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booze buddies (open) - Oliver - 11-24-2019

When Oliver had set out to train, he didn't imagine that he'd fuck up one of his only 'friendships' he had formed since coming here. He wasn't exactly sure what he and Amun were, but whatever it was, he had ruined it and god damn did he feel like an absolute asshole over it. Loren had told him that his abilities and magic were a good thing. That they were a blessing, but right now he felt cursed. If a god came up to him right now and told him that they could take away his magic to reverse any bad relationships that had formed since he arrived: he'd immediately take their offer and give up all his magic.

His journey back to the manor was slow and miserable, however, he was soon surprised to see that some stalls were still open. Rather than going back home to lay in bed awake all night, Oliver chose to do something even better: drink. Giving up a bag he had carried with him, Oliver got in exchange two bottles of whiskey. It wasn't his favorite bag, but he'd most likely regret it in the morning. Oh well. Only regret he had right now was ever trying to use his magic in the presence of others.

Sitting himself down in a clearing, Oliver uncorked one of the bottles of whiskey and took a long swig, coughing a big as he did so. Oh whiskey, Oliver's new best friend.

RE: booze buddies (open) - Ingrid - 11-25-2019

Ingrid wouldn't say she had keen senses, but when it came to whiskey, the girl was a goddamn bloodhound. (That, or it was just too dark to see Oliver, so of course she smelled the whiskey first.) After following her nose for a bit, she was suddenly quite put-out: instead of a pot o' booze at the end of the odor-bow, there was a young man sitting the ground, coughing down whiskey like a fucking amateur.

Gods... That's an affront to humanity AND alcohol.

Not really in the mood for a sop story tonight, Ingrid decided to continue on her way. Too bad her moral compass kicked in.

If he got eaten by a wolf, would that be my fault?
...maybe. Yes, damn it. Plus, nobody likes a drunk wolf. Fine. Gods, I hope you're watching. I'm doing this for you.

Ingrid steeled herself and approached him.

"You don't drink much, do you?" she asked, peering down at the man. "Do you have any clue what your limits are? If you plan to drink until a bottle of your piss would need to have the word "proof" on it, at least do yourself the favor of sitting somewhere you can safely pass out."

She sat down next to him with a sigh, doing her best to keep her face just out of punching range.

"Listen, I'm sure you're having a hard time, but would you put those away and let me take you home?"

RE: booze buddies (open) - Oliver - 11-25-2019

The occasional person would go by and Oliver would glance ever so slightly, maybe in hopes that Amun would be comfortable with talking to him, but alas, none of those people were him. It didn't seem to be too busy of a night, which wasn't all that surprising. Not that many people were probably out this late.

A voice rang out and he looked up to see someone he could've sworn walked past him. He hardly even had anything to drink! Surely, he wasn't already drunk. The girl started asking him about his ability to drink. His grip tightened around the bottle and he couldn't suppress the frown on his face. He seemed to be in a decently safe space to pass out. People were still out and he wasn't that far from the manor. He'd be fine.

But apparently, someone else didn't think so. To his surprise, she took a seat next to him despite his lack of a verbal response. Her voice calmed down and she showed...concern? Why would someone be this concerned if they didn't know him. Then again, he'd be this concerned about a stranger, so maybe it wasn't that weird.

[say]"I've only had one sip...I just drank it too fast."[/say] There was a shrug as he continued to look forward. [say]"I don't plan on drinking until I pass out...just long enough so I don't feel anything."[/say] Those were totally different things. All Oliver wanted was to not feel guilt over his actions, that's all. Nothing wrong about that. He simply got two bottles just in case it took that long.

RE: booze buddies (open) - Ingrid - 11-27-2019

"I don't plan on drinking until I pass out...just long enough so I don't feel anything."

