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[Open] Broken Memories - Printable Version

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[Open] Broken Memories - Phoebe - 02-10-2020

She hadn't been here in a long time. Too long in fact. Phoebe stood outside the now dilapidated barn that, once upon a time, she had thought would one day be her home. And for the moment, all she did was stare at it, the warm Longheat breeze blowing her hair about her shoulders. The color had already begun to fade. Weeds grew up where well kept grass and hoof-trodden dirt had once been. Dust obscured the windows, making them look frosty. Cobwebs instead of chopped logs filled the fire-stand outside. Pim gently nudged her hand, pulling her from her trance. Gently she patted his nose before stepping forward and opening the door.

Hinges squealed painfully, and inside was near black as pitch, save for the light pouring in from the opened door. Everything of value had already been taken, and what was left was covered with a thick layer of dust. And yet, to her eyes, she could still see the vivid colors, hear the squeal of children's laughter, smell the fire roaring in the cooking pit, feel the arms of a man gone too soon wrap around her from behind.

'Hey Bee, where ya been?'

His voice but a whisper in her mind, but with a distinct timbre and drawl uniquely Emmett's. A shiver ran down her spine, knowing full well he wasn't there. Not even his ghost, which surely Ludo had come for, being a devout Palmer boy. But the question was more haunting than any specter - where had she been? Where was she now? Her body was present but her soul and spirit where elsewhere, far and away, unreachable.

Again, Pim prompted her and she moved forward, feet shuffling on the earthen floor. She stopped in front of a small chest, opening it up and rifling through some old blankets and odds and ends, until a small pouch was found. A few seeds, overlooked and easily forgotten. She only knew they were there because she remembered the day he had placed them there - just some tomato seeds, really easy to grow, a great thing for the kids to practice planting with. She swallowed a lump in her throat, removing only one before returning the rest to the hiding spot. Upon closing the lid she pocketed the small seed for safekeeping with the other two she had collected.

And now what? She turned and looked at the empty barn again, wishing that the echo of boots on the ground was real and not all in her head.

RE: [Open] Broken Memories - Rillian - 02-11-2020

Sunlight warmed Rillian's rich golden hair and seemed to fuse into her deeply tanned skin, earning a smile from the healer as she strolled along an old, rundown path along the outskirts of the Woodlands. Some weeks had passed since she'd emerged there, and Rillian had settled into Caido as best she could. She still wore the garbs of a priestess that were her only connection to her homeland, but Rillian had been able to acquire new shoes and a basket that she used to gather new herbs in the woods each day.

She'd decided to explore this side of the forest to see if any new herb patches would appear. Her knowledge of Caido's plantlife was minimal at best, but through observation, detailed notes, and a little experimentation, Rillian was determined to learn how to heal with medicines as effectively as she used to with her magic. Rillian had still not fully come to understand the change in her own abilities, and she found it a source of frustration that her active mind and compassionate spirit were determined to resolve.

As her eyes scanned for any noticeable plant-life growing along the woods' edge, Rillian noticed a somewhat dilapidated structure, some sort of farmstead for livestock or to store grain, she thought. Curiosity spurred her on towards the old building, and she studied its form and angles with interest, fascinated by the shoddy materials that seemed so ineffectual compared to the polished marble and enormous blocks of sandstone used to build the structures of Eng'ahli, the city she'd known all her life before her journey to find the Portal in the Lake that had brought her here.

A noise drew Rillian's attention to the barn. She blinked and moved a little closer to the door, peeking through to see a silhouetted figure standing there.

"Oh," she said, a little startled. Rillian hadn't expected to find anyone out here. "Pardon me," she said respectfully as she stepped back from the barn door.

RE: [Open] Broken Memories - Phoebe - 02-15-2020

Phoebe startled at the sudden voice, pulling her away from the ghosts of her past. A gasp escaped her lips and Pim whirled around, roaring a warning at whoever had snuck up on them. [say]"Pim, hush!"[/say] Phoebe hissed, moving to go see who it was. She expected one of the neighbors but instead found someone completely unfamiliar. [say]"I-it's alright, sorry about Pim he's just loud."[/say] she said hurriedly.

[say]"I didn't mean to tresspass if you had claimed this..."[/say] she said quietly, looking down at the ground. How foolish of her to come out here and barge in, as if no one could have tried to make something of it for themselves.