Court of the Fallen
but anyway - Printable Version

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RE: but anyway - Everest - 06-08-2024

[say]"Sure, sure. Or that."[/say] The aviator concedes with a shrug, before Mateo's confidence has him feeling all warm and fuzzy in a way that makes him want to hug the botanist all the closer instead of pulling away. Gods but it's good to feel this way

[say]"And that's why you'll always be my best friend and snow brother."[/say] Everest confirms, and though there's a smile on his lips his voice is already starting to sound drowsy to his own ears. Stifling a yawn by pressing his mouth into the pillow rather than Mateo's curls, the aviator offers up a nondescript sound of contentment before finally succumbing to the warmth of his friend and the softness of fresh sheets.