Ingrid actually gagged a little. Oh, for the love of Caido... She crossed her arms. "Listen to yourself!" she exclaimed, incredulous. His vague statement invited her to ask for more details about his sorry life — exactly what she was trying to avoid here. "The act of  'drowning your feelings' is a myth peddled by wine-makers. You drink alone until you're sadder than you fucking were before, and then you vomit. That's how this works," she said.

"And in the mean time, you're in a prime position to get your pockets or bones picked by different sorts of wolves. How's this, Blondie? You let me have some of that shit, we go to a bar, and we have fun tonight. The whole wallowing in self-pity thing is just gross."

RE: booze buddies (open) - Oliver - 11-27-2019

Oh boy, here we go. Oliver really wasn't in the mood to be scolded, especially now. Yes, he knew he had fucked up. Yes, he also knew that he'd be terribly hungover in the morning, but at least then he'd be able to sleep tonight with very little worries. She didn't quite seem to understand where he was coming from. Then again, he hadn't told her anything, so maybe she was right to make assumptions.

All of it Oliver could agree with and understand her worries, well, everything but two of the choice things that she chose to bring up. Letting out a sigh, Oliver handed over the bottle he had been drinking from. She did say that she wanted to drink some, so sure, go ahead.

Then she just has to say it. The damn nickname. Sure, anyone could call him 'Blondie' but right after what happened with Amun? Fucking great. Just makes him feel even better.

[say]"Listen...lets just slow down for a second."[/say] Maybe because Oliver wasn't sure how to bring up the two things he had a problem with. [say]"For one, I'm pretty sure there was only one bar. It was burned down. There may be a secret one, but I don't know where it is."[/say] There's a shrug of his shoulders. He needed to focus on the other thing that he had a problem with. [say]"There's no self-pity shit going on here. I have literally, no pity for myself. I am drinking because I'd rather be able to sleep tonight. I know what I did was wrong and I know that I royally fucked up. I just...I don't know. There's nothing I can really do to fix what I've done. I don't wanna lay in bed all night just thinking about what happened. I cant change it, no matter what I did."[/say]

RE: booze buddies (open) - Ingrid - 12-02-2019

"For one, I'm pretty sure there was only one bar. It was burned down."
Ingrid froze, bottle in-hand.
"This town has NO BARS?" she exclaimed. "I guess you really do have something to cry about, Blondie," she said, taking a long sip from the bottle. Wow. He actually got the good shit. She didn't have long to enjoy the taste before Oliver's words forced her to cringe:

"I don't wanna lay in bed all night just thinking about what happened. I cant change it, no matter what I did."

Great. Her self-pity comment had backfired spectacularly. She didn't know exactly what she had hoped to accomplish there, but was it too much to wish for some fight in his eyes? How about some semblance of a will to live? Instead, her words had triggered more whining. "The line between regret and self-pity is thinner than a starving orphan," she grumbled, partly to herself.

It occurred to her that since he could still string coherent sentences together, he truly wasn't in any danger (yet). She could leave now without tarnishing her moral track record... But she was too stubborn for that, wasn't she? The game was on, and bar or no bar, she was going to find a way to clean up this hot mess of a man. Unfortunately, he didn't seem like he'd get off his ass until he had the chance to vent, and she wasn't physically strong enough to drag him somewhere fun. I'm going to have to ask, aren't I? Alright, Ingrid. Hold your nose and jump.

"Was it really that bad? What, did you fuck your mom or something?" she asked, sitting down next to him and passing the bottle back.

RE: booze buddies (open) - Oliver - 12-02-2019

Her overdramatic reaction was almost enough to distract from the fact that she had said Blondie yet again. Damn. Talk about bad luck. [say]"Don't worry, heard a new one was being built soon."[/say] There's a care free shrug of his shoulders. Oliver would've loved to get smashed in a bar, to collapse in a heap in a backroom where he wouldn't be in danger and nobody would bother him. This was obviously better than him doing this in his own room because at least there he had the potential of being around others.

