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[Mini Event] TMI - Printable Version

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RE: TMI - Hadama - 06-09-2024

Hadama watched in silence as Deimos cast air and ice against the sphere, intent on the result. When the Void energy absorbed the ice with no apparent ill effects the Tidebreaker let out a slow breath. Though no disappointment showed on his face it was clearly not ideal for some of the Merfolk. Still, he inclined his head in a subtle display of relief when the orb shivered and flinched beneath the assault of wind against its eerie surface.

He was about to offer his own ability when Seren stepped forward first. He watched with keen interest as she applied gravity to the strange, dark sphere. When the dark energy was affected by it so dramatically - as effectively as the air magic had been - his emerald eyes gleamed and he gave a slow nod of satisfaction.

Sunjata's attack with regular water was wisely considered, and the result was well worth the experiment--

But then he found himself shoved back by the force of Noah's Roar. Though he felt no pain, only the pressure of the force, it was alarming enough that the Tidebreaker looked around to make sure that no one else was injured. Remi's protection had done its work, but the cost to the Bastion was clearly high. As Ronin rushed to his husband's side, Hadama fished a bottle of healing water from their Fountain from the net bag at his side and offered it to Remi with a quiet "Thank you."

RE: TMI - Deimos - 06-09-2024

The other intricacies were worth noting, and he took the information readily – mastered earth doing nothing, lightning a baseline, and Seren’s gravitational nuances causing more of a strife. Intrigued about the more airy ramparts, he might’ve been encouraged to stay and study all the more, had Noah’s next assault not unfurled. Sunjata’s would’ve been worth acknowledging but in the haze of atomic blasts and roars, and then the scene thereafter, the Sword was more than a little distracted.

Irritation, and the overwhelming notion of protection, lunged through his soul the moment Amhran, Sah, and Hotaru were all flung back from the blast, and he set about aiming to help retrieve – presuming the Rae demigod would be completely out of sorts by the ridiculous display, offering a hand and strength. [say]“You all right?”[/say] He queried immediately to Amhran, and though understanding Remi had taken the brunt of everything, he could imagine being tossed aside would’ve rattled anyone.

Waiting for the response though, he still listened to the expanse of Remi, Ronin, and Noah, eyes narrowing and focusing upon the exchanges. Ronin would take care of his husband, but the apologies and regrets from the Sentinel left the Warden in wondering what the man had been thinking – though with Talyson involved, perhaps it didn’t much matter. Rendering his face into impassivity again, he nodded towards the Bastion and White Knight. [say]“Let me know if you need anything.” [/say]

RE: TMI - Seren - 06-09-2024

Seren was knocked off her feet by the sudden roar. Vaguely aware of Ronin rushing to tend to Remi, she kept shaking her head against the ringing in her ears and only slowly struggled to get back up. A chilling numbness had settled into her limbs, into her core and her chest, leeching away all the warmth and confidence she'd carried there until the voice - Vox - spoke and rendered her most precious, private space something unsafe and potentially fraught with peril.

The orb had fallen into the sand. She looked at it with a new distaste, but as no one else seemed inclined to touch it, she picked it up.

[say]"Could - could someone try a custom magic on it?"[/say] she asked, voice quivering softly as she held it up, the way her father had. They couldn't leave yet, when there were still avenues to explore. Oh, now she wished she had invited some Ancients too - there was so very little she knew about their magics. [say]"And perhaps an enchanted weapon of some kind?"[/say]

Seren takes the orb back.

RE: TMI - Talyson - 06-09-2024

Lacking magic of his own, the courier sat around and watched other people poking the orb while feeling like a tit on a duck.

Y'know. Useless.

But at least it was kind of interesting to see what kind of damage different attacks did. And which elements didn't do shit. It was educational if nothing else and gave him some ideas about future weapon requests from the gods.

Then Noah Roared and Tal was real fucking glad he was standing behind the Forsaken. When the echoes died away a lot of people had been shoved back, including Ru and Sah, and the courier froze in uncertainty. Remi - powerful, steadfast, champion-of-Mort Remi - was looking real fucked up all of a sudden. When Noah's blue eyes slid to him Tal held up his hands defensively. "What? I didn't dodge nothin'! Y'hit me head-on with that in th'tournament!" The courier had just dug his heels in and stubbornly refused to get pushed back by the energies roaring against him, was all.  

Ronin and Hadama were helping Remi already so Tal bit his lip and bobbed his head apologetically at the Bastion - why he was apologizing was anyone's guess, but it felt right in the moment - and hesitantly made his way over to Seren. "I mean, I can try stabbin' it with my Dagger, but... this is prob'ly really dumb but since the energy's all purply an' dark an' shit, what happens if we try Healin' on it?"

And if Seren would allow it, Tal would poke the orb and attempt to use the Mastered Healing magic in his Ring of Mending on it.

Type: Light | Style: Other | Level: Mastered
Ring of Mending | A silver ring imprinted with gold, as if it has been kissed. Capable of delivering Mastered Healing to one target of the wearer's choosing.

