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[DROP] won't you come see about me? - Printable Version

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won't you come see about me? - Random Event - 01-14-2020

In the heart of the forest, a spark.

It came from the mountains, this young ember, forged in the crucible of ice and snow. It followed its herd on their vast migration, across the narrowest ridges and over crumbling bridges, but something drew it away. A portal, and beyond it, the promise of something, something glorious-

-an inferno.

In the land from whence the fire came ice reigned supreme, but here in the woods in the midst of LongHeat is is so very easy to burn. Each leaf the ember investigated lit up with wonderful, glorious color, blazing merrily in the night until a ring formed at the base of the tree...

With the little spark in the its middle, bleating in confusion at the chaos it has caused.

The fire surrounds the little luxere, and it is creeping dangerously toward the Mathair, hungry to consume.

What will you do?

This is a drop for a unique Luxere companion!

This drop is dangerous, meaning entering it may result in injury and/or death to your character. You may choose to leave at any time.

You have 72 hours to enter. Please summarize any action your character takes at the bottom of your post.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Deimos - 01-14-2020

If it isn’t monsters, it seemed to be fire. Sometimes a combination.

Deimos knew the tempestuous whims of fire and all its indulgent manifestations – the power, the burning, the searing flames stretching over bones and flesh, melting and molding. The same precision had managed to conspire down his bloodlines, tracing and trailing through his skin, along the snap of wildlife, the chase of smoke and fumes, the apprehension of another god damned inferno – like flinthopper rampages, like LongNight incantations, like the trace and touch of another disaster.

Not again, clutched and clenched in his jaw, as both man and unicorn followed the wayward signs, the bleating noises, the confusion and chaos managing to conspire once more. Zuriel nickered over the scene, like wayward assistance, striving to ensure a calming effect that might not have mattered in the slightest.

His eyes etched, sketched, over the surroundings, the Mathair, the luxere within the fold of flames, cinders, and scorching embers, pondering over the stretch of his own conflagrations, how close he’d have to be, how far away he could fathom changing the tides. He raised his hands and breathed, like nuances of guilds fumbling and falling together, like hazes and memories of monsters’ teeth glowing in the flames – reaching towards, intending to gain control.


Deimos attempts to use his mastered fire magic to gain control over the fire.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Oia'i'o - 01-14-2020

This is when you're uncertain about how to be you. On the one hand you agree that all things ought to be able to run their course. On the other hand there are certain unnatural things (like, a fiery luxere in this part of the world), that you wonder if you shouldn't perhaps stop. So having arrived (the how and such hardly matters, now does it?) you stare at the creature with wide blue eyes.

[say]"That tree is a portal. The inhabitants of this land will not view its destruction kindly. Even being tampered with, intentionally or not, is very likely to inspire anger and violence on the part of the human animals."[/say]

You pause, holding open your notebook. [say]"If you can give some indication of your level of understanding or preferred method of communication, that would be very helpful."[/say]

Oia oia's at it.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Kaimana - 01-14-2020

You follow your sister into misadventure as always, peering around her to where the luxere sits among a sea of flames.

Huh, this is definitely not super usual.

[say]"I could try'n increase its sentience, but I'd hafta get closer,"[/say] you say, though that might be difficult given the large amounts of fire currently surrounding the thing. Reaching out with your mind you gently nudge a few of the plants near the fire out of the way, trying to create a barren path to allow the luxere to get out - or you to get in.

Kai attempts to move away all the plants in front of the luxere to make a no burn zone

RE: won't you come see about me? - Jigano - 01-14-2020

A blaze, in Longheat? Hardly the first, but something about it drew Jigano into the Greatwood, Isuma curled around his shoulders as he loped with easy grace to the tree where he had met Arduinna. Though the spirit within had been snuffed the portal remained behind, reminder of what had been lost. Where more would be lost, if they couldn't calm the blaze, and he was relieved to see Deimos already there. The General's gift for fire was a blessing, he hoped, perhaps able to tame the inferno, and he left the big man to his task. Instead he stopped near Kaimana, nodding grimly to the young man and watching what he was doing. After a moment's thought the bard concentrated on creating raw earth with nothing in it to burn atop the root of the blaze along the path the demigod was building, attempting to smother the fire and help create the pathway he indicated.