The comment made was easily heard by Oliver, who frowned in return. Didn't he explain that he had no self pity? He literally didn't feel sorry for himself in the slightest. All he was trying to do was drink so he wouldn't be forced to constantly think about what he had done. Yes, he had fucked up, Oliver realized that: He didn't need to be constantly reminded.

She didn't seem ready to go, even after returning the bottle to him. Of course, she wasn't going to make it any easier for him to not think about the events that had just happened. Might as well be honest since she was going to keep judging him no matter what he said. [say]"I used my magic....against someone a friend of mine."[/say] It's hard for him to say those words, his voice cracking slightly. [say]"I hurt him and I really, really messed up. I didn't want to ever use my magic to hurt others and I've barely even known about it, yet not even a month after I found out I hurt someone with it."[/say] There we go. With the admission done, Oliver moved to take a swig of the whiskey, now managing to drink it down without having a coughing fit.

RE: booze buddies (open) - Ingrid - 12-13-2019

"O[say]h, well that's a fucking relief,"[/say] she said, glad to hear about the bar.

"I used my magic....against someone a friend of mine."

[say]"Now that's quite the problem, Cupcake."[/say] (Hey, at least it wasn't Blondie.) Ingrid gave a toothy grin. [say]"But you didn't fuck your mom. C'mon, that's something, right?"[/say] Ingrid leaned back, putting her hands behind her head. She watched Oliver take a proper swig, and she gave him a nod of approval. It was the first thing he'd done that didn't piss her off. She looked him up and down: blonde hair, sad puppy eyes and all. [say]"But how tough could your magic be if you've only had it for a month? What'd you do, splash him with a bit of magic water?"[/say]

RE: booze buddies (open) - Oliver - 12-14-2019

Oliver wasn't sure if she was joking or not. He frowned anyways, not really comfortable with the idea of talking about it. And of course, she immediately joked right after, only making him think that she didn't even relate to him in the first place. She obviously wasn't the kind of person he normally was friends with, hell, he normally didn't even talk to people like her. The closest person to her was James and even he was lighthearted in a fun way. She just seemed incapable of relating to his problems. He didn't expect her to understand anything but he at least wanted a small bit of respect.

Letting out a sigh, he set the bottle down and ran a hand through his hair. [say]", he's deathly afraid of fire....and apparently fire can really really hurt people like him....and so I make the illusion of fire. And he....he was so scared."[/say] Oliver stopped himself from speaking and instead bit down on his lower lip, now looking away from the girl. It hurt to talk about it, seeing as he had basically tortured Amun. Made him see his greatest fear. He was one big ol' asshole.

RE: booze buddies (open) - Ingrid - 12-21-2019

", he's deathly afraid of fire...." Ingrid raised her eyebrows. [say]"Afraid of fire? That's dumb. Where I'm from, if you let a fire go out, they charge you with a fucking crime," [/say] she said, taking another sip of the whiskey.

Then she was quiet for a minute. (She would have made several comments if the words "big ol' asshole" hadn't been resigned to internal monologue. Pooh... Or perhaps big ol' pooh was more apt.)

Speaking of monologue, the whole bit about her being incapable of relating to the man's problems was spot on. Maybe once, back when she had fucks to give, she would have understood. Maybe she would have even said something helpful! But the old Ingrid had gone the way of the old T Swizzle (but with less white-girl-rapping), so instead, she replied with: [say]"What, is he made of wood or something?" [/say] Amun did have a habit of thinking with his dick, after all.

RE: booze buddies (open) - Oliver - 12-25-2019

Okay, that annoyed him. Oliver didn't give a flying fuck where this lady was from. Don't disrespect someone's fear. To make an assumption that just because you are fine with something means that nobody else is allowed to be afraid is plain rude. A complete and utter dick move. This was shown by the clear look of pissed off-ness on Oliver's face. His eyebrows lowered and he looked like he were about to give an eyeroll that'd permanently stick his eyeballs to the back of his head. [say]"Listen, I get that you come from somewhere else....but not everybody views things as the same way."[/say] He was clearly holding himself back from saying something pretty damn rude.

