Court of the Fallen
i want to be outrageous - Printable Version

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RE: i want to be outrageous - Aisha - 03-04-2021

Aisha hadn't meant to cast a somber atmosphere, but it was inevitable when discussing some things. The grounds would always haunt her, a mistake, a burden, a past that she loved and regretted. She was here now in Halo, where things could move on, but there would always be a part of her that remained there, a world away.

The cold seeped back in, she realized then that it'd never gone.

[say]"Pass me some bread?"[/say] she said, deciding not to linger in possible futures and pasts. She had things to prepare, illness to overcome, food to eat, and that would be enough for now.

RE: i want to be outrageous - Deimos - 03-05-2021

Moving onward. Forward. He knew better, he truly did, but sometimes there were three steps onward and four back, and the reminders all the more grueling. The Hollowed Grounds was in his past too, and they had no way to outrun it. Just not to be consumed by it. Just not succumbed. Just not swallowed.

Growth. Healing. Renewal. That was what the mountains were for.

Moments like these – guilds and plans, forthcoming springs.

He snorted, shaking his head, before obliging to the swift demand, supplying her with portions of bread for the roads soon to be taken. [say]“Come find me when you are ready.”[/say] And then there’d be new reaches to discover and unfurl, rather than new aches and pains.

{FIN <3}