RE: TMI - Serendipity - 06-09-2024

Healing seems to do regular healing.

RE: TMI - Talyson - 06-14-2024

"...Huh. Well, okay then." So much for that idea, and Tal scowled at the orb as if it had personally offended him. Which it kind of had, on account of all the voidyness that made it up. He shrugged it off with a huff of annoyance and drew his Dagger instead, giving Seren an almost-apologetic look. "So... yeah. That sucked. I'll try it your way now." And he had to admit, stabbing the Void was a lot more attractive than healing it, even if he'd hoped the healing would fuck it up instead.

The nice thing about the Special Delivery Dagger was that it was a small, precise weapon and Tal had gotten very good with it. As much as he might have wanted to impale the unsettling sphere with extreme prejudice, though, it was being held by a very nice young woman who was apparently Safrin's actual daughter, so he figured a little more restraint might actually be called for.

He carefully made a small jab with the tip of his blade into the sphere's shadowy surface.

Tal uses his Mastered magic weapon!

Type: Grey | Style: Offensive | Level: Mastered
Special Delivery Dagger | A carefully crafted dagger veined with crimson markings, decorated with the foot of a blink hare. Upon making a stabbing motion in the air, the dagger may damage a target up to 30ft away from the user.

Type: Dark | Style: Offensive | Level: Basic
Honed by Nightmares | A curious silvery coating covers the Special Delivery Dagger. Causes extra physical damage at a Basic level.

RE: TMI - Hotaru - 06-14-2024

Things go south impressively fast, and Hotaru’s face remains stoic through it all. She isn’t surprised to be thwarted, though it makes her spine ache with the intensity of her discomfort and the effort it takes to conceal it. Even from her early days as an informant, spy, and thief, her mind has always been the most sacred of places, and Vox’s easy entry makes her feel ill. Still, she exists in a difficult grey-area that only Sunjata is aware of, and silence is the best defense - especially when everyone else has plenty to say to fill the gaps.

Noah throwing her off her feet is unexpected to put it incredibly lightly, and the world rights itself she finds her claws out and pupils distorted in half-shift expression of defensive feline surprise. It takes a delayed moment of forced breathing to put her claws away before she takes Noah’s hand to be helped up, nerves frayed from the unfortunate combination of situational tension and unexpected battery.

Quickly fixing her hair, she exhales sharply and approaches Seren, deciding if Sunjata is comfortable with this process then she might as well fall in line. [say] “I’m not sure if mine will work,”[/say] she clarifies preemptively in a soft tone, deeply uncomfortable with doing this publicly. Admittedly even more uncomfortable with the idea of her fellows knowing this ability than the Family. The few who know it are already a risk, even if she trusts them implicitly. Placing her hand on the orb in case that makes a difference, Hotaru drops her voice to a nearly subvocal decibel to try and preserve her privacy from the others as she commands, [say] “Stop moving.”[/say] That should show if her compulsion even works on something without a developed brain. It’s unlikely a command to hurt itself will work; even non-sentient creatures and plants would consider that order to be antithetical to their natures. Their sole purpose is continued existence and procreation, so self-inflicted damage would weaken her compulsion’s grip significantly. Still, should she try for the sake of trying? Ru cuts the magic whether it works or not, and her lips scarcely move on the next compulsion. [say] “Hurt yourself.”[/say] The Valkyrie watches just long enough to gauge success - if any - before she gracefully retracts her hand and retreats back to Sunjata, content to fade into the background once more. She is strangely grateful she hasn’t unlocked any other abilities yet that she would be forced to display. Although she would have been relieved to show that one off instead in place of her compulsion as a red herring. The idea that she can truly trust everyone here simply because they’re all demigods is laughable, and revealing her literal powers makes her skin crawl. Hotaru wants this entire event to be done with already.

- - -

Ru tests out two separate Compulsion commands to try and gauge levels of success with the weakness of “against target’s nature” being considered. General command to see if non-sentient void can be compelled, and then a command to harm itself to gauge strength *insert large shrug*

Magic: Compulsion | Outside of a KQ/PQ+, can influence a target within 10ft of her to do something they would realistically find themselves doing. In a KQ/PQ+, gives disadvantage against 1 target within 30ft. ((END+LUCK+d100 contested roll).
Type: Dark | Rank: Upgraded

RE: TMI - Sah - 06-14-2024

Sah gritted his teeth as Vox spoke and stayed silent as the others debated. He watched closely as Deimos tested the elements and his other magics on the orb. Others soon followed, and he carefully cataloged their findings in his mind, as well as what abilities they had in their arsenal.

Noah's warning came but he was still caught off guard by the force of it. The air was knocked from his lungs as he was shoved back. It was a strange sensation to notice that no harm had resulted in what should have left at least a bad bruise. He accepted Noah's help with a raised brow, [say]"Maybe give us time to get out of the way next time?"[/say] His eyes scanned Seren and the others and he was relieved to see that she and the others were also unharmed. Except for Remi.

Remi seemed to be somewhat ok at least. [say]"Do you need anything?"[/say] He wasn't sure what he could do to help, but he'd try.