Jigano uses mastered earth magic to create dirt along Kaimana's desired path to try and smother the blaze

RE: won't you come see about me? - Wessex - 01-14-2020

She knows she’s not welcome there. She knows it’s forbidden.

But there is something dangerous happening in the Greatwood - she can hear it, the crackling of flame amongst the drybrush. She can smell it, the acrid tang of a fire that is not for cooking. Wessex hisses to herself and closes her eyes, knowing that she can escape if need be, but perhaps - perhaps some kind of blanket atonement can be applied here. Perhaps intentions can be recognized where they were not before.

And then there’s the fire. Wessex teleports in, arriving behind Deimos, and casts her cloak aside. She comes to his side and tries to feed off his fire magic, adding her own, slight control of it to his mastered manipulation, while staying far enough from the fire so as to not endanger her fluid. [say] “Following your lead, General.”[/say] Which means she’ll need verbal directions. With 95% of her concentration on the fire, she manages to pull Remi’s crystal from beneath her breastplate and hold it towards the General.[say] “Spare some fire magic in case shit gets bad?”[/say] she asks, hoping he can direct a little her way, and then she can double his efforts in the next moment.

If worse comes to worse - if she can get close enough, she can take the source elsewhere. But she doesn't really want to risk touching the firey luxere and dying if she doesn't have to.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Neron - 01-14-2020

Call Neron crazy, but a fire was actually cause for excitement in his eyes. Yes, yes, he would try to put it out (making a good impression and all that), but it was so unusual for a blaze to catch in Halo that a sight like this was almost welcome. He approached on silent feet; around him strangers and familiar faces (hi Wessex) were already trying to offer what help they could.

And so Neron joined in. An effort of willpower sent arcs of ice between the earth and the fire, cooling the area and giving those who would wield the flames more room to work their magic. At the same time, he attempted to quell the blaze in those places where the fire had already begun to do damage.

Neron adds mastered water to Deimos and Jigano’s attempts with earth and fire to create ice to cool the blaze.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Abasi - 01-14-2020

Abasi had been working late in the mortuary, finishing the last of the work on the bodies after Fiat Lux...and had found himself reluctant to return home right away. Maybe it was his recent conflicts with Loren or maybe it was just a desire to clear his mind - either way, he began to wander up into the Outskirts, looking up into the sky and thinking over everything. His meeting with Ludo, his time with Loren, the continually shifting truths and beliefs surrounding his Gods...

The smell of burning wood hit him at once and he saw the pillar of smoke only a moment after, pouring out from the Greatwood; before he could think of what he was doing he was rushing towards it, wanting to help even if he wasn't sure how. It seemed he had not been the only one coming forward to assist as he found the wood full of magic users and helpers.

He did not have the same magical ability as the others, but he could still try to assist. Fire of this magnitude struck him as unusual, possibly the result of some kind of malicious enchantment. Kneeling to the ground he placed his hand on the floor of the forest and whispered a purifying prayer, hoping to cleanse or at least lessen anything Dark surging through the burning woods.

Abasi stays back from the fire but tries to use his Purify magic to weaken any dark magic responsible for the flames.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Loren - 01-16-2020

After all the news about fires during LongHeat, Loren wasn’t even surprised to find one springing up in the Greatwood. He was surprised by some of the people who’d shown up to combat it. Deimos and Jigano made sense, but basically no one else did for one reason or another.

Especially Neron and Abasi.

However, there wasn’t time to chat, or explain pleasantries, or anything like that, not with the blaze spreading as rapidly as it was. Raising both hands, Loren sent water towards the flames that were closest to the Mathair. Even if he missed, he was hoping to dampen the ground around the former tree turned portal.

Loren attempts to put out the fires closest to the Mathair and dampen the ground to prevent it from spreading in that direction.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Random Event - 01-17-2020

The fire moves further, drifting on phantom winds as it reaches the dry wood of the low hanging branches of the Mathair. The flame drifts higher as the small thing realizes it’s not alone, as you all arrive. You see, the flame is a protection, it is safety–

it is destruction.

Suddenly, the flame begins to go out with the help of Deimos, Wessex, Neron, Abasi, and Loren; Kaimana manages to help avoid some of the spreading of the fire as the plants move away from the sweltering heat. And then the Luxere cries out in pain as soon as the smoke rises from where the flame has died. You can all see it now, how terrified it looks. How hurt it looks. It may shock you all as you quietly hear a hum of fear, high pitched and frantic as the Luxere begs you to stop putting out the flame.

