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looks can be intriguing - Printable Version

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looks can be intriguing - Amun - 12-06-2019

Amun had thought the whole working and living in the same space thing would be a good idea, and minimize the amount of work he actually had to do. However, he’d also realized that appearances were important, and having a cot in the corner (which was mostly unused, because he didn’t need to sleep) was hardly professional. Now that he was a member of the Artisan's Guild and the Artist's Sanctuary, he probably should care about that sort of thing.

Besides, Wessex wasn't queen anymore, so he should probably actually do something other than ride on her coattails.

Which was why, when night had fallen, he'd walked out into the darkness, which wasn't darkness to him. Hands in his pockets, he whistled a happy tune as he strolled through the Domiciles, looking for a suitable spot not too far from his shop to build a small room. Since he wasn't mostly planning to use it for fucking, it didn't need to be fancy.


RE: looks can be intriguing - Zariah - 12-06-2019

Zariah happened to be out later than usual, which didn’t bother her terribly much. But she was waiting and she hated waiting. It was mind-numbing and boring and she wanted to be doing something. Of course, that was easier said than done in this wasteland of chaos and sniveling fools. And so while she waited – the narrator failed to mention that Beatrix had forgotten something and skipped off to the manor – she watched Jace.

Jace was usually a very sedentary child. Sure, he played and had moments of rambunctiousness, but he was just as keen to lounge and nap the day away having inherited his father’s eyes and habits. But like any young child he was quite intrigued but the moving mud, and so chased it around. Occasionally he would look up at his mother and point at it expectantly, and the Merciless obliged her offspring by shooting small bits of lightning at the memory mud to make it move in new directions.

RE: looks can be intriguing - Amun - 12-06-2019

As Amun turned a corner, he was greeted by an unusual sight: a small child playing in the mud (which was normal enough) and a woman occasionally throwing small bolts of lighting at the mud when the boy looked at her. Alright then. The potter grinned wickedly at the sight. [say]"Well, hello there."[/say] He walked forward steps confident.

Once he was close enough he swept into a shallow, but graceful bow. [say]"I don't believe we've had the pleasure of being introduced. And believe me, I would've remembered one as striking as you. Amun Arlun, at your service."[/say] Straightening up, he smiled an easy smile, posture languid and relaxed.

RE: looks can be intriguing - Zariah - 12-06-2019

Zariah turned slowly, her porcelain mask perfectly in place as she looked over at the man who approached. Jace stopped in his tracks, a handful of memory mud wriggling to get free from his grasp, staring at the man with wide greenish-blue eyes that stood out against his tanned skin. At the greeting he waved, hoping back in surprise as the mud landed on his feet. Zariah simply nodded, listening quietly as the man spoke, trying to decide what her first impressions were.

Perhaps a bit of a flirt but at least he kept his head low.

A small smirk dared to break her perfect expressionless veneer as he bowed and introduced himself, laced with flattery. [say]”Indeed you would. My name is Zariah Launceleyn, former Queen of the Hollowed Grounds, and now Archmage of the Citadel in Halo.” She said softly, but only in volume. Even in her sultry coo, there was an undertone of command.

RE: looks can be intriguing - Amun - 12-06-2019

Amun raised an eyebrow. Now that he knew who she was, he swept his gaze over her once more. [say]”Well then. You are someone I should definitely get to know.”[/say] His voice came out in just as sultry a coo as hers did. Winking at the woman, he bent down to take a closer look at the boy. [say]”And who are you?”[/say] The Ascended’s voice had gentled somewhat, and he gave the child an easy smile.

That done, the potter straightened up, slipping his hands into his pockets. [say]”I can't claim any fancy titles."[/say] His eyes grew more than a bit mischievous. [say]"However, I am curious. What brings an Archmage back into her old stomping grounds, striking?”[/say] Then he chuckled, the sound dark and low. [say]"And what was with the lightning and the mud?"[/say] Although his tone was far from respectful and his posture was gracefully lazy, he was actually on his best behavior.

