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RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Maea - 02-18-2020

Maea rolled her eyes. Of course Loren had. He seemed to enjoy beating people up very much. [say]"As long as he patches you up again afterwards, have fun,"[/say] she told him. [say]"Though I'd very much like you to beat him... I'm certainly not going to be able to anytime soon."[/say] She said it without thinking, and sounded very much peeved about it. Like she had tried, and failed.

Drying herself off, she squeezed the water from her hair and found a second towel to wrap it up in. [say]"Amun,"[/say] she revealed happily. [say]"He's been quite persistent about keeping in touch ever since we first met. Even though I've not always been very nice to him."[/say] A fact she was trying her best to remedy. So far it was going quite well, to the point where she had a gift for Sunjata waiting in the potter's shop. The girl wasn't about to tell Sunjata about it though, not even when he looked at her like that. Like she was something precious. Or he was very hungry. And probably both.

She gave him a very innocent look to stifle the fluttering of her stomach, and took the offered hand, letting him take them out of the bathroom. [say]"But you are a fishboy,"[/say] Maea insisted, eyes glittering. [say]"I don't know anyone else who is as fond of water as you. It makes sense."[/say]

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Sunjata - 02-18-2020

“[say]Gods I want to beat him too.[/say]” Sunjata says with a hint of a smile on his face, the thought of possibly being able to in a fistfight rather than with magic or shifts was certainly tempting. Hell, even with shifts he might stand a chance. “[say]I laid some ground rules for the next brawl though. Fists only. So I think I might be better at that.[/say]” He winks, though it’s obvious the previous fight of magic versus just him and his shifts felt entirely one sided.

In the thought of it all, he misses the comment she’s made – wondering if perhaps it was for school and how she’d seen his magic first hand. He passes it off in favor for hearing of this mysterious brotherly type – and when she reveals the potters name he raises both brows, a huff of surprise leaving him momentarily. “[say]That flirt?[/say]” He asks, clearly somewhat confused before shaking his head to her with a smaller smile. “[say]Mmm, well, he did make me a very nice gift for the exchange before Fiat Lux.[/say]” He offers, somewhat contemplatively as he goes to lean forward to her, to talk of her calling him a fishboy.

And when he withdraws, and she takes the hand, he listens to her as he takes her into the warm room – guiding her to the bed before letting her hand go to walk toward the door. “[say]In that instance, sure.[/say]” He says, looking over his shoulder to her before he opens the door to let Haai in. He closes it and locks it once more after the griffin’s made it inside as she immediately heads her way to greet Maea. “[say]I thought perhaps it was the whale shift that had you leaning that direction.[/say]” He admits, lips curling a small amount back into that smirk as he steps back over toward her and the bed. Distantly, he can recall the way she'd nearly refused to look at him in the water of the river the second time they'd met.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Maea - 02-18-2020

The girl just shook her head again, very amused by the enthusiasm he showed. The fervent wish to win. Possibly they might be able to best the healer if they ganged up on him at this point, but Maea was honestly not sure if even that would help. [say]"I'll look forward to seeing that fight,"[/say] she just said, with every intent of being there for the show when it happened.

His reaction to hearing Amun's name actually made Maea laugh. [say]"That's pretty much the same reaction he had to hearing about you,"[/say] she teased him. [say]"Perhaps you just caught his eye? To me he is endlessly, aggravatingly cheerful and positive. And he bops my nose."[/say] Rubbing it with a palm, Maea rolled her eyes. Clearly delighted at it, and definitely not about to admit to it anytime soon.

