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bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep - Printable Version

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RE: bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep - Dantalion - 04-26-2024

Snorting out a laugh - because Asta is right, but also he's decided to live here after all - Danta allows himself to relax a little more now that it appears the other man isn't feeling so uptight. Because if the Maverick is going to start to open himself up to the possibility of having a friend, he may as well make sure that he's a good one in return, right? (That's how it goes anyway, isn't it?)

[say]"Good. I'm glad we're in agreement, then,"[/say] Danta murmurs - and if this partially means that he doesn't get to hear his full name hit the air so often (and he's got a licence to fuck when it does), all the better. Huffing out a breath as he's drawn back down and around the other man, he shifts a little before settling again, fumbling to draw the blankets up and around them.

[say]"Remind me to get you a key for this place,"[/say] he mumbles. [say]"I'm getting one for the rest of the council. Makes sense for you to have one too. You can come in through the Backrooms, then, if you need."[/say]

RE: bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep - Astaroth - 04-26-2024

He also finds himself glad that they’re in agreement. It’s the last thing he ever thought he’d say aloud, but it’s in the open now, thankfully only for Danta to hear and silently judge him on. But they’ve come a long way since his awakening, and if he thinks about it too long he’ll realize that perhaps they would have been absolute menaces had they had the opportunity to be like this, back then.

Danta settles in against his side and chest now and as he fumbles for the blanket, Asta helps with his free hand to tug it up more around them. “[say]Mm alright.[/say]” He murmurs, half already falling asleep now that the tension has eased from his chest. But he perks back up a moment later with a wrinkling of his nose. “[say]Where that terrible dread sensation is coming from?[/say]” He sighs.

RE: bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep - Dantalion - 04-26-2024

[say]"Mm, just the place,"[/say] Danta mutters, scrunching his nose, his head lolling against Asta's chest now though he has no doubt that the other man will be able to sense his expression regardless. [say]"It's where all the void creatures are being housed until we're ready to bring them to Dygra,"[/say] he explains. [say]"But if it takes too much longer I'll have to move 'em. They're starting to affect business."[/say]

Not to mention his own mood. Not that Danta was particularly keen to fuck around in his office all that much to begin with, but now he actively avoids the place. [say]"Either way, it shouldn't be forever."[/say] He shrugs. Besides, with the matter settled, he lets himself bonelessly relax against his fellow Ancient and the lull of a good night's sleep.

RE: bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep - Astaroth - 04-27-2024

The comfort that’s immediately settled in his chest when Danta’s head lolls against his chest is one he focuses on to feel the expression crossing the Maverick. He’d almost feel bad for bringing it up, if it weren’t such a terrible feeling each time he’d walked by the room. But alas, it wasn’t his. So he just avoided it as much as he could. Thankfully, though, the answer is offered and explained, and he finds himself basically frog blinking as Danta’s voice seems to drone on with his explanation.

“[say]Good.[/say]” He half mutters as he starts to slowly fall into a sleep-like trance, holding Danta close and against him as he nestles in, saying nothing else and hearing nothing else from the Maverick as he relaxes fully and the two Ancients pass out, still slightly drunk, in the superheated room with only the flickering flames to keep them company.

- FIN <333