RE: looks can be intriguing - Zariah - 12-09-2019

Zariah hummed, quirking a brow as a smirk began to tug on her lips. [say]"Indeed, I am."[/say] she said, not one for personal humility. She was someone he ought to know, and one he ought to keep an eye out for. Unlike those who led these Grounds now, their spines more pliable than a feather pillow, the Archmage was not one to be trifled with. As others had learned, her tolerance for bold defiance and insult was in very short supply.

"Jace." the boy said quietly, his voice sounding as though it was rarely used.

Striking, hm? Nicknames must be the latest fad. First Lightning Bitch, now this. [say]"Collecting my family of course. Tying up a few loose ends."[/say] she said with a slight shrug. Why else, really? Hazel eyes glanced to her son and the mud he was still eyeing with curiosity. [say]"A game. To pass the time."[/say]

RE: looks can be intriguing - Amun - 12-09-2019

Giving Jace a broad grin, Amun winked at the boy. [say]”Nice to meet you Jace. Keep up the good work.”[/say] The Ascended gave the child a lazy salute. Only then did the potter straighten up.

As Zariah explained what she was doing around here, Amun’s smile morphed into something lazy, easy, and friendly. [say]"What kinds of loose ends, striking? Maybe I can help."[/say] Whatever else she was, this woman was powerful, and the Ascended had no trouble cozying up to people with and in power.

As she explained what Jace and her were doing, the Ascended chuckled, the sound dark and low. [say]"I can think of more fun ways to pass the time."[/say] He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, and more than a bit comedically and exaggeratedly

RE: looks can be intriguing - Zariah - 12-10-2019

Jace blinked at Amun but nodded his head. Dutifully, the boy went back to chasing around the mud.

[say]”Nothing of consequence.”[/say] she said, head tilting slightly as the Archmage considered him. He seemed more than willing to align himself with her in the wake of her reveal of power, but she didn’t know enough of him yet to decide if that was something she would be pleased with. [say]”But what are your skills? Perhaps I can think of a way to put them to good use.”[/say] she said with a hint of a smirk.

She hummed a low, short laugh, shaking her head slowly. [say]”It isn’t hard to think of more satisfying pursuits to pass the time. But the creativity of a five year old is a limiting factor.”[/say] she said with a slight shrug, watching Jace chase the mud around.

RE: looks can be intriguing - Amun - 12-10-2019

Amun grinned at Zariah's comment. [say]"You don't seem to be the sort of woman who does things that are of little consequence, striking."[/say] There was a mischievous light in his eyes and a gently teasing (though not mocking) tone in his voice.

As she asked about his skills, he winked at her. [say]"Well, at the moment I'm a humble potter."[/say] Then his grin turned into a smirk. [say]"Before coming to Caido, I was a sailor and adventurer  in my youth. Which I suppose is now eternal."[/say]

As she brought up Jace, the Ascended glanced at the child. Then the potter chuckled. [say]"Fair enough. When you don't have a five-year old, what kind of unlimited fun pursuits do you get up to?"[/say] His tone was genuinely curious.

RE: looks can be intriguing - Zariah - 12-10-2019

Zariah smirked a bit. Well, at least he was quick to catch on. [say]”I did not say who they were of little consequence for.”[/say] she noted lightly, playing at the words spoken by both parties. But her head tilted slightly as she considered his words. A potter. Sailor. Adventurer. Boring. [say]”Unfortunately I am not in dire need of pots, and the only sea in Halo is frozen over.”[/say] she said. As for adventuring…well…what did that even mean anyways?

[say]”Training usually. Occasionally a bit of reading. More often than not it is spent with the Warden of the Citadel.”[/say] she said lightly, letting his mind wander as it might or might not. While the implication was there, it didn’t necessarily mean anything.

RE: looks can be intriguing - Amun - 12-10-2019

Tilting his head, Amun waggled his eyebrows. [say]”Oh, so they are of consequence to you?”[/say] His tone was downright delighted. However, his expression gained an over the top dramatically hurt look at her next comment. [say]”You wound me, striking.”[/say] He placed a hand over his heart and staggered backwards a few steps, before grinning.

