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My cathedral is the badlands - Printable Version

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My cathedral is the badlands - Wessex - 02-21-2020

Too much sun; there’s just too much sun in Torchline to make Wessex feel comfortable being there for long. The Wraith hops back to Halo, appearing at the edge of the Sea of Glass in what a Halovian might consider obscenely little clothing. If she were normal, she’d be asking to freeze to death.

But Wessex is anything but normal and here, where she’s made some allies (and a singular friend of all things), the demi-god doesn’t might flaunting it a little. It’s kind of her signature thing, that and casual nonchalance about, well, just about everything. The wind that rips across the perpetually frozen water aggressively ruffles her hair and sends her loose garments flapping in her wake. She smiles, looking up at the grey sky and then to the Fangs, where the idea of mage glass and dragons still call.

There she lingers, looking up at the white-capped peaks with both awe and longing. In due time. Research first, lest her expedition end up like Amalia’s.

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Morgan - 02-21-2020

Torchline was interesting and well worth a longer trip, but Morgan had duties to attend to, and with the people that Neron had recently hired, she wasn't sure she trusted them to run the Citadel for any longer than a week. She had wrapped back up in her snow cloak and begun the walk down the mountain with a smile, finding that the trip away from her home had made her even more fond of it.

As she was getting closer to the Citadel, down in the valleys, she spotted a figure stood by the sea. Not the same girl as before, with the strange opinion of death; no, someone else entirely, another Outlander or at least someone not native to Halo. Pulling her cloak tightly around her and reaching for her sword at her hip, Morgan walked briskly down to see this person. Perhaps it was her absence from the land that caused this paranoia, perhaps a sense of something not quite right - the spirits did not seem entirely happy.

Stopping a few feet away, she leaned on her sword and looked the woman up and down. [say]"Who are you?"[/say]

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Wessex - 02-24-2020

Huh. Someone she doesn’t know. Whomever she is, she approaches with authority, and Wessex is glad to see it’s a woman. More women should walk like that. Turning to face the redhead with the sword, The Wraith stands her ground and waits until the other approaches, serving up a look as appraising as the one she’s subject to.

[say] “I’m Wessex,”[/say] she replies simply, hands clasped loosely in front of her.[say] “Who are you?”[/say]

While many Halovians know of her – and even though she’s friendly with Neron – it wouldn’t surprise the Grounder to hear that not everyone in Halo has taken note. She is not so egotistical as to think of herself in that way… yet. Not here.

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Morgan - 02-24-2020

'Wessex' was the simple answer, not one that told her much. The only thing that tipped Morgan off as to whether she would like this woman was the flash, momentary, of a fang in her mouth; she could not be sure if she'd seen it or not, but if she had...well. She already had plenty of pre-formed opinions of The Voice's followers, and it would be difficult for Wessex to overcome them.

Suspicion heavy on her features, she answered nonetheless, hoping it might intimidate. [say]"I am Morgan Aristomache, Captain of the Citadel Guard."[/say] No point saying Deepfrost Shields to a foreigner who would not know what the team was. [say]"I am sworn to protect the Citadel from any outside threats. Are you from the Hollowed Ground?"[/say] The implication, she hoped, was obvious enough: Don't be an outside threat.

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Wessex - 02-25-2020

The Wraith is used to suspicion and adapts, standing loosely at ease while the woman declares her name, status, and purpose. Well. Good for her. She likes to see women in positions of power. But the message and delivery are a little on the nose, and she has to pull back the impulse to roll her eyes.[say] “Mmmm, have you given Zariah Launceleyn that schpiel? She’s probably your biggest threat, and she’s already inside the Citadel, so…”[/say] Wessex ain’t saying that the Captain failed, because she imagines that her orders come directly from Neron, but… unless a half-Ursur, half-human comes charging up to the Citadel, the landscape here does a lot of the protecting for the Guard.

Perhaps she ought to turn her eyes inward for a moment.

A shrug. Tit for tat.[say] “I’m a Grounder, born and bred, and certainly no threat to you or Halo, Captain. I’m also a former Queen and the Voice’s demi-god, sworn to protect the Ascended from threats.”[/say] Blatantly copying Morgan’s phrasing, she throws it right back to the soldier, with hopefully the same implication: do not be an outside threat.There’s absolutely no reason for the Ascended and the Halovians to be at odds with each other.

Smiling lightly, the Wraith continues, laying down her trump card (which may or may not actually be one, but at least it gives her some validity in this moment). [say] “Feel free to ask Neron about me, if you have your doubts.”[/say]

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Morgan - 03-07-2020

It seemed everyone had an opinion on Zariah; honestly Morgan was getting tired of hearing the woman's name. Still, she understood the suspicion she'd heard from many surrounding the archmage, so she nodded. [say]"You are correct. I have been keeping a cautious eye on Zariah."[/say] Stating there was division within the Citadel council was likely a bad idea, but she couldn't shake her own doubts about the mage and found the words often fought their own way out of her.

The word 'Ascended' immediately put her hackles up, but then Wessex rightly thought it prudent to mention Neron. The tension leaving Morgan in a sigh she stared for a moment, unsure of how to progress. The world had changed so in only a few months and now she did not know where any of it stood.

