, he turned and began to walk away.