[say]”Everyone needs pots, though. Of course, my specialty is more artistic pieces.”[/say] Then he leaned forward, dropping his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. [say]”However, rumor is there are lands beyond Halo. Maybe even an ocean.”[/say] He winked at Zariah.

At her explanation of how she spent her time, he chuckled, the sound dark and low. [say]”Must be some real good quality time with your Warden, if that’s how you spend the rest of your time.”[/say] His voice had a cheerful teasing edge to it.

RE: looks can be intriguing - Zariah - 12-16-2019

Zariah smirked a bit. He was clever, if a bit overly flirtatious for her taste. He was probably quite palatable in small doses, like bleu cheese and vinegar. [say]”I am not the sort to waste my time on frivolity, no.”[/say] she said with a low hum of laughter, amused with his banter. [say]”Wound you? I do hope your works of sculpture are not so fragile.”[/say] she said with a smirk.

[say]”Artistic? Like what?”[/say] she said, glancing around. [say]”I do not see a great many sculpture on display.”[/say] she pointed out. If he was making art, shouldn’t it be on display? Or perhaps he was and it simply wasn’t very good. As far as what was beyond Halo, she shrugged. [say]”I am sure there is, but you would indeed be hard pressed to get there. Halo welcomes adventurers with the same enthusiasm as it welcomes heat waves.”[/say] Meaning of course that it was crushed with impunity by the ever present frigid cold that held the land firmly in its grasp.

Real good quality time? She wished. But that didn’t show on her features, only a slow smirk. [say]”I did say I am not one to waste my time, did I not?”[/say] she said, letting his mind go wherever it wished.

RE: looks can be intriguing - Amun - 12-16-2019

Amun chuckled delightedly at Zariah’s response. [say]”So what do you waste your time on?”[/say] His voice came out in a feigned whisper, as if they were gossiping. Winking at her, he grinned. [say]”They’re about as fragile as my ego, striking.”[/say] Leaving her to decide what he meant by that, he smirked right back.

As she asked about his art, he leaned in closer, as if to let her in on a big secret. [say]”Sadly, the people of the Hollowed Grounds don’t have an appreciation for the finer things in life. I’m sure you do, however, and I’d be happy to show you exactly what I can do, striking.”[/say] His words were underscored by a great deal of mischievous heat.

Shrugging, he grinned again, not at all bothered by her words about Halo. [say]”Well. I like to think of myself as hot, and as someone who makes himself welcome wherever the wind takes me. So I’m touched, but don’t worry about me, striking.”[/say] He waggled his eyebrows.

However, he stilled for a moment, though his eyes glinted with an impish gleam. [say]"You did. And yet, here you are, playing in the mud and talking to me, striking, instead of rolling in the hay with your Warden.”[/say] He tilted his head as he regarded her, another smirk lurking on his lips.

RE: looks can be intriguing - Zariah - 12-18-2019

Zariah simply smirked and shook her head. Oh no. She wasn’t about to reveal those sorts of things to someone she had just met, as amusing as he might be. If there even was something she wasted her time on after all.

Though she was starting to grow a bit bored. It seemed Amun was bit of a one trick pony. Dark, flirtatious and that seemed about it. What a shame. She didn’t respond to much else as he spoke, beginning to grow irritated with his repeated use of ‘Striking’ in place of her name. It was a bit contrived, as though he were trying too hard. [say]”Mmm, I will say that one of those things is a waste of time, but it isn’t that which involves me engaging in motherhood.”[/say] she said softly, reaching out a hand for Jace, who was quick to take it. [say]”Thanks for the chat, but I shan’t break my word. If ever you come to Halo, make certain your art is as useful as it is fine.”[/say] she said with a hint of a smirk, before heading on her way to go find Beatrix, heels clicking on the hard ground as she did so.