[say]"The man that I hurt is someone who can only be hurt by fire. He is an ascended. That is the one time he can feel pain. So when fire, imaginary yes, but fire nonetheless is inches away from his skin, of course he's going to fucking panic."[/say] He had huge doubts that Ingrid would be able to actually understand what he was saying or get it through her thick skull that others had a right to fear something. She seemed like someone who wouldn't believe that trauma was a thing just because she herself didn't find it to be scary.

RE: booze buddies (open) - Ingrid - 01-04-2020

Ingrid saw Oliver's pissed-as-shit expression and... grinned?

Woo! He's pissed at me. Now there's a respectable emotion, she thought triumphantly. As angry as Oliver had been at himself, Ingrid knew she could make him even more mad at her. Pissing people off was her specialty!

"Listen, I get that you come from somewhere else....but not everybody views things as the same way."
She nodded. [say]"It's not about viewpoint, it's about the weather being cold as shit!"[/say] she replied with a chuckle.

"He is an ascended. That is the one time he can feel pain."
That caught her attention in spite of the fact that he was speaking in toddler sentences. (She wasn't sure if it was due to drunkness or in an effort to talk down to her, but she didn't care.) She quickly scooted away from Oliver, for once, leaving whiskey behind. [say]"So your friend is loyal to The Voice?"[/say] she asked. Her eyes darted about. Then she clasped her hands, murmured a small prayer, and got to her feet. [say]"I need to go,"[/say] she said, watching Oliver's every move, watching him now like he could be a threat.

RE: booze buddies (open) - Oliver - 01-04-2020

Everything about this girl was wrong and that was only solidified by the grin dancing on her face. What the actual fuck? Was she devoid of normal emotions? Anyone sane would at least recognize that they fucking hurt someone, but her? Nope! Who the hell cares if you hurt or offended someone, it's hilarious even! That was enough to make Oliver want to restrict her from any booze, which he absolutely would. So far, he thought everyone here was tolerable, but looks like one of the gods fucked up by letting this creature come into existence.

She proceeded to be an even bigger bitch by immediately making assumptions! What a bitch! [say]"Okay, hold the fuck up. Amun did not ask to be an Ascended. Don't you fucking dare act like any of us Outlanders asked to be what we were given. I don't fucking care how much you hate the Voice because trust me, I am not a fan, but I will not judge someone else for what they were forced to be when they arrived. I don't know what backwards ways you have where you come from, but clearly you're too busy being a bitch to realize that people are different from you."[/say] And there he went! Exploding on her. It was a mixture of alcohol, him being overwhelmed, as well as him genuinely having feelings for Amun.

[say]"I'd suggest you grow the fuck up."[/say]

RE: booze buddies (open) - Ingrid - 01-05-2020

Ingrid was fucking amazing at ignoring lectures, in fact, it was the only thing she’d learned in New Rheven that was still useful.

”Blah blah blah, blah blah not a fan... forced to be when they arrived... yada yada.”

Well that was the most educational temper tantrum I’ve ever heard! So they don’t all come through Accepted or Abandoned. She turned back towards him and thought for a moment. Also, “bitch?” C’mon dude. All that drunk rage and you couldn’t get even a little more creative, you baby-faced, emo giraffe with bangs?

[say]”Let me properly introduce myself. I’m Ingrid: former Philosopher of the World’s Edge, Priestess of Caido, and card-carrying bitch who doesn’t know how to uh — how did you put it — ‘grow the fuck up.’”[/say] she said with a wide grin. [say]”If you think where I come from is so backwards, why don’t you educate me, hm? You’re telling me your friend was forced into ascending? If he’s not loyal to the voice, then you’re right. I did misjudge him. ...are there any races that don’t come through these portal thingies?”[/say] she asked. She recognized Amun as the guy from the party with the rose petals, but that wasn’t exactly important at the moment.