When Sunjata let Haai inside, she eased herself down to the floor to give the gryhon a proper hello. [say]"Well, that might have something to do with it too,"[/say] she admitted cheerfully, and playfully toppled the wolf-bird to her back, to dole out a proper belly rub. [say]"I didn't have a word for what your shift was... 'fish' seemed the closest thing."[/say] Maea snatched her fingers away from playfully nipping teeth, flicked a finger to the offending nose and laughed as she stood - with some effort, her leg protesting violently against the movements - to make her way towards the bed.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Sunjata - 02-18-2020

At her teasing, he laughs lightly. “[say]I think most anyone would catch his eye.[/say]” He shrugs, supposing that provided they’re the right preference for the Ascended. “[say]Tall drink, I think is what he called me.[/say]” He muses, shaking his head to that. He also recalls the man had flirted, and how Sunjata had mentioned he might have to charge for how much Amun had looked at him – only to have Amun ask how much he’d charge to touch. He doesn’t mention that – nor the comments of performance.

But still, his gaze flits to her as he turns from the door, a hint of amusement lingering on his face. “[say]Bops your nose, huh?[/say]” He teases, wondering how she reacts to that – if she bats the mans hand away. Though… Somehow, he finds it doesn’t bother him much? Not like it might have were it anyone else. Regardless, Haai is plenty willing to be moved and bounced around, rubbed wherever Maea chose to before growing playful, nipping playfully at the pale woman.

But when the game is done, the griffin goes to stand and curl up in a bed along the wall – one she’d claimed as her home as evidenced by the feathers that stuck out of the small opening. But Sunjata approaches on far more even feet, reaching for her to support her to get to the bed. He’d likely just pick her up and place her in it, but with the state of her bruising he’s unsure how that might go, so he refrains. Instead, he pulls the covers back for her to give her a space to settle in. “[say]Whales aren’t technically fish.[/say]” He says easily, knowingly. A confident smirk crossing his face. “[say]But I understand the confusion.[/say]” He teases her, aiming to rest both of his hands on either side of her, to lean down and press a kiss to her nose.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Maea - 02-18-2020

Maea remained blissfully ignorant of all the flirting that had gone on between her adopted brother and her partner, safe and comfortable in the reassurance Amun had given that her things were off the market. Anything of the past could stay in the past, just like Sunjata's old conquest. Notches in a bedpost, was all they were to her. Hardly even worth mentioning anymore.

She gave Sunjata a rueful smile as he helped her up into the bed. It was probably for the better that he didn't try to pick her up; this was good enough. Less painful. [say]"Yes. He reminds me so much of Noah. They had the same way of laughing at the world, and refusing to give up on people they've decided to like."[/say] Sunjata had tendencies in that direction too, come to think of it. Though he was far less generous with whom he let close, and if he ever laughed freely, it had caught in his throat.

Maea poked her tongue at him when he corrected her, like some nitpicking scholar. [say]"Whatever you say,"[/say] she said, quiet laughter in her voice. But as he leaned in to kiss her nose - trying to outdo competition, eh? - Maea brougth her chin up to steal a kiss from his lips instead. Then grinned a cheshire smile at him, looking quite pleased with herself.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Sunjata - 02-18-2020

“[say]I’m glad you’ve found someone like that.[/say]” He tells her softly – meaning every word of it. He is glad, happy even that she’s branched out and found friendships with those around her – others that would keep her safe if she didn’t take care of it enough for herself. It was good enough for him. But still, she pokes her tongue at him as he corrects her, and he smirks briefly before leaning down to kiss her nose –

But then her head lifts and he kisses her lips gently, and as he withdraws a small fraction he can see the Cheshire smile along her face – like a cat perfectly content with the situation she finds herself in. “[say]Perhaps you’re not as tired as you lead me to think you were?[/say]” He hums with a tilt of his head, keeping his arms braced on either side of her, a smirk continuing to linger on his lips.