You must decide, do you put out the flame at the expense of the Luxere… Or do you save the Mathair from destruction?

Deimos, Kaimana, Jigano, Wessex, Neron, Abasi, and Loren all manage to put out a fair amount of the flame but it’s still climbing up the branches.

Oia gets hit by the fire.

Deimos: 196/196
Oia: 37/50
Kai: 54/54
Jigs: 340/340
W: 80/80
Neron: 75/75
Abasi: 26/26
Loren: 140/140

Fire: 285.5/500

No post order

You have 48 hours to reply. Please summarize any action your character takes at the bottom of your post and whether they decide to put out the flame or if they stop.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Loren - 01-17-2020

As the luxere cried out in pain, Loren glanced over at it. His eyes tightened in sympathy. So he shifted his efforts with his water from the Mathair to himself. Covering himself with cold water until he was hopefully dripping, he ran forward, heedless of the flames all around. His goal was the luxere itself.

As he ran we called out. [say]"It's okay! We're going to help you."[/say] If he was able to approach, he'd skid to a halt. Then he would bend down to try and scoop it up. If successful, he would move as far away from the Mathair as he could manage with the luxere in his arms.

Loren covers himself with cold water, then tries to scoop up the luxere and move it away from the Mathair.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Abasi - 01-17-2020

The cry that came over the forest made Abasi look up to see the Luxere, the beast aflame from it's horns; he felt no pity. After all, if his magic had been effective (and it felt like it had worked somehow, that his hands had somehow contributed to the lessening of the flames) it meant the creature was using dark magic, something Abasi could not abide by.

They could not let the entire forest be engulfed for the sake of one animal. Abasi watched Loren run and try to grab the creature - assuming he was trying to take it away and out of the woods so it would no longer cause havoc, he ran instead towards the Mathair, aiming to get close enough to reach the trunk.

Hands on the bark he would try to cast his Purify spell again; he doubted his healing would do much at the low skill level he had with it and if there was any dark magic in the area, he would be helping.

Abasi goes to help the Mathair by trying to cast his purify spell on it with his hands.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Wessex - 01-17-2020

Things Wessex has learned since her last dangerous event: work as a team (which they’ve managed to do, yay!) and if you have a way to get a person or thing out, fucking get it out.

Out of the forest entirely.

As the luxere bleats in pain when the fire dies down, Wessex takes a step back - her meager efforts to control the flames paling in comparison to the others, she looks up at the Mathair and makes a spiteful decision. Let it burn. Nobody wants to use the portal to the Greatwood anyway, not with Delah about.

Her hand goes to the scale of the snake guardian, where it lives in a little pouch with her other valuables. And as Loren goes for the luxere, so does she, trying to beat him by teleporting to its side and then palming the Snake Guardian’s scale and touching it to the luxere, trying to take both her and the luxere to the nothingness in between the portals - where hopefully, nothing can catch fire.

W stops trying to fight the fire. Teleports to the luxere’s side and tries to use the Snake Guardian scale to take both of them to the portal in between place.

RE: won't you come see about me? - Jigano - 01-17-2020

It's alright, little one, Jigano tried to coax the creature, reaching out with his Beastmaster ability to try and soothe it, as Amalia had once soothed and controlled the luxere. But whether Loren or Wessex reached it first, it was out of his hands before he could even try to Heal it or do more, so instead he turned his attention to the remaining fire and the Mathair at its center. He lacked the water to try and put it out...

For now.

Come! he called, reaching out again to send his Beastmaster compulsion out into the Greatwood as far as it would reach, drawing as many bloatbeetles as he could manage to join them in fighting the blaze. He looked to Deimos, giving the General a nod of trust, knowing the big man had the best chance to handle the fire above, and meanwhile he moved through the (hopefully?) fading flames at the base of the tree to add his Healing power to Abasi's, combining it with his Earth magic and attempting to regrow and strengthen the Mathair against the damage caused by the flames.

Jigano uses his Beastmaster ability to try and compel any bloatbeetles in range to come to the Mathair. He then moves through the fire to the Mathair's trunk and uses combined Mastered Earth and Healing magic to try and heal the Mathair, hoping the new green wood beneath the flames will be harder to burn.