Court of the Fallen
[GGE] All the Right Parts - Printable Version

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[GGE] All the Right Parts - Phoebe - 12-10-2019

If she hadn't known better, she would have thought Frey was playing a cheeky joke on her.

A Dildo. Seriously, her luck only.

While she did have one herself, she was fairly certain the dildo given to her by a god wasn't exactly the best example to go on. Moreover, while she did counsel her patients on reproductive health and processes, she was accustomed to there being an actual penis invovled, so she didn't really have any just readily available.

It was while she was fretting over how to make this present that she wandered into an intriguing looking shop - having forgotten that she had a book about the anatony of male genitalia in her arms. Honeyed eyes looked around the place that looked like a unique cross between a glass shop and seamstress shop. must have been sort of new if she was just now finding it.

RE: [GGE] All the Right Parts - Hotaru - 12-17-2019

Hotaru is bent over her cutting table when the door opens, hair pinned up into a rare messy bun. Glancing at the newcomer, she straightens and plucks the pins from her mouth, stabbing them into the fabric top before turning to greet the girl. Her heterochromic eyes flit over the young woman, landing on the anatomy book in her arms and smirking. Propping a hip against the counter she gestures to it with one delicate hand. [Say]"My kind of reading darling. What brings you in today? Glass or fabric?"[/say] A simple enough question to get started.

RE: [GGE] All the Right Parts - Phoebe - 12-18-2019

Phoebe blinked and looked down at her book as the woman who apparently owned the store gestured to it. Realizing the title was very plainly on display, her cheeks turned a bright shade of red, and she quickly tried to hide it. [say]”O-oh my goodness I didn’t realize I was holding it that way!”[/say] she said with equal parts alarm and embarrassment. Flustered as she was, she couldn’t think of what she ought to say now. [say]”U-uhm w-well I was just looking around but I really need to find a way to make a dildo.”[/say] she said, immediately realizing her words and clamping a hand over her mouth.

[say]”I-I mean! It’s for the gift exchange! T-the person I pulled asked for it, and I….I am going to shut up now.”[/say] she said with a groan.

RE: [GGE] All the Right Parts - Hotaru - 12-18-2019

The girl immediately went red, and Hotaru's smirk only deepened into a devilish, teasing thing. Laughing softly she pops her hip off the counter and strides towards the younger girl, fully intrigued by her visit now. [Say]"No harm done, I'm certainly no shrinking violet."[/say] A wink of her heterochromic eyes is directed towards Phoebe, only to laugh aloud seconds later at the blunt tumble of words that fall from her new customer's lips. Her embarrassment is like honey on Hotaru's tongue, and she vibrates with mirth. The lass can't be much older than her own daughter, and it's just as amusing as seeing Cassandra fumble about. Though she suspects her daughter has very different views on mating and breeding considering where they both came from.

[Say]"Well, whoever asked for it as a gift deserves a discount here. Offer that to them as well if you'd like. But I can definitely do that."[/say] She gestures Phoebe towards her as she spins on her feet and leads the way out of the main shop and towards the furnace in the back, plucking her heavy duty apron from the hook by the door as she goes. [Say]"It won't be that difficult if it's a solid, phallic shape. And quite hygienic as it's glass. Did they list dimensional preferences? Wouldn't want to disappoint when the time is right,"[/say] she says with a catlike grin at Phoebe, pleased as punch with this request. Firing up the furnace, she waits for it to hear, and for further instructions. [Say]"My name's Hotaru by the way."[/say] Wouldn't do to be strangers during this delightful exchange.

RE: [GGE] All the Right Parts - Phoebe - 12-19-2019

Well, at least the woman seemed to have good humor about it. That did help calm her nerves a bit. In a way, she reminded her of her old midwifery teacher – though much, much younger. She was vibrant and bold and didn’t seem like the sort to shy away from anything. It was…comforting in a way. She hadn’t had a female presence like that in her life in a very long while. [say]”I will be sure to write them a note.”[/say] she assured, a small smile curving her lips.

So it was without protest that she followed the woman back to hotshop she had set up for her glassblowing business. She had never considered it before, but that such an item would be made out of glass made sense to her, so long as it was made of thick pieces of the substance she supposed. And based on Nate’s recent lecture at the College, it would be a good choice of material – easy to clean and difficult for germs to adhere to. [say]”Ah…no they didn’t. The only thing I know is that it is for a man.”[/say] she said. Which was part of the reason she struggled with it so much – she could guess what a woman would like but, a man? That was a whole set of body parts she did not specialize in. [say]”I’m Phoebe, I run the college and midwifery. Thank you for helping me, Hotaru.”[/say] she said with a slight smile.

RE: [GGE] All the Right Parts - Hotaru - 12-23-2019

Whatever jitters or embarrassment the girl might feel seems to melt away, leaving the pair of them at ease as they emerge into the brisk spring air. The heat that quickly emerges as she adds the accelerant powder chases that away swiftly enough, leaving them buffeted with waves of pervasive warmth as she selects the glass rods she wants. One ear listening for anything Phoebe may say.

Ah, a midwife? Makes sense that she's not as familiar with male anatomy or relations then. [Say]"Then we're looking to make something with a thick base and a handhold so it won't get stuck, and a light curve for prostate stimulation. Wish I knew if he preferred width or length..."[/say] the last part is muttered more to herself. She had topped a few men herself, but every person's desires were different.

Turning back to the midwife she smiles and gestures to a small bench. [Say]"Happy to help. Feel free to sit and watch."[/say] The process for such a solid shape would be rather quick, though the cooldown process was what would take a few hours. She sets to work molding the glass, eyeing it critically as she determines the most appropriate length, width, and curve intensity. When it's finished she presents it to Phoebe for inspection with her heat resistant gloves, and then quickly places it in the secondary oven for the cooldown to begin.

Slipping off her gloves and wiping sweat from her brow she turns and smiles at Phoebe. [Say]"It will take a few hours to temper and cool, but it'll be good to go for pick up by the end of the day."[/say] Whatever other errands she needs to run can be done, or she could stick around to watch the woman work if she was truly that bored. Either way, she hopes the recipient will be pleased. [Say]"You'll have to tell me what he thinks, I'm eager to know."[/say] Laughter colors her tone as she grins impishly, thinking that she'd like to be good friends with this mystery man bold enough to ask for a dildo in a gift exchange.