He leans in again to kiss her a bit more fully, a bit deeper – savoring her. But before he goes to withdraw, he aims a playful nip to her lower lip before his steel gaze searches her own pale ones, a smoldering beneath the silver. “[say]I think we can change that.[/say]” It’s half a tease and half a promise, brow lifting somewhat suggestively.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Maea - 02-18-2020

She raised a brow at him, a mock wounded look about her. [say]"Are you implying that I would try to deceive you, my lord? I was very tired. Now I'm not so much anymore..."[/say] Because someone had been touching her for a very long time. No names mentioned. He came in to kiss her again, and Maea playfully withdrew once, shying back just out of reach with a little smirk on her lip... but then she relented and let him catch her mouth with his, and savored the sweet relief of coming home with a soft sigh.

It didn't last long enough. Never did, she never got quite enough of his kisses. But the playful nip to her lip made Maea smile, and there was something eager in the look she returned, meeting his silver fire with a lavender dare, a challenge to see if he really could persuade her to fall asleep after all. [say]"You sound so confident... Are you sure?"[/say] she returned, her gaze not leaving his. [say]"There are some minor difficulties involved, I think I need to remind you..."[/say]

Being rough and hasty like usual would not work here. She had enough bruises even before his nipping teeth had done their worst... though the reminder of it did make her stomach clench expectantly.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Sunjata - 02-18-2020

Her mock wounded look is seen through clearly as he gives her a charming grin briefly before attempting to kiss her, seeing her duck away from it before giving into him – and he sighs into it as well, content and feeling as though everything is right for once, when so much had happened that made it feel like nothing could be again. But it was, because he has her here now – together once again. “[say]Perhaps a bit deceiving.[/say]” He says quietly before she meets his challenging look.

And her question causes his smirk to deepen slightly. “[say]Minor difficulties, Liefde.[/say]” He hums with a wink, knowing full well how he could make her far more content than she was now without diving in deep. There’d be time for that, later when she’s healed and better. For now? He could certainly show her how much he’d missed her while she’d been gone. “[say]Do you trust me?[/say]” He purrs, smoldering gaze questioning but confident in his abilities. "[say]You won't even have to lift a finger...[/say]" So saying, one of his hands reaches for her own, to tangle his fingers in with her own, thumb stroking along the back of her hand should she let him.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Maea - 02-18-2020

He was so sure, so very confident, and it made her blood heat just to hear him speak. The way he smirked, the purr in his voice... it was a promise and a challenge, all of it, and she was not about to let him down. Trust him? Please. Like she'd ever done anything else. Right from the start, once she'd realized his big hands and looming size didn't equate to rough manners. Had she not trusted him enough to stay under his roof?

[say]"With my life,"[/say] she murmured back, and braided her fingers with his. Sultry, welcoming... and completely, utterly honest. If he couldn't believe in anything else, then Maea hoped he would always remember this, at least.

She trusted him. Utterly, completely. And her eyes reflected this as she gazed up at him, teeth dragging over the lip he'd just nipped. Curious, expectant, perhaps just a little bit nervous about what he was up to this time... but not the bad kind of nerves.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Sunjata - 02-18-2020

He would remember it, believe in it, regardless of what situation brought it on. And as she meets his gaze, she’ll find nothing but the smoldering, simmering lust beneath something akin to love if he couldn’t ever say it. He’d told Loren he would try to say it, to tell her before it was ‘too late’ as the summoner had said, reflecting on Abasi. But here? Here at least he could show her, take her condition into consideration, pour his love into worshipping her until the words didn’t taste like ash trying to form on his tongue.

He lifts her hand to his lips, kissing gently along the back of her hand before his gaze finds hers again. “[say]Let’s get you comfortable, then.[/say]” He purrs to her, going to bunch a few pillows together to give her something to lean against and get comfortable, enough room to swing her legs around to the bed before he focuses on her again. “[say]And get these off…[/say]” He says, letting go of her hand to undo the towel from around her body, then to the one that trapped her hair, letting them fall to the side of the bed after having absorbed most of the water.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Maea - 02-18-2020

His eyes made her breath catch. There was so much emotion in the way he looked at her, so much more than the simple want and it made her chest tighten in respone. Brought a smile to her face, so sweet, so loving - he didn't have to say anything, Maea understood perfectly well anyway. And it made her stomach flutter all the more as she reclined onto the pillows, her back sore and protesting but not so painful that she couldn't lie down.