After Talyson and Ru made their own attempts, Sah stepped forward with an idea. [say]"Deimos already covered the elements but let me try it so we can see if race has any effect on the results."[/say] He doubted it would do anything, but any knowledge was useful given the vastness of the current threat. His only custom magic was defensive but maybe he'd try that next.

He hesitated briefly before deciding to not include his lightning magic. Not in front of Melita, not this soon.

Giving a bit of time in between each to see the effect, Sah uses mastered fire, air, earth, and water magic to see if race plays a role. [/say]

RE: TMI - Amhran - 06-15-2024

A lot happens in a short period of time.

Indeed, by the time Amhran is trying to sit himself up once more after being nearly blasted out of the group entirely, Deimos is standing over him and the young demigod blinks up at him in confusion.

[say]"I believe I nearly died,"[/say] he says in an honest and soft voice, as if he's just making a comment about the weather. He didn't feel the pain and didn't take the damage, but something in his gut says the blast would have likely ended him entirely.

Accepting the offered hand, the willowy man rises back to his feet without bothering to brush away the sand and earth that has covered his clothes. Already others are stepping forward to try their luck against the strange object, but Amhran doesn't feel as though his own conribution will amount to much.

[say]"May we go?"[/say] he asks Deimos.

RE: TMI - Serendipity - 06-15-2024

Physical damage seems to do regular damage.

The orb is not sentient, so Hotaru's attacks have no effect.

Sah's attacks are no different than when Deimos used them.

RE: TMI - Deimos - 06-15-2024

Were the circumstances altered and different, beyond his irritation, the Family’s involvement, the lack of decision making, and other cataclysms setting multiple precedents, the Sword might have been inclined to stay – if only for more information on other’s abilities. But with the way the tone had shifted over the course of rounds, Noah’s ridiculous strike undoing the fledgling remains of his patience, he was more than willing to escape at Amhran’s behest, especially when the statement of death lingered around his mind. Deimos had the notions of what he could do against the void, and that might’ve been enough for now.

He swallowed down a multitude of feelings, and nodded, inspecting the demigod quickly. [say]“Yes.”[/say] He waved towards the others in an abrupt acceptance of departure, and then quickly allowed them to vacate the scene, thankfully still intact.

{Deimos and Amhran out!}

RE: TMI - Ronin - 06-16-2024

Letting an arm slip around his husband to help keep him on his feet, it's with a few slow, deep breaths that Ronin watches as others step forward to keep testing out the orb's properties. The anger and frustration rolling into him from the Bastion is something he's more than happy to accept for as long as the other man needs it, though it does only add to his own, such that the White Knight is looking rather dark all over as he gazes over the proceedings.

Trusting that no one else is going to either try something dangerous, or that the orb is going to do anything but sit there and be an orb, Ronin offers a grateful nod to Hadama for the healing water and to Deimos in understanding. With the Sword and his strange willowy charge already on their way, it's about time the Taliesins take their leave too.

[say]"You know where I am,"[/say] he murmurs to Seren, before starting to lead them away from the group.

Ronin (and Remi) out!

RE: TMI - Remi - 06-16-2024

[say]"Thank you."[/say] Reaching for the water, Remi smiled tightly at Hadama, doing his best not to wince with the movement. With a nod toward Deimos and a polite smile for Sah, the Bastion took as deep a breath as he could and slowly let it out. Drinking the healing water helped, though Ronin's support at his side helped moreso, and with the Knight's arms around him, the Bastion felt as though he'd be able to walk.

[say]"No one do anything stupid."[/say] He murmurs, ensuring his gaze didn't land on Noah despite the way the pain in his body encouraged him to. It was a stupid mistake, an oversight he'd not have expected from a demigod, but a mistake just the same.

[say]"My knitting—"[/say] Remi whispers to Ronin, clutching at the Knight and hoping his husband would send his duplicate to fetch it. His rectangle had been shaping up quite nicely, after all. Leaving his shielding up as long as he was able, Remi reluctantly called it back once they'd moved far enough down the beach.

RE: TMI - Sunjata - 06-19-2024

Grimacing at the ability Noah uses, and seeing immediately as Melita and Hotaru are shoved back, he immediately starts to move toward Hotaru when he sees Noah step in – close as he is, to ensure she gets back onto her feet. And then he’s moving toward Melita to help her up as well – returning to the space for testing and having nothing else that could work that wasn’t just the plain water as the base which he has, he sighs a little but watches with a hawk’s focus as Hotaru tests her own and returns to his side.

His arm wraps protectively around her, and as everyone begins to depart he puffs out a sigh and one more glare toward the starry lighthouse and the space they’re in, before he nods to Melita and Hotaru all the same. “[say]Yeaaah, I think we’re done here too.[/say]” He doesn’t want to speak for Melita, but he already knows how loathed she is to be here, and so he makes the opening, already twisting to leave with the Valkyrie and Honeybee should they both wish to come along with.

He knows he could certainly use a drink.

- Sunjata out!