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The Royal Visit - Skyler - 07-12-2019

Followed closely by two bodyguards the handsome Skyler slowly made his path to the main entrance of the huge Manor ahead. He walked slowly as he didn't really feel any rush to reach the entrance since he didn't really have an appointment to keep. Hell, he didn't even know if the notorious queen even was home so why stress around? Stress was weakness in Skylers book as there were no reason for it. Plan your time and you will be able to do all things you need for the day without stressing. Stressing did nothing at all for you but was incredibly pleasing to witness during certain situations. The mere thought of these certain situation made him smirk as he closed into the entrance which in turn made his guards suddenly look a tad worried for a second before returning to their stern faces.

Why did a man like Skyler have guards when he was more then able to handle it himself? Because; why not? He had guards, he used them. That's about that. Soon they reached a guard and Skyler announced himself slightly unamused by now and stated that he wished to speak to the new queen. Surprisingly enough they got lead to the guesthall and was told to stay put as he hurried off to tell the queen. Guess at least the queen wasn't shy, pluspoints to her for that. He would probably have to deal with a few guards in the same room as him when Zariah arrived but he couldn't really gather up enough intresst to even try to care about such things. It was a "whatever"- scenario for him. Didn't bother him in any way, shape or form.

As they waited he gave his guards a cold look which said more then words and made them back off quite a bit to give him space as he leaned back against the wall with his arms simply crossed befre him. Guess he had to just wait now until the queen arrived..

RE: The Royal Visit - Zariah - 07-12-2019

The Queen Zariah was indeed far from shy, and when her guard informed her of a guest she did not delay her arrival. She could likely be heard coming long before she was seen, the click of her heels a signature of her presence most anywhere. She made her entrance from a side door, head held high, crowned by wild curls and standing tall in black boots with dangerously high heels that she walked in with perfect poise. Her outfit was new, courtesy of Rexanna, and fit for one of her station. Fitted black pants, a black blouse, perfectly tailored and revealing her shoulders and collarbones, draping in the back to create the illusion of a cape.

Wide hazel eyes, set in an expressionless, youthful face glanced over to the guards in the background. Lips, stained a near black-red pursed slightly. [say]”If you wish to converse with me, Skyler, your lackeys will have to wait outside. It’s quite tacky, really, to bring them to an audience with royalty.”[/say] she said, a clip of a command in her tone. If he didn’t comply with this, their meeting would be over before it even began.

RE: The Royal Visit - Skyler - 07-12-2019

Skyler indeed heard thoose tapping little feet from afar but made no attempt to prepare himself for the royal meeting, just stood there calmly as the guards became annoyingly antsy where they stood a good distance away from him. How was it that "normal" people needed a diaper change for something as simple as a royal meeting? This Skyler would never understand. It wasn'tuntil the footsteps where very close by that he slowly stood up from leaning against the wall to show her some sort of repect at least. He wasn't much for people of higher standing then himself but at least he knew how to play the game and that game was right now to not stand leaning against a fucking wall when royalty approached. Simple.

As that voice came floating towards him it didn't even take a second after she finished talking for him to give the guards a cold look and calmly but firm said: "You heard the queen; get out." And instantly the guards almost ran to the door to leave them be. Well at least they TRIED to walk even though it was in such rushed pace that it could have been taken for jogging. Idiots. As the door closed behind them he slowly turned his gaze towards this new queen, looked at her with those hetero eyes as if he tried to get an opinion of her. She seamed decent enough this far. At least she wasn't some snotty brat trying to fit into a pair os shoes at least 6 sizes to big for them, she seamed decent enough to be queen. Good posture, dressingchoices and lack of shyness. Good beginning indeed.

Skyler himself was well groomed; dressed in fancy black clothing and with every strand of hair in perfect placement. Even though he was up to code his cold eyes told another story about what kind of man he really was. He did not care whatsoever if he was splattered with blood, filth and guts. Nothing of value was really valueable for him unless he got what he wanted which seldom was things of good nature. He was no common thug though as when the guards finally left them he gave her a respectful bow as a greeting even though he really couldn't care less. Not completely his fault since he was the little psycho that he was; he did not know what feelings really where, but at least he was respectful.

With a straight back he met the eyes of the queen without an ounce of shyness but still with the respect a queen was due. Even if he would probably spoil it slightly when he spoke. He was blunt and on point after all unless he really played the actor role to gain someones false trust. "So you are the new queen?" He said with his calm voice, not letting her eyes get away from his own as he decided if she was worth the hussle or not,. She already have pluspoints from what he had heard about her the rumor way and combined with the way she appeared after all. It would have to do. "Not really getting where all the complaints come from. You seam like a good fit for the position." He said with those cold eyes emotionless but with at least a kind of honesty in his voice. He had come in contact with way worse rulers of different kinds after all.

As stated he was a direct type of man that really didn't take many shortcuts in life. "I heard you are looking for suited people to stand with you and i am offering my services, do you accept?" Straight to the point as per always. She was allowed to ask him whatever she deamed neccecery, he had already planned to answer whatever questions she may have, if any. In any case he had offered, now it was up to her to decide how to go for it.

RE: The Royal Visit - Zariah - 07-12-2019

Zariah watched with unmoving expression as the guards hurried out the door. She remained immovable under Skyler's gaze, unintimidated and unshakeable. Even id she noticed the difference between the look in his eyes and his appearance she did not care. By comparison, he was nothing, no matter how terrifying he thought he was. The only movement she made was to cross her arms, really for her own comfort than anything else. The Queen said nothing to his first statements. Clearly, she was the queen, and mentioning her dissenters wasn't exactly a way to put her into a good mood, so her lips remained pursed. Tacky and tactless was this fellow's M.O. apparently.