[say]"A Demi-God, from the fake Goddess."[/say] She spoke bitterly, with a slight question to it. [say]"We are not used to your kind here."[/say]

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Wessex - 03-14-2020

Well at least the Captain isn’t a total imbecile. Wessex’s lips tighten into a small, hard smile at the concession about Zariah, staying there through the insult about the Voice. She doesn’t miss the woman’s tensing and subsequent untensing, but it isn’t enough to excuse the words.

Whether or not your kind means Ascended or Demi-gods or both, the Wraith doesn’t know. [say] “And yet we’re uniquely suited for Halo,”[/say] she replies, not quite challenging though there is a slight tilt to her head. She understand the territorial nature of Naturals, having walked around the Ground for a year or so with her own hackles raised at the Outlanders. Sometimes they’re still up.

[say] “We could be great allies.”[/say]

And who wouldn’t want people on their side who could stand watch in the cold far longer than any human? Who could see in the dark of Deepfrost? Could run as fast as an Ursur? They’d be fools to want otherwise.

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Morgan - 03-14-2020

Wessex claimed that she was 'uniquely suited' for Halo, a statement that made Morgan's eyebrows raise. She was not educated on the features of the Ascended beyond the basic information that they drank blood and did not feel pain. As someone that had made it a mission to know her land, to breath the mountains and the snow and be a part of the world around her...the idea that a new set of people would come in and declare themselves suited to it. Hm. Didn't sit well.

[say]"What do you think makes you 'suited' to Halo?"[/say] She asked, trying to keep the judgement out of her voice but not entirely succeeding.

As for being allies, that was also a bizarre notion, one that begged a question in particular. [say]"Allies against whom?"[/say]

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Wessex - 03-16-2020

What makes them suited to Halo? Wessex chuckles, opening her arms wide so the Guard can take a good look at her comparatively scanty clothing. How could the implications be missed? [say] “Isn’t it obvious? ”[/say] If it’s not, she can elaborate, but the Wraith can’t possibly know that Morgan doesn’t know their other tricks.

The judgement, however, begins to grate on the Wraith’s ears. So at Morgan’s next question, she crosses her arm and raises her brow ever so slightly.[say] “Didn’t know we needed a common enemy to be allies. Purely the fact that we can withstand the cold better than others should be enough.”[/say] She shakes her head in mock dismay.[say] “Cold kills. Deepfrost must be terrible here. But your tone betrays your disdain.”[/say] Tsk-ing quietly to herself, Wessex takes a few steps forward, giving the Captain a wide berth as she moves to leave.

Why stick around for ignorance?

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Morgan - 03-18-2020

Looking over what Wessex was wearing, Morgan quickly pieced together that it seemed like the cold wasn't effecting her; the thought made her uncomfortable. Yet another part of humanity missing, an unnatural advantage. [say]"...Mm. You do not feel the cold at all?"[/say] She asked, clearly not impressed by the fact.

It was true that they didn't need an enemy to be allies...Wessex stepped forward to leave and Morgan sighed, stepped forward and held up a hand to try and make her stop. She was acting foolishly, she knew - letting her own instinctive disgust get in the way of finding out more about a potential enemy...or friend, she supposed, even if the thought made her internally recoil.

[say]"...I apologise. I am unused to the idea of people like you and it unnerves me, frankly."[/say] Looking up, Morgan met Wessex's eyes. [say]"But I should be willing to learn more rather than turn away. Would you stay and tell me more?"[/say]

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Wessex - 03-26-2020

[say] “Amongst other things,”[/say] she says with a nod, though that single acquiescence doesn’t stop her from starting to leave.

The apology itself stops her, one foot in front of the other, and she turns her head to hear what else the Captain has to say. Unfortunately, as she continues, Wessex rolls her eyes.[say] “You mean people. Period. We are people, Captain.”[/say] Her eyes flash, cold as the mountains they’re surrounded by. Even in her anger, she manages to hold on to courtesies.[say] “Unless you call the Attuned animals, too?”[/say] Still, something keeps her from either storming off or teleporting and leaving a void where she stands.

[say] “I can meet you somewhere in Snowcloak. Name the time and place.”[/say] Looking off towards the Citadel and surrounding area, Wessex makes her offer, testing to see if Morgan is genuine or just placating the demi-god.

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Morgan - 04-01-2020

Wessex did turn to listen to her apology, but did not seem to take it well. Morgan thought the distinction made was a petty one when the woman full well knew what she meant; with a sigh she waved her hand in a whatever kind of motion. [say]"I am not denying your personhood. You are, however, different to what I would consider the average, alive human. It would be difficult for you to convince me otherwise."[/say] They didn't breathe, she didn't even know if their hearts beat; she'd heard from some that they didn't feel.

Snowcloak? Feeling like she was agreeing to some kind of duel, Morgan nodded. [say]"Tomorrow, 10 am? Just inside the main gate. There's a few benches there."[/say] Because ideally, they would just be sitting and talking.

RE: My cathedral is the badlands - Wessex - 04-08-2020

Petty, yes, but for a woman who usually refrains from pettiness, sometimes you just have to let it loose. Given that Amalia is somewhat protected from it, Melita and Jigano avoid her, and most everyone else knows better than to provoke her… it seems like Morgan is the unlucky recipient today. She simply nods in acquiescence to the Captain’s point. They are different. Better. But the Captain probably wouldn’t want to hear that opinion.

[say] “Tomorrow, then. Good day, Captain.”[/say] Wessex blinks out of sight without offering the woman a lift back to the Citadel, though to be honest, who knows where she’s going right now?

{Fin - will start the next one}