The girl eased herself up properly on the bed, and let him pull the towels off her. It wasn't the first time he saw her undressed, but there was something different in doing it like this. Of being laid bare while he was not. Enough to make it new and dangerous all over again. She recalled that second encounter by the river, how he'd picked her up from the water and refused to let go again...

She shook her hair out, and let it splay out over the pillows. Still damp, it had attained a silvery sheen in the dim light, glistening and clean and still as silky soft as usual. Maea kept her eyes on Sunjata as she settled in, made her comfortable.. and waited, to see what he would do. Already her breath came a little quicker, body knowing what to expect when he had that look about him.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Sunjata - 02-18-2020

She gets comfortable and he manages to remove the towels, leaving her laying bare before him – and his gaze takes her in perhaps a bit greedily before he finds her breath already having picked up a small amount. He goes to move himself gently onto the bed as well, kneeling before her, hovering above her as he plants both hands on either side of her to kiss her gently and soft – and just like he’d said, not needing her to lift a finger.

His attention trails downward, however, aiming to part her legs for him, as tender and gentle as he can in the hopes that the insides of her thighs and legs weren’t as bruised or as painful as the outsides were. Perhaps he could distract her from the pain of them enough, as well… But he lowers himself to press a gentle kiss to her knee, to the inside of her thigh if she’s worked with him to part them.

His other hand trails gently from her side, avoiding the bruising the best that he can, aiming to rest at her hip for the moment like it had when they’d been in the shower – gaze flickering up to peer at her from this position, trying to gather what she might think of it, if she might understand now what he means.

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Maea - 02-18-2020

Well, perhaps she didn't have to lift her fingers, but Maea did it anyway. To stroke his damp hair, drag her fingers through it, mess up the smooth curls he'd combed back, all while he kissed her again. She had looked forward to a good, long while of it, of tangling tongues and heat slowly building, but was surprised to find him withdrawing much quicker than expected.

Maea flushed as he eased her legs apart. There was a slight resistance in her legs at first, a slight hesitation - this part usually came a lot later - but eventually she relented. A little embarrassed to be splayed open like this, especially since when he moved down. Pressed a kiss to her knee, to her thigh.. onh the inside. Looking down at him, her eyes widened as understanding began to dawn on her, creeping realization adding still more color to her cheeks.

[say]"Sunjata..?"[/say] the way she said his name was wary, cautious... not protesting, because she did trust him. He could do whatever he wanted. But still... Was he really going to..?

RE: your hands are scarred from murder - Sunjata - 02-18-2020

He’d never tire of the way her fingers drag through his hair, the way she chooses to touch just as he did to her. And as he lowers himself to her, to spread her legs with some part hesitation, he tries to make up for the briefest bit of surprise as he kisses her knee and the inside of her thigh. The hand at her hip withdraws as well, to stroke lazily up the inside of her other thigh as his gaze lifts to meet hers, seeing the flush that only ignites the briefest smirk to his face.

His name on her lips is wary, almost questioning. And he tilts his head so his cheek brushes against the inside of her thigh as he raises a brow to her. “[say]Yes..?[/say]” A quiet question in response, though its mostly rhetorical on his end. He absolutely is, and it’s clear in the way that he doesn’t wait for a response from her as he goes to kiss her thigh again, his other hand trailing up a bit higher, trying to see what kind of reaction he can get from her as she realizes what he wants to do.

The very same smolder is in his gaze, how he hadn’t really been able to worship her in this way before – because of beaches, Halo snow, and tragedy. But gods how he wants to right now, with a proper bed, to help her forget about her bruised and battered body. His hand continues to trace their lazy circles upwards, ever closer as do his lips.