His final question though had her raising one brow. She said nothing at first, but soon her expression slightly settled. Unimpressed was the clear reaction. [say]"What makes you think you are suited."[/say] she said dryly. As of yet she had to see anything remarkable about him bedsides an ego so larged she was shocked he managed to fit through doors with it.

RE: The Royal Visit - Skyler - 07-12-2019

He did not care how she took his words, he stated the facts and if she was as big as she should be it shouldn't really bother her what the small folk thought of her. He didn't feel bad over her reaction to his words, she should suck it up and stay on point. There was more important things to worry about after all. It was clearly shown in those dead eyes that he really didn't care how she took it as well, it was of no importance of his; all that mattered was if she could give him what HE needed in return for his loyalty to her. Otherwise he was just wasting his time here.

As her reply came to him he didn't change his cold expression at all even though it was a slightly huff worthy question, but he intended to answer her questions as stated still. It was business after all. "As i said; you seam like a good fit for this role but to have people misbehave is a problem. They need to learn to listen to what their Queen is telling them since a queens word is law. I am offering to help.. teaching.. them to follow your commands instead of constantly fighting them." His pause in this explaination was pretty self explanitory to what exactly he meant with his words even though is face didn't change at all. It was like talking about the weather for a person like himself after all.

"I think a firm nudge in the right direction is what is needed and im offering to help you with this, my queen." He said without any hesitation and with his eyes still locked into hers. He may have a huge ego and lack of shyness over it all but at least he stuck to the point. He didn't really care for a careful approach. It would waste precious time for them both to use meaningless floof to butter up the situation. If she was interessted in what he was offering then this trip was not a waste of time but if she for some reason didn't like his point with it all he had better things he could be doing.

RE: The Royal Visit - Zariah - 07-12-2019

The more he spoke, the more he stared, the more he kept up the airs of the mighty and powerful in such a pitiful display of weakness, the more amused she was. What did this mouse think he was, standing before a dragoness? It started with a smirk, then opened to a cold smile, and soon enough she was laughing; a spine tingling sort of laugh that brought naught but cold dread to the soul.

The Queen stepped forward, approaching him slowly in a predatory stalk. But before he could react, she grabbed-hold of his chin, forcing him to stay still and continue to look her in the eye. In an instant she was working her magic of suggestivity, coursing it through every vein and nerve and neuron in his brain. [say]"Certainly you know how foolish you sound and look, playing at power with the likes of me."[/say] she said with a cold grin, working to sap his confidence with her. He was nothing but a common thug in her presence, and she a finely tuned master of destruction and terror. [say]"It would be such a mistake for me to so willingly recruit you when I know not your capability or reliability, don't you think?"[/say] she said, finally releasing him from her grasp, red dots on his face where pointed nails had lightly dug in.

[say]"Prove yourself. Seek the owner of the Rathskeller, and tell them their matriarch wishes to observe your skill under the command of the Devil. They will see to it you are stationed where you can prove your worth before I decide whether or not to keep you."[/say]


RE: The Royal Visit - Skyler - 07-13-2019

His face stayed neutral even though a feeling that would not be fitting at all in the situation spread through his body as that cold laughter reached his ears. That welcomed tingle in his spine of what should be dread but in his case had slightly other effects; hit him all of a sudden as the queen starting to move towards him like a feline in the night. She may not intend it; may want to cause him to slid into fear instead of the more fun feeling lurking in his body by now. It could be noticed in his eyes; that cold, empty stare was fuleing up with fire as his queen grabbed his chin in that strict manner and forced him to stare into those all of a sudden beautiful hazel eyes. He was not stupid; he was pretty sure about what she intended with this but did he care right now? No, not at all.

With the sudden life in his eyes for the first time since he got here he willingly met her gaze with a pleased twitch in his lips, almost like he wanted to smirk over this whole thing. But it was not a smirk that was expected from a man like him and his ego. Instead of a smirk of ill-will or boredom it was clearly an satisfied smirk that wanted to leave his face as he listened to what she was telling him. Feeling that familiar feeling he had expected beforehand but didn't mind it nor fight it. He really did. not. care. right now. The thrill he normally never had was welcomed after all.

He had made no reaction of thoose sharp kitty claws of hers that was digging into his skin since even pain was welcomed in his world, besides; it wasn't really painful either. He almost wished she would have overdone it a bit. Listening to her words with that budding smirk blossoming out for real and mixing with the VERY nice feeling in his body he tipped his head slightly to the side. Eyes not leaving hers even for a milisecond as she spoke. When she had finished he had to force himself down for once, not letting the HUGE desire to touch that soft skin of hers in an amourous manner overcome him. Though his eyes could not lie as the flames was burning vaguely after this thrilling meeting he had have with her. Instead he actually smiled in that dark way of his and answered obviously pleased; "Yes.. my queen."

RE: The Royal Visit - Zariah - 07-13-2019

She smirked, resisting the urge to laugh again. The Queen knew just what he was thinking - no man was that good at hiding the look of lust in their eyes, or the front of their pants. Such simple creatures men, so easy to make roll over if only one knew a few tricks. Ah, if only Edrei was here to gape at the fact that she, of all people, did have a sexual side she knew how to employ.

Zariah shifted her weight, her hips and shoulders shifting slightly to emphasize the curve of her slender waist. [say]"Very good. Now go my pet. Prove your worth and I shan't send you to the farm in the country."[/say] she said, dismissing him.